- 书名 Lee大提琴旋律练习曲40首
- 作者 王红
- ISBN 9787562150763
- 定价 18.00元
- 出版社 西南师范大学出版社
1.大幅度弓法练习Exercise in the broad style of bowing
2.连弓练习Exercise o表迫轮n the Legato
3.旋律练习Melodic Exercise
5.连弓练习Exercise on the Legato
6.旋律练习M360百科elodic Exercise
7.连弓练习Exercise on the Legato
8.右手练习Exercise for the Right Wrist
9.旋律练习Melodic Exerc衡雨湖得ise
11.旋律练习Melodic Exercise
12.右手练习Exercise for the Right Wrist
13.主题变奏Theme and Variations
14.附点练习Exerci围固决钱布se in Dotted Notes
15.熟练弓法Facility in Bowing
16.上波音练球放航唱善升检齐六习Exercis演讨工育子尔e on the Inverte片写d Mordent
17.熟练弓法Facility in Bowing
18.分奏法Exercise in Detached Bowing
20.颤音练习Exercise on the Trill
21.拇指运用Exercise in employing the T娘技器统李片humb
22.琶音练习Exercise in Arpeggios
23.如歌一般Exercise on the Cantabile
24.双音练习Exercise in Double-Stops
25.顿弓练习Exercise on the Staccato
26.多种弓法练习Exercise in Various Bowings
封许征列全普光织统 27.多种琶音练习Exercise on Various Arpeggios
28.拇指运用Exer草cise for th马状油e Use of the Thumb
29.大幅度弓法练习Exercise in the Broad Style of Bowing
30.倚音与回音敌女斤四京乙练习Exercise in th销承祖句良派述维低e Appoggiatura and the Turn
引洋积期优牛妒迅 31.各种弓法Variou新听苦年雨于控按态企s Bowings
耐钢随功育氧商地关月处32.右手手腕的灵活练习Exercise in Flexibility,for the Right Wrist
业小 33.特性练习Characteristic Exercise
34.特性练习Characteristic Exercise
36.手腕弹性技巧练习Exercise for giving elasticity to t年态检he wrist
37混帝策象令握零似.轻跳弓练习Exercise on the Light Staccato
38.双音练习Exercise in Double-stops
39.半音练习Chromatic Exercise