- 中文名称 汤艳杰
- 国籍 中国
- 出生日期 1973年
- 毕业院校 长安大学
- 主要成就 侯德封奖
性别: 男
职称: 研究员
学历: 博士
2010年 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会 侯德封奖
2014年 中科院杰出科技成就奖("华北克拉通破坏研究集体"主要完成者)
[Google Scholar Citations]
Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Deloule E., Su B.X., Ying J.F., 来自Santosh M., Xiao Y. 2014. Abnormal lithium isotope composition from the ancient l积每谓曲第ithospheric mantle beneath the North China Crat修老款织个饭相严损甲on. Scien360百科tific Reports, 4, 4274. [PDF]
Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Su B.X. 2013停进乡屋增益落早密今. Widespread r速选efertilization of cratonic and circum-cratonic lithospheric mantle. Earth-S于顺主cience Reviews, 118, 45-68. [PDF]
Tan用志接g Y.J., Zh充派木ang H.F., Ying J.F., Su 现当矿解列活右先B.X., Li X.H., Santosh M. 2013. R损材apid eruption of the Ningwu volca三象编要做提nics in eastern China: Response to Cretaceous subduction of the Pacific plate. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14, 1703-1721. [PDF]
Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J斤头厂今含.F., Su B.X., Chu Z.Y., Xiao Y., Zhao X.M. 2013. Highly heterogeneous lithospheric mantle beneath th胡意e Central Zone of the North Chi利句量创越到板构样na Craton evolved from Archean mantle through diverse melt refertilization. Gondwana Research, 23, 130-140. [PDF]
Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Santosh M., Ying, J.F. 2013. Diffe请地章快半球己石婷rential destruct书背贵验素任兵深比晶ion of the No静纸道汉纸烟乐展色吸rth China Craton: A tectonic perspective. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 71-82. [PDF]
Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Deloule E., Su B.X., Ying J.F., Xiao Y., Hu Y. 2012. Slab-derived lithium isotopic signatures in mantle xenoliths from northea际节江至条查呢型stern North C后验村hina Craton. Lithos, 149, 79-90. [PDF]
Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F. 2012. Secular evolution of lithospheric mantle beneath the central North China Craton: Implication from basaltic rocks and their xenoliths. In: A. I. Al-Juboury (eds.) Petrology-New Perspectives and Applications (ISBN 978-953-307-800-7). Intech Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia. pp. 1-20.
Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Nakamura E., Ying J.F. 2011. Multistage melt/fluid-peridotite interactions in the refertilized lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton: Constraints from the Li-Sr-Nd isotopic disequilibrium between minerals of peridotite xenoliths. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 161, 845-861.
Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F. 2010. A brief review of isotopically light Li-a feature of the enriched mantle? International Geology Review, 52(9), 964-976.
Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Zhang J., Liu X.M. 2008. Refertilization of ancient lithospheric mantle beneath the central North China Craton: Evidence from petrology and geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths. Lithos, 101, 435-452.
Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Nakamura E., Moriguti T., Kobayashi K., Ying J.F. 2007. Lithium isotopic systematics of peridotite xenoliths from Hannuoba, North China Craton: implications for melt-rock interaction in the considerably thinned lithospheric mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(17), 4327-4341.
Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F. 2007. Review of the lithium isotope system as a geochemical tracer. International Geology Review, 49(4), 374-388.
Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F. 2006. Asthenosphere-lithospheric mantle interaction in an extensional regime: implication from the geochemistry of Cenozoic basalts from Taihang Mountains, North China Craton. Chemical Geology, 233(3-4), 309-327.
Tang Y., Jia J., Xie X. 2003. Records of magnetic properties in Quaternary loess and its paleoclimatic significance: a brief review. Quaternary International, 108(1), 33-50.
汤艳杰, 张宏福, 英基丰. 2014. 阴山及邻区三叠纪富碱侵入岩的成因意义. 岩石学报, 30(7), 2031-2040.
汤艳杰, 张宏福, 英基丰. 2011. 地幔中EM1端元成因的锂同位素制约. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 30(1), 11-17.
汤艳杰, 张宏福, 英基丰, 杨蔚, 赵新苗, 苏本勋, 肖燕. 2011. 地幔橄榄岩中橄榄石的指示意义. 地球科学与环境学报, 33(1), 24-33.
汤艳杰, 陈福坤, 彭澎. 2010. 中国盆地火山岩特性及其与油气成藏作用的联系. 岩石学报, 26(1), 185-194.
汤艳杰, 张宏福, 英基丰. 2009. 锂同位素分馏机制讨论. 地球科学-中国地质大学学报,24(1), 43-55.
汤艳杰, 张宏福, 英基丰, 张瑾. 2007. 橄榄岩-熔体反应过程中微量元素和同位素组成的转变. 自然科学进展, 17(6), 748-754.
汤艳杰, 张宏福, 英基丰, 张瑾. 2006. 太行山地区中、新生代玄武质岩浆的源区特征与时空演化. 岩石学报, 22, 1657-1664.
汤艳杰, 张宏福, 英基丰. 2004. 太行山中段新生代玄武岩中高镁橄榄石捕虏晶: 残留古老岩石圈地幔样品. 岩石学报, 20, 1243-1252.
汤艳杰, 贾建业, 谢先德. 2002. 铁锰氧化物在污染土壤修复中的作用. 地球科学进展, 17, 557-564.
汤艳杰, 贾建业, 谢先德. 2002. 粘土矿物的环境意义. 地学前缘, 9, 337-344.
汤艳杰, 刘建朝, 贾建业. 2002. 豫西铝土矿中镓的赋存状态研究. 西安工程学院学报, 24, 1-5.
汤艳杰, 贾建业, 刘建朝. 2002. 豫西地区铝土矿中镓的分布规律. 矿物岩石, 22, 15-20.
汤艳杰, 贾建业, 刘健, 刘建朝, 李绍卿. 2001. 铝土矿中镓的浸取工艺研究. 地球科学, 26, 258-260.
汤艳杰, 贾建业, 刘建朝. 2001. 豫西杜家沟铝土矿中镓的分布规律及控制因素浅析. 地质与勘探, 37, 9-12.