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《宇宙野兔》(Bucky O'hare And the Toad Menace)是根据著名连环画兔子巴奇来自(Bucky 放德取头类O'Hare)拍成的动画片,没有在中国上映。动画主要讲述的是在一个平行宇宙一场发生在有哺乳动物领导的动物联盟与毒蟾蜍帝国的战争。

  • 中文名称 宇宙野兔
  • 类型 动画 / 家庭 / 科幻
  • 导演 Larry Hama
  • 上映时间 1991年


  Bucky O'hare And the Toad Menace(中文译名来自:宇宙野兔和蟾蜍威胁)是根据著名连环画兔子巴奇(Bucky O'H360百科are)拍成的动画片,目前没有在中国上映。动画主要参脱设封科电讲述的是在一个平行宇宙一场发生在有哺乳动物领导的动物联盟与便毒蟾蜍帝国的战争。


  主演: Shane Meier / Doug Parker

  制片国家/地区: 美国 / 法国

bucky o'hare动画截图

  语言: 英语

  集数: 13

  单集片长: 30 分钟




  Captain Bucky O'Hare the captain of the 'Righteous Indignation'. He is the green hare and actionhero that leads the team against the Toad Menace. Bucky is one of several captains named throughout the series, including Commander Dogster ( of the Indefati360百科gable) and Captain Mimi La Floo 均跟等脚( of the Screaming Mimi).

bucky o'hare


  When creating a photon accelerator at home, Willy i稳鱼田妒编父含食及s thrown across universes to be swappedwithBruiser's brother Bruce, who was c攻什宗服比移粉如arrying out repairs on the Righteous Indignat坚图宽击皮历轮班ion's photon accelerator.

  Willy is from Ear干营th, and a boy genius. He acts as the ships engineer, whilst helping Buck项名游示径验y fight the Toad Menace and fin检威安委贵复主济d a way back home for Willy and Bruiser's brother.


  Jenny is a cat from the planet Alderbran, like many of her race she has psychic/magical 离照映妈祖powers. Theon督农鸡变害抗企钟族按ly member of 味站质冷the crew that kn况主概粉权ows she has these powers is Willy D美黄湖来做南院状显评斗eWit, he's aware that she can heal, read minds and also produce so sort of psychic laser.



  Deadeye the Duck is the ship's 待担兵件marksman and gunner. As you can see from the picture he only has one-eye, but this does not stop him from being an expert marksmen.


  Deadeye used to be a space-pirat敌呢声构别时除销怎e, he is perhaps the most rascally of the team. Dead-Eye also has four arms, which are invaluable when using the ships gun.


  华语Blinky is the comedy character. Heis an Android First Class, and so performs androidy type thi应吗ngs aboard the ship. In general though, he just runs around needing rescuing and ca例杂它充分犯圆族课满看using trouble!



  Bruiser was not a member of the original Bucky O'Hare comic, but joined the cartoon as a member of the Righteous Indignation's crew. Bruiser is a Betelgeusian Berserker Baboon who is loyal to Bucky and loves beating up toads!



  In another dimension, another time and space,

  A parallel universe was fallin' on its face

  When out of the chaos, who else could it be

  But the animal adventurers from S.P.A.C.E.?

  Bucky! Captain Bucky O'Hare!

  Mutants and aliens and toads beware!

  You're looking for adventure? Well, this is it,

  With Jenny, Deadeye, Blinky, and Willy DuWitt

  I said Bucky! Captain Bucky O'Hare!

  And now, an update on Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars

  In the battle of the aniverse, you don't know what's next,

  You only know amphibians have made it COMPLEX!

  When you check out your scanner and the evil that it bodes,

  There's only one course of action: Let's croak us some toads!

  Bucky! Captain Bucky O'Hare!

  He goes where no ordinary rabbit would dare!

  If your Righteous Indignation has suffered a hit

  And your photon accelerator's broken a bit

  And you're losing your mind, and you're having a fit

  Get the funky fresh rabbit who can take care of it!

  Bucky! CLet's aptain Bucky O'Hare!

  You say Bucky? I said Bucky!

  Bucky O'Hare!

  croak us some toads!


  1. War of the Warts

bucky o'hare相关书籍

  2. A Fistful of Simoleans

  3. The Good, the Bad and the Warty

  4. Home, Swampy, Home

  5. On the Blink

  6. Kreation Konspiracy

  7. The Komplex Caper

  8. The Search for Bruce

  9. Corsair Canards

  10. The Artificers of Aldebaran

  11. The Warriors

  12. Bye Bye Berserker Baboon

  13. The Taking of Pilot Jenny


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