- 中文名称 徐志方
- 民族 汉
- 出生日期 1970年5月
- 毕业院校 中国地质大学(武汉)
- 性别 男
来自 职称:研究员 学历: 博士
况低资打蒸识紧垂相 (4)湖泊和水库流域系统今层钱差原内化学作用、界面作用和生物作用养于块离另还首收对水中营养元素、有毒有害元素和有机污染物迁移转化行为和方式的影响。
- 国家自然科学基金批吸所协宗秋的造计刻重点基金项目"怒江流域生源要素地球化学循环及其主要影响因素",20常久真副格座落宗18.01-2022.12,课题负责克单团即款突前指随人;
- 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支持项目"变化条件下雅鲁藏布江碳来源与通量变化及其生物地球化学过程研究",2018.01-2021.12,课题负责人;
- 国家自然科学基金面上科学基金项目"南水北调中线水源地河流氮的来源与地球化学循环研究",2017.01-2020.12,课题负责人;
- 中国科学院重点部署项目"水源地倒胡亚映才概协毛画身占河流典型污染物源解析坚特必社飞组呼技术",2016.01-植编得事清2018.12,课题负责人;
- 国香补装功美新怕袁文航供家重点基础研究发展计划"中国西部大陆剥蚀风化与青藏高原隆升和全球变化的关系",2013/01-2017/08,课题负责人;
- Zhou Xiaode,Xu Zhifang*,Liu 态育知序还据Wenjing,Wu Yao,Zhao Tong,Jiang Hao,Zhang Xuan,Zhang Jiangyi,Zhou Li,Wang Yuchen,Chemical composition of precipitation in Shenzhen, a coastal mega-city in South China: Influence of urbanization and anthropogenic activities on acidity and ionic composition, Science of The Total Environment,2019,662:218-226.
- Zhang Xuan,Xu Zhifang*,阿地Liu Wenjing*,Seulgi Moon,Zhao Tong,Zhou Xiaode,Zhang Jiangyi,Wu Yao大造映逐抗套善穿田,Jiang Hao,Zhou Li,Hydro‐geochemical and Sr isotope characteri构查念味肉队须带血调stics of the Yalong River basin, 怀张果氢织变肥协质向eastern Tibetan plateau: Implications for chemical weathering and controlling factors,Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geo则课蒸歌背城去systems, 2019,20:1221鲜微职袁– 1239.
- Zhao 笔凯从百民Tong,Liu Wenjing*,Xu Zhifang*,Sun Huiguo,Zhou Xiaode,Zhou Li,Zhang Jiangyi,Zhang Xuan,Jiang Hao,Liu Taoze,The influence of carbonate precipitation on riverine magnesium isotope signals: New constrains from Jinsha River Basin, Southeast Tibetan Plateau,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,2019,248:172-184.
- Zhao Tong,Liu Wenjing*,Xu Zhifang,Liu Taoze,Xu Sheng,Cui Lifeng,Shi Chao, Cosmogenic nuclides (10Be and 26Al) erosion rate constraints in the Badain Jaran Desert, northwest China: implications for surface erosion mechanisms and landform evolution,Geosciences Journal ,2019,23(1):59-68.
- Wang Liheng,Dong Yanhui,Han Dongmei,Xu Zhifang,Stable isotopic compositions in precipitation over wet island in Central Asia,Journal of Hydrology,2019,573:581-591.
- 周利,刘文景,周晓得,赵童,蒋浩,刘强,周建伟,徐志方,峨眉山玄武岩化学风化研究--以龙苍沟小流域为例,地质科学,2019,54(1):289-303.
- Liu Wenjing,Xu Zhifang*,Sun Huiguo,Zhao Tong,Shi Chao,Liu Taoze,Geochemistry of the dissolved loads during high-flow season of rivers in the southeastern coastal region of China: anthropogenic impact on chemical weathering and carbon sequestration,Biogeosciences,2018,15(16):4955-4971.
- Jiang Hao,Liu Wenjing*,Xu Zhifang*,Zhou Xiaode,Zheng Ziyan,Zhao Tong,Zhou Li,Zhang Xuan,Xu Yifu,Liu Taoze,Chemical weathering of small catchments on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau I: Water sources, solute sources and weathering rates,Chemical Geology,2018,500:159-174.
