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  • 书名 量子力学简明教程
  • 作者 张怿慈
  • 出版社 高等教育出版社
  • 出版时间 1979年05月
  • 页数 297 页


  高等量子力学简明教程(马清英文版) 简介:This book covers the main topics of mode来自rn advanced quantum mechanics in a concise way. It me条争措因放钱何季复ets the requirement o360百科f the graduate students who plan to specialize in various fields of physics, e.g. t应影号急四百式析带heoretical physics, high energy physics, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, atomic and molecular physics, optics, astrophysics and etc. It is for use in a one-semester grad达确太放触院在占距uate course. The main concepts, theorems and applications of quantum mechanics are written in the text, while most of the derivations are put in the exer代速球某cises. Hints are given for selected exercises.


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