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吴建军 ,男术设命空难,北京交通大学教授。研究领域为交通网络来自复杂性、轨道交通流特性。

  • 中文名称 吴建军
  • 国籍 中国
  • 学位/学历 博士
  • 职务 博士生导师
  • 性别 男


  研究方向 交通网络复杂性、轨道来自交通流特性

  招生专业 硕士生360百科专业:交通运输规划与管理、系统分析与集





  本科生课程: 《数据分析方法及应用》

  顺施钢凯虽磁汉片宜完研究生课程: 《复杂网络及其应用》、《交通规划与设计》


  国家自然科学基金通讯评议人,《山东科学》区吧青甚做著越都编委、《Information Science》,《Physica A》,《Internation Journal of Modern Ph来自ysics B》、《Modern Physics Letters B》及《西安交通大学学报》等学术期刊审稿人。


  1、吴建军. "城市交通网络拓扑结构复杂性研究"获2010年全国优秀博士360百科学位论文。







  1、Wu Jianjun, Sun Huijun and Gao Ziyou. Topological-based bottleneck analysis and improve-ment strategies for traffic networ乎阶印难副载改法色ks, Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 52 (10): 2814-2822. 限故住继子问积技雨业(SCI检索)

  2、Wu Ji孔终供马anjun, Sun Huiju执底马振概n, Gao Ziyou and Zhang Haozhi. 况异Reversible lane和硫老笑省-based traffic network optimization with an advanced traveler inf延电ormation syst你液最奏维广站em, Engineering Optimization前围谁观跑孔白气胞, 2009,41(1): 87-97. (SCI检索)

  3、Wu Jianjun, Sun Huijun 品热海粮and Gao Ziyou. Capacity assignment model to defense cascading failures, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 20(7): 991-999.

  4、Si Bingfeng, Zhong Ming, Su清策差唱都冲排万度毛n Huijun, Gao Ziyou. 2009, Equi误选松征叫放三右librium model and algorithm of urban tran输丝sit assignment based on augmented network. Science in China Series E, 52(11): 3158-3167.

  6、Sun Huijun, Zhao Hui and Wu Jianjun. 2008, A robust matching model of capacity to defense cascading failure on complex networks. Physica A, 387 (25): 6431-6435. (SCI全文检索)

  7、Sun Huijun, Gao Ziyou and Wu Jianjun. 2008, A bi-level programming model and solution algorithm for the location of logistics distribution centers. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 32(4): 610~616. (SCI全文检索)

  8、Sun Huijun, Wu Jianjun and Gao Ziyou. 2008, Dynamics of traffic networks: From microscopic and macroscopic perspectives. Physica A, 387(7): 1648~1654.(SCI全文检索)

  9、Wu Jianjun, Sun Huijun and Gao Ziyou. 2008, Long-range correlations of density fluctuations in the Kerner-Klenov-Wolf cellular automata three-phase traffic flow model. Physical Review E, 78: 036103. (SCI全文检索)

  10、Wu Jianjun, Sun Huijun and Gao Ziyou. 2008, Dynamic urban traffic flow behavior on scale free networks. Physica A, 387(3): 653-660. (SCI全文检索)

  11、Wu Jianjun, Gao Ziyou and Sun Huijun. 2008, Optimal traffic network topology: a complex network perspective. Physica A, 387(4): 1025-1032. (SCI全文检索)

  13、Li Yanlai, Sun Huijun and Wu Jianjun. 2008, Dynamics behaviors of scale-free networks with elastic demand. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 19(8): 1305-1313. (SCI全文检索)

  14、Wu Jianjun, Gao Ziyou and Sun Huijun. 2008, Statistical Properties of Individual Choice Behaviors on Urban Traffic Networks. Journal of transportation systems engineering and information technology, 8(2): 69-74. (EI全文检索)

  15、Sun Huijun, Si Bingfeng and Wu Jianjun,Combined model for flow assignment and mode split in two-modes traffic network. Journal of transportation systems engineering and information technology, 2008, 8(4): 77-82. (EI全文检索)

  16、Sun Huijun, Wu Jianjun and Gao Ziyou. 2007, Dynamics of routing mechanisms on traffic networks. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 18(11): 1775-1782. (SCI全文检索)

  18、Wu Jianjun, Sun Huijun , Gao Ziyou and Li Shubin. 2007, Effects of route guidance systems on small-world networks. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 18( 8) :1243-1250. (SCI全文检索)

  19、Sun Huijun and Wu Jianjun. 2007, Evolution of network from nodes dividing and generation. Chinese Physics, 16(6): 1581-1585. (SCI全文检索)

  21、Wu Jianjun, Gao Ziyou and Sun Huijun. 2007, Effects of the cascading failures on scale-free traffic networks. Physica A, 387(2): 505-511. (SCI全文检索)

  22、Wu Janjun, Sun Huijun and Gao Ziyou. 2007, Cascading failures on weighted urban traffic equilibrium networks. Physica A, 386: 407-413. (SCI全文检索)

  23、Wu Jianjun, Gao Ziyou and Sun Huijun. 2007, Strength Dynamics of Weighted Evolving Networks. Chinese Physics, 16(1): 47-50. (SCI全文检索)

  25、Sun Huijun and Wu Jianjun. 2006, A New Approach for Ranking Fuzzy Numbers based on Fuzzy Simulation Analysis Method. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 174: 755-767. (SCI全文检索和EI全文检索)

  26、Sun Huijun and Wu Jianjun. 2006, Complex Behavior for the Origin and Destination Matrixes Estimation Problem. Chinese Physics Letters, 23(8): 2323-2326. (SCI全文检索)

  27、Gao Ziyou, Wu Jianjun and Sun Huijun. 2005, Solution Algorithm for the Bi-level Discrete Network Design Problem. Transportation Research, Part B,39(4): 479-495. (SCI全文检索和EI全文检索)

  28、Sun Huijun and Wu Jianjun. 2005, Scale-Free Characteristics of Supply Chain Distribution Networks. Modern Physics Letters B, 19(17): 841-848. (SCI全文检索)

  29、Sun Huijun and Wu Jianjun. 2005, Urban Traffic Congestion Spreading in Small World Networks. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 19(28):4239-4246. (SCI全文检索)

  30、Wang Chaoyang, Wu Jianjun, Gao Ziyou. Properties of Bottleneck on Complex Networks. Communications in Theoretical Physics, In press. (SCI检索)

  31、吴建军, 徐尚义, 孙会君. 混合交通流时间序列的去趋势波动分析. 物理学报, In press. (SCI检索)

  32、李树彬,吴建军, 高自友, 林勇. 基于复杂网络的交通拥堵与传播动力学分析. 物理学报, In press. (SCI检索)


  1、Jiang Yang, Wu Jianjun, Sun Huijun. Performance evaluation model for traffic networks, The 7th international conference on traffic and transportation studies, 2010.

  2、Xu Shang-yi Sun Hui-jun Wu Jian-jun, Time series analysis with mixed traffic flow: A complex visibility graph method, International Conference on Traffic and Granular Flow, 2009.

  3、Wu Jianjun, Sun Huijun and Gao Ziyou. Mapping to Complex Networks from Chaos Time Series in the Car Following Model, The 6th international conference on traffic and transportation studies, 2008.




