- 中文名称 燕国梁
- 国籍 中国
- 民族 汉
- 出生日期 1976年2月16日
- 职业 教师
1996.9-2000-7 江南大学生物工程学院发酵工程专业, 工学学士
2000.9-2003-7 江南大学生物工程学院发酵工程专业, 工学硕纪给笔严府士
2003.9-2006-7 江南大学生物工程学院发酵工程专业, 工学博士
2006-7-至今 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院
2009.3-2010.3 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学Kluyver工业微生物发酵及基因组研究所 访问学者
2、高等学校博士学科点青年教师专项科研基金: 葡萄酒酵母代谢对原花色素变化的影响及其官调控机制(20070019049);
4、教育部烈内讲高校基本科研业务费专项基鱼集安真但衣迅加杆金: 利用反向代谢工程的策略提高重组酿酒酵母中β-胡萝卜素合成水平的研究 (2010JS082价儿问风香志结抗员然);
坚较合沙法研区凯 1、Guoliang Yan, Hengyu Liang, Zhiqun Wang, XiaofanYang, Dan Liu, Jinfu Liu,Changqing Duan. Important role of c交其效价移红世听北atalase in the production of β-carotene by recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae under H2O2 360百科stress. Current Microbiology. 201置合映山损内1, 62: 1056特二号内掌木-1061.
2、Guoliang Yan, Hengyu Liang, Changqing Duan, Beizho农步苦批宁间善光坏龙ng Han. Enhanced production of β-Carotene by recombinant industrial wine yeast using grape juice as substrate. Current Microbiology. 2012, 64: 15管示苗既格论敌目印简植2-158.
3娘路而些凯北钢连群、Guoliang 久量Yan, Ke-rui Wen, Chang-qing Duan. Enhancement of β-carotene production by over-expression of HMG-CoA reductase coupled with addition of ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Current Microbiology. 2012, 64: 159-163.
4、Jingyuan Li, Weidong Hu检飞室立赶ang, Xiuq灯数际浓际促斤in Wang, Tian Tang, Zhaozhe Hua, Guoliang Yan (Corresponding author)Improvement of alcoholic fermentation by calcium ions under enological co打齐沙快较持nditions involves the increment of H+-ATPase a整素斗神更育攻息ctivity. Wo权候巴来rld Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2010, 26: 1181-1186.
5、Guoliang Yan, Zhaozhe Hua, Jian Chen. Roles of H2O2 and OH· radical in bactericidal action of immobilized TiO2 thin film reactor: An ESR study. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. 2009, 207: 153-159
6、Guoliang Yan, Jian Chen Zhaozhe Hua. Response of Bacillus sp. F26 to different reactive
oxygen species stress characterized by antioxidative enzymes synthesis, Chinese Journal of Biotechnology (English version). 2008, 24(4): 627-634.
7、Guoliang Yan, Guocheng Du , Yin Li , Jian Chen. Enhancement of microbial transglutaminase production by Streptoverticillium mobaraense: Application of a two-stage agitation speed control strategy, Process Biochemistry. 2005 40: 963-968.
8、Guoliang Yan, Zhaozhe Hua, Yin Li, Dengru Liu & Jian Chen. Enhanced catalase synthesis by a novel combined system of photocatalytic reactor and fermentor. Biotechnology Letters. 2005 27: 683-687.
9、Guoliang Yan, Zhaozhe Hua, Dengru Liu, Guocheng Du & Jian Chen. Influence of oxygen level on oxidative stress response of Bacillus sp. F26 to menadione. Process Biochemistry. 2006, 41:764-769.
10、Guoliang Yan, Zhaozhe Hua, Guocheng Du, Jian Chen. Adaptive response of Bacillus sp. F26 to hydrogen peroxide and menadione. Current microbiology. 2006, 52: 238-242.