男,博士(后),教授,博士生导师,河南省政府特殊津贴专 家、河南省特聘教授 、河南省高层次人才 、"煤层气储层物性及其地质控制"河南省高校科技创新团队带头人 、河南省教育厅学术技术带头人、河南省高校科技创新人才 。《天然气工业》编委 。
- 中文名称 潘结南
- 国籍 中国
- 主要成就 河南省特聘教授
- 代表作品 l
- 职称 教授
更 近年来主持国家来自自然科学基金(4 项)、中国科学院战略先导科技专项子课题(2 项)和河南省高校科技创新团队等国家级和省部级科研项目 10 余项,获新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步一等奖(排名第 2)、河南省自然科学奖二等
奖(排名第 360百科1)各一项。主要从事煤层气与煤系气地质与勘探开发、CO2 地质埋存与碳减排、力解产气及 CO2 吸附分子动州切征弦力学模拟等方面的研究。
1. 脱其和航轮包Xianglong Wan洲察亮但全微变g,Jienan 宣二鲁只元室保山错Pan*,Kai 随承损百Wang, Pengwei Mou, Jianxin Li. Fracture vari依跳输识控角ation in high民营-rank coal inducedby hydraulic fracturing using X-ray computer tomography and digital volume correlation,International Journal 队源居持义要注时科of coal geology,2022, 252, 103942
2. Pan, J*各轴的买品渐最., Mou, P., 环看外例入京服写盐Ju, Y*., Wang, K., Zhu, Q., Ge, T., & Yu, K. Micro-nano-scale pore stimulation of coalbed methane reservoirs caused by hydraulic fracturing experiments. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2022, 110512.
3. Pengwei M吸差殖哥完话面编巴信ou, Jienan Pa解临同飞殖免星移清n*, Kai Wang, J让算iang Wei, Yanhui Yang, Xianglong Wang. Influences of hydra岁急ulic fracturing on microfractures of后永两呼引印理high-rank coal under different in-situ stres热均推南早样送重那更s conditions, Fuel, 2021, 287, 119566
4. Yanhui Yang, Jienan Pan*, Quanlin Hou, Kai Wang, Xianglong Wang. Stressdegradation mechanism of coal macromolecular structure: Insights from moleculardynamics simulation and quantum chemistry calculations. Fuel, 2021, 303: 121258
5. Jienan Pan*,Taoyuan Ge, Weiqing Liu, Kai Wang, Xianglong Wang, Pengwei Mou, Wei Wu, YongbinNiu. Organic matter provenance and depositional watermass conditions of transitionalfacies coal and mudstone in Yangquan coalfield, China: insights from petrologyand geochemistry, Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2021,104076
6. Haichao Wang, Xinghua Shi, Jijun Tian, Jienan Pan*, Liping Yao, Xinke Feng. Thepromotion of tectonic stress on coalification: Evidence from coal molecularchemistry and petrology, Energy & Fuels, 2021,35, 8711-8722
7. PengweiMou, Jienan Pan*, Qinghe Niu, Zhenzhi Wang, Yunbo Li, Dangyu Song. Coalpores: methods, types, and characteristics. Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35, 9, 7467–7484
8. Rui Wang,Yanhui Yang, Jienan Pan*, Guofu Li. Network fracturing technology ofhydraulic fracturing in coalbed methane reservoir based on induced stress, ArabianJournal of Geosciences, 2021,14:351
9. Rui Wang, Jienan Pan*, Zhenzhi Wang*, Guofu Li, Taoyuan Ge, Hedan Zheng, XianglongWang. Influence of in-situ stress on well test permeabilityand hydraulic fracturing of the Fanzhuang Block, Qinshui Basin,Energy& Fuels, 2021, 35, 3, 2121–2133
10. Wan,X., Yang, Y., Jia, B., & Pan, J. (2021). Simulation of GasProduction Mechanisms in Shear Deformation of Medium-Rank Coal. ACS Omega.
11. Kai Wang, Jienan Pan*, Enying Wang, QuanlinHou, Yanhui Yang, Xianglong Wang. Potential impact of CO2 injection into coalmatrix in molecular terms, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 401,126071
12. Xianglong Wang, JienanPan*, Kai Wang, Taoyuan Ge, Jiang Wei, Wei Wu. Characterizing the shape,size, and distribution heterogeneity of pore-fractures in coal based on X-rayCT and mercury injection porosimetry, Fuel, 2020,282,118754
13. Yanhui Yang, Jienan Pan*, Kai Wang, Quanlin Hou. Macromolecular structuralresponse of Wender coal under tensile stress via molecular dynamics. Fuel,2020, 265,116938
14. TaoyuanGe, Jienan Pan*, Kai Wang, Weiqing Liu, Pengwei Mou, Xianglong Wang. Heterogeneityof pore structure of late Paleozoic transitional facies coal-bearing shale innorth China and its main controlling factors. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020,122:104710
15. QingzhongZhu, Xianglong Wang, Yinqing Zuo, Jienan Pan*,Yiwen Ju*, Xufeng Su, Kun Yu,HuiMa, Shengfa Mao, Wei Guo. Effects of high rank coal matrix expansion on fracturestructure and permeability based on CT image processing techniques. Energy and Fuels,2020, 34, 10801−10809
16. XinghuaShi, Jienan Pan*, Longlong Pang, Rui Wang, Guofu Li, Jijun Tian, HaichaoWang. 3D microfracture network and seepage characteristics of low-volatilitybituminous coal based on nano-CT, Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering,2020, 83, 103556
17. Pan Jienan*, Lv Minmin,Hou Quanlin, Han yuzhen, Wang Kai. Coal microcrystalline structural changes relatedto methane adsorption/desorption. Fuel, 2019, 239: 13-23.