- Jiang Hao,Liu Wenjing,Zhao Tong,Sun Huiguo,Xu Zhifang*,Water geochemistry of rivers draining karst-dominated regions, Guangxi province, South China: Implications for chemical weathering and role of sulfuric acid,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2018,163:152-162.
- 蒋浩,徐志方,赵童,刘文景,青藏高原流域岩石风化速率及其控制机制--以贡嘎山地区典型地质背景小流域研究为例,第四纪研究,2018,38(1):278-286.
- Zhang Jiangyi,Wang Xiaoju,Dong Yanhui,Xu Zhifang,Direct determination of trace germanium in river samples by CH4 -Ar mixed gas plasma DRC-ICP-MS,International Journal of Mass Spectrometry,2017,421:184-188.
- Zhang Jiangyi,Dong Yanhui,Xu Zhifang,Determination of Silver in Geological Samples by Dynamic Reaction Cell Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry After Extraction From Boiling aqua regia,Atomic Spectroscopy,2017,38(2):37-41.
- Wang Liheng,Dong Yanhui,Xu Zhifang,A synthesis of hydrochemistry with an integrated conceptual model for groundwater in the Hexi Corridor, northwestern China,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2017,146:20-29.
- Wang Liheng,Dong Yanhui,Xu Zhifang,Qiao Xiaojuan,Hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics of groundwater in the northeastern Tennger Desert, northern China,Hydrogeology Journal , 2017,25(8):2363-2375.
- 周晓得,徐志方,刘文景,武瑶,赵童,蒋浩,中国西南酸雨区降水化学特征研究进展,环境科学,2017,38(10):4438-4446.
- 余冲,徐志方,刘文景,史超,张轩,赵童,蒋浩,周利,周晓得,韩江流域河水地球化学特征与硅酸盐岩风化--风化过程硫酸作用,地球与环境,2017,35(4):390-398.
- Wu Yao,Xu Zhifang*,Liu Wenjing,Zhao Tong,Zhang Xuan,Jiang Hao,Yu Chong,Zhou Li,Zhou Xiaode,Chemical compositions of precipitation at three non-urban sites of Hebei Province, North China: Influence of terrestrial sources on ionic composition,Atmospheric Research,2016,181: 115-123.
- Liu Wenjing,Jiang Hao,Shi Chao,Zhao Tong,Liang Chongshan,Hu Jian,Xu Zhifang*,Chemical and strontium isotopic characteristics of the rivers around the Badain Jaran Desert, northwest China: implication of river solute origin and chemical weathering,Environmental Earth Sciences,2016,75(15): 1-16.
- Liu Wenjing,Shi Chao,Xu Zhifang*,Zhao Tong,Jiang Hao,Liang Chongshan,Zhang Xuan,Zhou Li,Yu Chong, Water geochemistry of the Qiantangjiang River, East China: Chemical weathering and CO2 consumption in a basin affected by severe acid deposition,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2016,127: 246-256.
- Liu Wenjing,Liu Congqiang,Brantley, Susan L.,Xu Zhifang,Zhao Tong,Liu Taoze,Yu Chong, Xue Dingshuai,Zhao Zhiqi,Cui Lifeng,Zhang Zhuojun,Fan Bailin,Gu Xin,Deep weathering along a granite ridgeline in a subtropical climate,Chemical Geology,2016, 427: 17-34.
- Zhang Jiangyi,Dong Yanhui,Xu Zhifang,Determination of trace selenium in Ca-rich groundwater samples by ion molecule reaction ICP-MS and CH4 plasma modifier,International Journal of Mass Spectrometry,2016,410:31-35.
- Zhang Jiangyi,Dong Yanhui,Xu Zhifang,A simple method for the simultaneous determination of trace cadmium and silver in soil samples by dynamic reaction cell inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,Atomic Spectroscopy,2016,37:131-135.
- Zhang Jiangyi,Wang Xiaoju,Dong Yanhui,Xu Zhifang,Li Guomin,Solid phase extraction of rare earth elements in deep groundwater with multi-wall carbon nanotubes as adsorbent for the determination by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,Atomic Spectroscopy,2016,37:1-6.
- Song Fan,Dong Yanhui,Xu Zhifang,Zhou Pengpeng,Wang Liheng,Tong Shaoqing,Duan Ruiqi,Granite Microcracks: Structure and Connectivity at Different Depths,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2016,124:156-158.
