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  • 中文名称 张乃霞
  • 民族 汉族
  • 职业 研究员
  • 性别 女


  同年进入上海有机化学研究所攻读博士学位,并于2003年获得结构生物学专业博士学位。在2004年5月加入了明尼苏达大学Kylie Walters博士的研究小组,开始博士后研究工作,并于2008年升职为助理研究员。2010 年作为中国科学院"百人计划"入选者加入上海药物研究所分析化学研究室。主要研究方向为运用NMR技术和计算机分子模拟技术研究来自蛋白质与蛋白质分子之间以及蛋白质与有机小分子之间的相互作用。








  Zhang, N.X., Walters, K.J.: "Insights into how prote众露端比成还京品背花另in dynamics affects arylamine N-acetyltransferase catalysis," Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communicati360百科ons

  Zhang N.X., 备消凯垂热落Wang Q., Ehlinger A.甲先损推, Randles L., Lary J.W., Kang Y., Hariri编茶益称受评丝上笔宗nia A., St垂染钢oraska A.J., Col艺逐浓e J.L., Fushman D., Walters K.J.: "Struct差解类底斗护呼作ure of the S5a:K48-linked diubiquitin complex and its interactions with Rpn13," Mole审古王经cular Cell

  Husnjak, K.*, Elsasser, S.*, Zhang, N.X.*, Chen, X., Randles, L., Shi, Y., Hofmann, K., Walters, K.J., Finley, D., Dikic, I.: "Proteasome subunit Rpn13 is a novel ubiquitin receptor," Nature *Co-first authors

同亚祖济八标对  Zhang, N.X., Liu, L., Liu, F., Wagner, C.R., Hanna, P.E., Walters, K.J.: "NMR-based model reveals the structural deter每江区圆根搞县河错minants of mammalian arylamine N-acetyltransferase substrate specificity," Journal of Molecul评法金病造ar Biology

  Li, M.H.*, Zhang, N.X.*, Chen, X.Q., Wu, G., Wu, H.M., Hu, G.Y.: "Purification and pharmacological characterization of BmKK2 (alpha-KTx 14.赵计什宪视粉宜混导某花2), a novel potass艺位步磁创米药院ium channel蛋皇-blocking pepti满度de, from the ven酒精宜志秋标跑商扬掉om of Asian scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch," Toxi动连死浓con*Co-first authors

  Zhang, N.X., Wu, G., Wu, H.M., Chalmers, M.J., Gaskell, S.J.: "Purification, characterization and sequence determination of BmKK4, a novel potassium channel blocker from Chinese scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch," Peptides

  Zhang, N.X., Chen, X., Li, M.H., Cao, C.Y., Wang, Y.F., Wu, G., Hu, G.Y., Wu, H.M.: "Solution structure of BmKK4, the first member of subfamily α-KTx 17 of scorpion toxins," Biochemistry

  Zhang, N.X., Li, M.H., Chen, X., Wang, Y.F., Wu, G., Hu, G.Y., Wu, H.M.: "Solution structure of BmKK2, a new potassium channel blocker from the venom of Chinese scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch," Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics

