汉族人,1968年生,博士,浙江大学教授 ,博士研究生来自导师。
- 中文名称 官宝红
- 国籍 中国
- 民族 汉
- 出生日期 1968年
- 毕业院校 浙江大学
官宝红,博士、浙江大学教授 ,1968年生,博士研究生导师。 1989年毕业于中国地质大学,获地球化学专业学士学来自位;2001年毕缺活京包为上业于浙江大学,获化学工程专业博士学位;20360百科02年聘为浙江大学环境工程专业副教授阿径者印婷白、硕士研究生导师;2007年入选浙江省新世纪151人才工程;2011年-2013年罗切斯特大学访问学者 袁;现任环境工程研销希程独等汽策否刘且究所副所长 。主要研究二方向为工业固体废物资源化技术、工业废水处理与回用技术,承担环境工程专业的教学工随玉眼培关作。主持国家和省部级科研项目4项,作为骨干研究人员完成了2项国家863计划项目和1项浙江省科技计划重大项目。发表论文50余篇 ,出版教材和编著3部,授权发道似温片位怕劳江车明专利19项 ,起草行业标准1黄应声配美电走无项,获得教育部、环保部和浙江省科技奖励4项 ,获得国家重点环境保护实用技术1项、科技惠民计划先进科技成果1项、浙江环境保护先进适用技术1项、浙江省"五水共治"适今住切鲁否落负整它用技术4项 ,创办了建德市里素次照土周补可析先环保科技创新创业中心 。

城治否谈南毫煤其简围[1] Hailu Fu, Baohong Guana*, Zho几随士争船社ngbiao Wu. Transforma轴被tion Pathways from Calcium Sulfite to α-Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate in Concentrated CaCl2 Solutions. Fuel, 2015. In Pr投注治宪社那将阻政ess.
[2] 款定季被Guangming Ji了袁认ang, Qiaoshan Chen, Sen Zhang, Caiyun Jia, Zhongbiao Wu, Baohong Guan. Controlled Synthesis of Monodisperse α-Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate Nanoellipsoids. Physical Chem材居议血istry Chemical Physics, 2015. In Press.
[3] Jingwei Mao, Guangming Jiang, Qiaoshan Chen, Baohong Guan*. Influences of citric acid on the metastability 农of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate in CaCl2 solution. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014: 443(20): 265–271.
[4] Hailu Fu, Guangming Jiang, Hao Wang, Zhongbiao Wu, Baohong Guan*. Solution mediated transformation kinetics of calcium sulfate dihydrate to α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate in CaCl2 solutions at elevated temperature. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52 (48): 17134–17139.
[5] Jie Yu, Minhui Guo, Xinhua Xu, Baohong Guan*. The role of temperature and CaCl2 in activated sludge dewatering under hydrothermal treatment. Water Research, 2013, 50:10-17.
[6] Guangming Jiang, Hailu Fu, Keith Savino, Jiajing Qian, Zhongbiao Wu, Baohong Guan*. Nonlattice Cation-SO42- Ion Pairs in Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate Nucleation. Crystal Growth and Design, 2013, 13(11): 5128-5134.
[7] Guangming Jiang, Jinwei Mao, Hailu Fu, Xu Zhou, Baohong Guang*. Insight Into Metastable Lifetime of α-Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate in CaCl2 Solution. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2013, 96(10): 3265-3271.
[8] Jie Yu, Wenxia Liu, Aibin Zeng, Baohong Guan*, Xinhua Xu. Effect of SO42- on 1,1,1 - Trichloroethane Degradation by Fe0 in Aqueous Solution. Groundwater, 2013, 51(2): 286-292.
[9] Baohong Guan*, Bao Kong, Hailu Fu, Jie Yu, Guangming Jiang, Li Yang. Pilot scale preparation of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate from FGD gypsum in Ca-K-Mg aqueous solution under atmospheric pressure. Fuel, 2012, 98: 48-54.
[10] Bao Kong, Jie Yu, Keith Savino, Yigang Zhua, Baohong Guan*. Synthesis of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate submicron-rods in water/n-hexanol/CTAB reverse microemulsion. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2012, 409: 88- 93.
[11] Bao Kong, Baohong Guan*, Matthew Yates, Zhongbiao Wu. Control of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate morphology using reverse microemulsions. Langmiur, 2012,, 28, 14137−14142.
[12] Hailu Fu, Baohong Guan, Guangming Jiang, Matthew Z. Yates, Zhongbiao Wu. Effect of supersaturation on competitive nucleation of CaSO4 phases in a concentrated CaCl2 solution. Crystal Growth and Design, 2012, 12 (3): 1388–1394.
[13] Baohong Guan*, Jie Yu, Hailu Fu, Minhui Guo, Xinhua Xu. Improvement of activated sludge dewaterability by mild thermal treatment in CaCl2 solution. Water research, 2012.12, 46(2): 425-432.
[14] Baohong Guan*, Li Yang, Hailu Fu, Bao Kong, Tingying Li, Liuchun Yang. α- Calcium sulfate hemihydrate preparation from FGD gypsum in recycling mixed salt solutions. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 174: 296-303.
[15] Baohong Guan*, Guangming Jiang, Hailu Fu, Li Yang, Zhongbiao Wu. Thermodynamic preparation window of alpha calcium sulfate hemihydrate from calcium sulfate dihydrate in non-electrolyte glycerol-water solution under mild conditions. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50: 13561–13567.
[16] Baohong Guan*, Guangming Jiang, Zhongbiao Wu, Jingwei Mao, Bao Kong. Preparation of a-calcium sulfate hemihydrate from calcium sulfate dihydrate in methanol-water solution under mild conditions. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2011, 94: 3261-3266.
[17] Baohong Guan*, Hailu Fu, Jie Yu, Guangming Jiang, Bao Kong. Direct transformaton of calcium sulfite to alpha-calcium sulfate hemihydrate in a concentrated Ca-Mg-Mn chlorid solution under atmospheric pressure. Fuel, 2011/1, 90: 36-41.
[18] Qingqing Ye, Baohong Guan*, Wenbin Lou, Li Yang, Bao Kong. Effect of particle size distribution on the hydration and compressive strength development of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate paste. Powder Technology, 2011/2, 207: 208–214.
[19] Wenbin Lou, Baohong Guan*, Zhongbiao Wu. Dehydration behavior of FGD gypsum by simultaneous TG and DSC analysis. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2011/4, 104(2): 661-669.
[20] Baohong Guan, Liuchun Yang, Zhongbiao Wu. Effect of Mg2+ ions on the nucleation kinetics of calcium sulfate in concentrated calcium chloride solutions. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2010/5, 49 (12), 5569-5574.
[21] Baohong Guan, Qingqing Ye, Jiali Zhang, Wenbin Lou, Zhongbiao Wu. Interaction between α-calcium sulfate hemihydrates and superplasticizer from the point of adsorption characteristics, hydration and hardening process. Cement and Concrete Research, 2010/2, 40: 253 - 259.
[22] Wenbin Lou, Baohong Guan*, Zhongbiao Wu. Calorimetric study of ternary binder of calcium aluminate cement, Portland-limestone cement and FGD gypsum, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2010/7, 101(1):119-127.
[23] Baohong Guan*, Qingqing Ye, Zhongbiao Wu, Wenbin Lou, Liuchun Yang. Analysis of the relationship between particle size distribution of alpha-calcium sulfate hemihydrate and compressive strength of set plaster-Using grey model. Powder Technology, 2010/6, 200(3): 136-143.
[24] Xiaoqin Wu, Wei He, Baohong Guan*, Zhongbiao Wu. Solubility of calcium sulfate dihydrate in Ca-Mg-K chloride salt solution in the range of (348.15 to 371.15) K. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2010/4, 55 (6): 2100–2107.
[25] Jiangjiang Pan, Baohong Guan*. Adsorption of nitrobenzene from aqueous solution on activated sludge modified by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010/11, 183: 341-346.
[26] Bao Kong, Bao Hong Guan*, Liu Chun Yang. Influence of Seed Crystal and Modifier on the Morphology of α-calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate Prepared by Salt Solution Method in Pilot Scale, Advanced Materials Research, 2010/12, 168-170: 8-12.
[27] Baohong Guan, Liuchun Yang, Zhongbiao Wu, Zhuoxian Shen, Xianfa Ma, Qingqing Ye. Preparation of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate from FGD gypsum in K, Mg-containing concentrated CaCl2 solution under mild conditions. Fuel, 2009/7, 88(7): 1286 - 1293.
[28] Liuchun Yang, Zhongbiao Wu, Baohong Guan*, Hailu Fu, Qingqing Ye. Growth rate of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate in K-Ca-Mg-Cl-H2O systems at elevated temperature. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2009/10, 311(20): 4518 - 4524.
[29] Zhuoxian Shen, Baohong Guan*, Hailu Fu, Liuchun Yang. Effect of potassium sodium tartrate and sodium citrate on the preparation of a-calcium sulfate hemihydrate from flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum in concentrated electrolyte solution. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2009/12, 92(12): 2894 - 2899.
[30] Baohong Guan, Weimin Ni, Zhongbiao Wu, Yong Lai. Removal of Mn(II) and Zn(II) Ions from Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewater with Water-soluble Chitosan, Separation & Purification Technology, 2009/3/12, 65(3): 269-274.
[31] Liuchun Yang, Baohong Guan*, Zhongbiao Wu, Xianfa Ma. Solubility and phase transitions of calcium sulfate in KCl solutions between 85 °C and 100 °C. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2009/7, 48(16): 7773 - 7779.
[32] Baohong Guan, Wenbin Lou, Qingqing Ye, Hailu Fu, Zhongbiao Wu. Calorimetric study of calcium aluminate cement blended with flue gas desulfurization gypsum. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2009/6, 98(3): 737 - 742.
[33] Baohong Guan*, Xianfa Ma, Zhongbiao Wu, Liuchun Yang, Zhuoxian Shen. Crystallization routes and metastability of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate in potassium chloride solutions under atmospheric pressure. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2009/3, 54(3): 719–725.
[34] Zhong-biao Wu, Wei-min Ni and Bao-hong Guan*. Application of chitosan as flocculant for coprecipitation of Mn(II) and suspended solids from dual-alkali FGD regenerating process, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008/4, 152(2): 757–764.
[35] Baohong Guan*, Zhuoxian Shen, Zhongbiao Wu, Liuchun Yang, Xianfa Ma. Effect of pH on the preparation of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate from FGD gypsum with the hydrothermal method. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2008/12, 91(12): 3835 - 3840.
[36] Meng Yafeng, Guan Baohong*, Wu Zhongbiao, Wang Dahui. Enhanced degradation of carbon tetrachloride by surfactant-modified zero-valent iron, Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2006/9, 7(9):702-707.
[37] Guan Bao-hong*. Stability of Expanded Granular Sludge Bed Process for Terylene Artificial Silk Printing and Dyeing Wastewater Treatment, Journal of environmental sciences, 2005/3, 17(3):419-424.
[38] GUAN Bao-hong*, WU Zhong-biao, XU Gen-liang. Kinetics of aerobically activated sludge on terylene artificial silk printing and dyeing wastewater treatment, Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2004/4, 5(4): 441-449.
[39] Guan Bao-hong*, Wu Zhong-biao, Wu Zu-ceng, Xu Gen-liang, and Tan Tian-en. Biodegradability of terephthalic acid in terylene artificial silk printing and dyeing wastewater, Journal of environmental sciences, 2003/1,15(3):296-301.
[40] MENG Ya-feng, GUAN Bao-hong*, WU Zhong-biao, WANG Da-hui. Enhanced degradation of carbon tetrachloride by surfactant-modified zero-valent iron. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2006/9, 7(9):702-707.
[41] 于洁, 官宝红*, 刘文霞, 胡达清, 吴忠标. 抑制双碱法烟气脱硫浆液中SO32-的重金属催化氧化, 环境科学, 2010/3, 31(3):591-597.
[42] 叶青青, 官宝红*, 李君. 杭州城市内河底泥磷污染与磷释放水力模拟, 环境科学, 2009/5, 30(5):97-103.
[43] 马宪法, 官宝红*. 常压KCl盐溶液中α-半水石膏的脱水过程, 硅酸盐学报, 2009/10, 37(10): 58-63.
[44] 汤优敏,官宝红*,吴忠标. Fenton去除废水中甲基多巴的机制及动力学, 环境科学, 2008/5, 29(5): 1271-1276.
[45] 官宝红*, 李君, 曾爱斌, 邓劲松, 张军. 杭州市城市土地利用对河流水质的影响, 资源科学, 2008/6, 30(6): 857-863.
[46] 汤优敏, 官宝红*, 吴忠标. Fenton氧化-PAM絮凝-A/O工艺处理甲基多巴生产废水. 给水排水, 2006/11, 32(11): 49-51.
[47] 官宝红*, 吴国华, 曾爱斌, 阮俊安, 王春花. 京杭运河杭州段水污染源特征与截污措施建议. 给水排水, 2005, 31(2): 1-5.
[48] 官宝红*, 曾爱斌, 徐根良, 谭天恩. 处理涤纶仿真丝绸印染废水的膨胀颗粒污泥床的启动. 浙江大学学报(理学版), 2005, 32(3): 304-308.
[49] 官宝红, 徐根良, 谭天恩. 碱性印染废水的pH对活性污泥的影响及其控制, 高校化学工程学报, 2002/6,16(3):316-320.
[50] 官宝红, 吴忠标, 倪伟敏, 曾爱斌, 徐根良. 微生物量对印染废水中的基质去除速率的影响. 浙江大学学报(理学版), 2002,29(6):685-691.