- 中文名称 潘秋红
- 出生日期 1966年8月
- 毕业院校 中国农业大学
- 学位/学历 博士
- 专业方向 果树学
铁钢你这具题检 1986年7月,华南热带作物学院热带作物专业本科毕业,获来自农学学士学位;
2012.远按雨医09-2013.09 在美国农业部农业研究服务署葡萄遗传研究中心(GGRU,USDA-A架排民降另西世雷缩味钱RS)做访问学者,开展气候对葡萄香气品质代谢组和转录组影响研究。
中外葡萄与葡萄酒 杂志编委
中国酿造 杂志编委
热带生物学报 杂志编委
来自 截止2018年12既道升己令女磁月月,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目5项、省部级科研项目3项、企业研发项目8项;参加各类科研项目和研发项目10多项。
1. Zhan360百科g Zhen-Zhen, Li Xiao-Xi, Zhu Bao-Qing, Wen Y然核村如反a-Qin, Du武须法集虽着法an Chang-Qing, Pan Qiu-Hong* (2011)Molecular characterization and expression analysis on two isogenes encoding 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase in grapes. Molecular Biology Reports, 38 (7): 4739-4747.
2. Wu Y卫句u-Wen, Zhu Bao-Qing, Tu Cui, Duan, Chang-Qing, Pan Qiu-Hong*.(201以犯铁训聚液出云也顾1)Generation of Volatile Compounds in Litchi Wine during Winemaking and Short-Term Bottle 燃行块鲁存检思责Storage. Journ衡之市纪年al of Agricultural and 离能执落战夫苦必验防见Food Chemistry, 59 (9): 4923-4931.
3. Yan镇顶答律雷情算章乙g Yu-Mei, Duan Chang-Qing, Du Hui-Juan, Tian Juan-Juan, Pan 久均黄练留Qiu-Hong * (2010) Trace and rare-earth 告案斤须办element pro就察走高file in variou案站及口长钱优关友s berry tissues of Cabernet Sauvignon, 收变酒那依色Marselan and Italian Riesling American Journal of Enology and Viticultu缺统西款表带胜限简业re. 61(3): 401-40妒了细7. (1.171)
4. Wen Ya-Qin, Li Ji永植激ng-Ming, Zhang Zh开相现武装en-Zhen, Zhang Yan-Fang, Pan Qiu-Hong *(2010) Antibody preparation, gene expression and subcellular localization of L-idonic acid dehydrogenase in grape berry Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry. 2010, 2413-2417
5. Li Zheng, Pan Qiu-Hong*, Jin Zan-Min, Mu Lin, Duan Chang-Qing (2010) Comparison on phenolic compounds in Cabernet Sauvignon wines from 5 winemaking regions in China Food Chemistry. 2010, 125: 77-83
6. Liu Yan-Xia, Pan Qiu-Hong*, Yan Guo-Liang, He Jian-Jun, Duan Chang-Qing (2010) Changes of Flavan-3-ols with different polymerization degrees in seeds of Shiraz, Cabernat Sauvagnon and Marselan from veraison to harvest Molecules. 2010, 15: 7763-7774.
7. Pan Qiu-Hong, Cao Peng, Duan Chang-Qing (2009) Comparison of enzymes involved in sugar metabolism from Shang-24 (V. quinguangularis) and Cabernet Sauvignon (V. vinifers) at veraison Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 15: 9-17.
8. Pan Qiu-Hong, Wang Lei, Li Jing-Ming(2009)Amounts and Subcellular Localization of Stilbene Synthase in Response of Grape Berries to UV Irradiation Plant Science. 176: 360-366
9. Wu Yu-Wen, Pan Qiu-Hong*, Qu Wen-Jun, Duan Chang-Qing. (2009) Comparison of volatile profiles of nine litchi (Chinensis Sonn.) cultivars from southern China. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57: 9676-9687.
10. He Fei, Pan Qiu-Hong*, Shi Ying, Duan Chang-Qing (2009) Identification of Autoxidation Oligomers of Flavan-3-ols in Model Solutions by HPLC-MS/MS. Journal of Mass Spectrometry 44 (5): 633-640
11. He Fei, Pan Qiu-Hong*, Shi Ying, Duan Chang-Qing (2008)Biosynthesis and Genetic Regulation of Proanthocyanidins in Plants. Molecules. 13(10): 2674-2703
12. Liu Yan, Pan Qiu-Hong*, Yang Hao-Ru, Liu Yan-Yan, Huang Wei-Dong (2008) Relationship Between H2O2 and JA in Pea Leaves Wounding Response, Russian Journal of Plant Physiology. 55(6): 765-775
16. He Fei, Pan Qiu-Hong*, Shi Ying, Duan Chang-Qing (2008) Chemical Synthesis of Proanthocyanidins in Vitro and Their Reactions in Aging Wines. Molecules 13(12): 3007-3032
17. Pan Qiu-Hong, Zhan Ji-Chen, Liu Hong-Tao, Zhang Jun-Huang, J Chen,ian-Ye ,Wen Peng-Fei, Huang.Wei-Dong (2006). Salicylic acid synthesized by benzoic acid 2-hydroxylase participates in the development of thermotolerance in pea plants. Plant Science. 171: 226-233.
18. Pan Qiu-Hong, Yu Xiang-Chun, Zhang Na, ouXun Z, Peng Chang-Cao, Wang Xiu-Ling, Zou Ke-Qin, Zhang Da-Peng (2006). Activity, but not expression, of soluble and cell wall-bound acid invertases is induced by abscisic acid in developing apple fruit. Journal of Integative Plant Biology.48 (5):536-549.
19. Pan Qiu-Hong, Li Mei-Jun, Peng Chang-Cao, Zhang Na, Zou Xun, Zou Ke-Qin, Wang Xiu-Lng, Yu,Xiang-Chun ,Wang Xiao-Fang, Zhang Da-Peng (2005). Abscisic acid activates acid invertases in developing grape berry. Physiologia Plantarum.147:157-170.
20. Gao Xiu-Ping, Pan Qiu-Hong*, Li Mei-Jun, Zhang Ling-Yun, Wang Xiao-Fang, Shen Yuan-Yue, Lu Yan-Fen, Chen Shang-Wu, Liang Zheng, Zhang Da-Peng (2004)Abscisic Acid is Involved in the Water Stress-Induced Betaine Accumulation in Pear Leaves. Plant and Cell Physiology. 45(6): 742–750
1. Li, X.-Y., Wen, Y.-Q., Meng, N., Qian, X., Pan,Q.-H*.,(2017) Monoterpenyl Glycosyltransferases Differentially Contribute to Production of Monoterpenyl Glycosides in Two Aromatic Vitisvinifera Varieties. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, 1226
2. Gao, Y.; Li, X.-X.; Han, M.-M.; Yang, X.-F.; Li, Z.; Wang, J.; Pan, Q.-H.*(2016) Rain-shelter cultivation modifies carbon allocation in the polyphenolic and volatile metabolism of Vitis vinifera L. Chardonnay Grapes. PLoS ONE, 11, e0156117.
3. Wen, Y.-Q.; Zhong, G.-Y.; Gao, Y.; Lan, Y.-B.; Duan, C.-Q.; Pan, Q.-H.*(2015), Using the combined analysis of transcripts and metabolites to propose key genes for differential terpene accumulation across two regions. BMC Plant Biology, 15, 1-22.
4. Gao, Y.; Tian, Y.; Liu, D.; Li, Z.; Zhang, X.-X.; Li, J.-M.; Huang, J.-H.; Wang, J.; Pan, Q.-H.*(2015), Evolution of phenolic compounds and sensory in bottled red wines and their co-development. Food Chemistry, 172, 565-574.
5. Xing, R.-R.; Li, S.-Y.; He, F.; Yang, Z.; Duan, C.-Q.; Li, Z.; Wang, J.; Pan, Q.-H.*(2015), Mass spectrometric and enzymatic evidence confirm the existence of anthocyanidin 3,5-O-Diglucosides in Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) grape berries. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,63, 3251-3260.
获得国家科技进步奖二等奖1项(2016年,第8完成人)、山西省自然科学奖一等奖1项(2013年,第4完成人)、新疆生产建设兵团科技进步奖一等奖1项(2018年,第8完成人)、中国酒业协会技术发明奖一等奖1项(2016年,第2完成人)、中国食品工业协会科技进步奖特等奖1项(2016年,第3完成人);授权发明专利1项; 主译译著1本。