18.Qinghe Niu, JienanPan*, Yi Jin, Haichao Wang, Meng Li, Zhongmin Ji, Kai Wang, Zhenzhi Wang. Fractalstudy of adsorption-pores in pulverized coals with various metamorphism degreesusing N2 adsorption, X-ray scattering and image analysis methods. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2019, 176: 584-593
19. Zhenzhi Wang, Jienan Pan, Quanlin Hou,Qinghe Niu, Jijun Tia, Haichao Wang, Xuehai Fu. Changes in the anisotropicpermeability of low-rank coal under varying effective stress in Fukang mining area,China. Fuel, 2018,234,1481-1497
20. Xinghua Shi, Jienan Pan*,Quanlin Hou, Yi Jin, ZhenzhiWang, Qinghe Niu, Meng Li. Micrometer-scale fractures in coal related to coalrank based on micro-CT scanning and fractal theory. Fuel, 2018,212,162-172
21. ZhenzhiWang, Jienan Pan*,QuanlinHou,BenshengYu,MengLi,QingheNiu.Anisotropic characteristics of low-rank coal fractures in the Fukang mining area, China. Fuel,2018,211, 182-193
22. Pan Jienan*, Lv minmin, Bai Heling, Quanlin Hou, Meng Li,Zhenzhi Wang. Effects of metamorphism and deformation on the coalmacromolecular structure by Laser Raman Spectroscopy, Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31 (2):1136–1146
23. Pan Jienan*, Peng Chao, Wan Xiaoqiang, Zheng Deshun, LvRunsheng, Wang Kai. Pore structure characteristics of coal-bearing organicshale in Yuzhou coalfield, China using low pressure N2 adsorption and FESEMmethods. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 153: 234-243
25. Pan Jienan*, Niu Qinghe,Wang Kai, Shi Xinghua, Li Meng. The closed pores of tectonically deformed coalstudied by small-angle X-ray scattering and liquid nitrogen adsorption. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2016,224:245-252
26. Pan Jienan*, Wang Kai,Hou quanlin, Niu Qinghe, Wang Haichao, Ji Zhongmin. Micro-pores and fracturesof coals analysed by field emissionscanning electron microscopy and fractal theory. Fuel, 2016,164:277-285
27. Pan Jienan*, Wang Sen, JuYiwen, Hou Quanlin, Niu Qinghe, Wang Kai, Li Meng, Shi Xinghua. Quantitativestudy of the macromolecular structures of tectonically deformed coal using high-resolutiontransmission electron microscopy, Journal of NaturalGas Science and Engineering, 2015, 27: 1852-1862
28. Pan Jienan*, Zhu Haitao, HouQuanlin, Wang Haichao, Wang Sen. Macromolecular and pore structures of Chinesetectonically deformed coal studied by atomic force microscopy. Fuel, 2015,139:94-101
29. Pan Jienan*, Sun Teng, Hou Quanlin,Cao Yunxing, Deng Xiaowei. Examination of the formation phases of coalbedmethane reservoirs in the Lu'an mining area (China) based on a fluid inclusionanalysis and Ro method. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015 22: 73-82
30. Pan Jienan*, Zhao Yanqing, HouQuanlin, Jin Yi. Nanoscale pores in coal related to coal rank and deformationstructures. Transport in Porous Media, 2015,107:543-554
31. Wang Haichao, PanJienan*, Wang Sen, Zhu Haitao. Relationship between macro-fracture density,P-wave velocity, and permeability of coal, Journal ofApplied Geophysics, 2015,117: 111–117
32. Pan Jienan*, Wang Haichao, Wang kai, Niu Qinghe. Relationshiop offractures in coal with lithotype and thickness of coal lithotype. Geomechanicsand Engineering, 2014, 6(6):613-624
33. Pan Jienan*, Meng Zhaoping , Hou Quanlin; Ju Yiwen, Cao Yunxing. Coal strength and Young's modulusrelated to coal rank, compressional velocity and maceral composition. Journal of Structural Geology, 2013, 54:129-135
34. Pan Jienan*, Zhang Xiaomin, Yiwen Ju, Yanqing Zhao, Heling Bai. Stableisotope and water quality analysis of coal bed methane produced water in thesouthern Qinshui Basin, China. Membrane Water Treatment, 2013,4(4):265-275
35. Pan Jienan*, Hou Quanlin, Ju, Yiwen, Bai, Heling, Zhao, Yanqing. Coalbedmethane sorption related to coal deformation structures at different temperaturesand pressures, Fuel, 2012,102:760-765
36. Pan Jienan*, Meng Zhaoping, Hou Quanlin, Ju Yiwen and Li Guofu. Influence of theroof lithological characteristics on rock burst: a case study in Tangshan colliery,China. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2009,1(2):143-15