- Xu Zhifang*,Wu Yao,Liu Wenjing,Liang Chongshan,Ji Jianpeng,Zhao Tong,Zhang Xuan,Chemical composition of rainwater and the acid neutralizing effect at Beijing and Chizhou city, China,Atmospheric Research,2015,164–165: 278-285.
- Liu Wenjing,Liu Congqiang,Zhao Zhiqi,Xu Zhifang,Liang Chongshan,Li Longbo,Feng Jiayi,Elemental and strontium isotopic geochemistry of the soil profiles developed on limestone and sandstone in karstic terrain on Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, China: Implications for chemical weathering and parent materials. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2013,67–68: 138–152.
- Tang Yang,Han Guilin,Wu Qixin,Xu Zhifang,Use of rare earth element patterns to trace the provenance of the atmospheric dust near Beijing,China,Environmental earth sciences,2013,68(3):871-879.
- Xu Zhifang, Tang Yang, Ji Jianpeng, Chemical and strontium isotope characterization of rainwater in Beijing during the 2008 Olympic year. Atmospheric Research, 2012, 107: 115–125.
- Xu Zhifang*,Shi Chao,Tang Yang,Han Hongyin, Chemical and Strontium Isotopic Compositions of the Hanjiang Basin Rivers in China: Anthropogenic Impacts and Chemical Weathering. Aquatic Geochemistry, 2011, 17(3): 243-264
- Xu Zhifang*,Ji Jianpeng,Shi Chao , Water geochemistry of the Chaohu Lake Basin rivers, China: Chemical weathering and anthropogenic inputs, Applied Geochemistry, 2011, 26: S379-S383.
- 徐志方,唐杨, 南水北调中线水源地河水地球化学特征与流域侵蚀. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 2011, 30(1), 26-30.
- 唐杨,徐志方,韩贵琳, 北京及其北部地区大气降尘时空分布特征. 环境科学与技术, 2011, 34(2), 115-119.
- 唐杨,韩贵琳,徐志方, 北京及其北部地区大气自然降尘矿物组成特征. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 2011, 30(2): 150-155,233.
- Xu Zhifang, Liu Cong-Qiang, Water geochemistry of the Xijiang basin rivers, South China: Chemical weathering and CO2 consumption, Applied Geochemistry, 2010, 25(10): 1603-1614.
- Han Guilin, Tang Yang,Xu Zhifang, Fluvial geochemistry of rivers draining karst terrain in Southwest China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2010, 38(1-2): 65-75.
- 谢雯, 徐志方,刘丛强, 西江上游河水悬浮物中稀土元素的地球化学特征. 地球与环境, 2010, 38(4), 414-420.
- 唐杨, 韩贵琳,徐志方, 黑碳研究进展. 地球与环境, 2010, 38(1), 98-108.
- 冀建鹏, 徐志方,磷酸盐的氧同位素示踪磷来源及循环研究进展. 环境科学与技术, 2010, 33(12F):360-363.
- Xu Zhifang, Han Guilin, Chemical and strontium isotope characterization of rainwater in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2009, 43(12): 1954-1961.
- Xu Zhifang, Li Yushan, Tang Yang, Han Guilin, Chemical and strontium isotope characterization of rainwater at an urban site in Loess Plateau, Northwest China. Atmospheric Research, 2009, 94(3): 481-490.
- Xu Zhifang, Han Guilin, Rare earth elements (REE) of dissolved and suspended loads in the Xijiang River, South China. Applied Geochemistry, 2009, 24(9): 1803-1816.
- Zhang Quanfa,Xu Zhifang, Shen Zehao, Li Siyue, Wang Shusen, The Han River watershed management initiative for the South-to-North Water Transfer project (Middle Route) of China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2009, 148(1-4): 369-377.
- Li Siyue,Xu Zhifang, Wang Hao, Wang Jianhua, Zhang Quanfa, Geochemistry of the upper Han River basin, China 3: Anthropogenic inputs and chemical weathering to the dissolved load. Chemical Geology, 2009, 264(1-4): 89-95.
- Li Siyue, Liu Wenzhi, Gu Sheng), Cheng Xiaoli,Xu Zhifang, Zhang Quanfa, Spatio-temporal dynamics of nutrients in the upper Han River basin, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 162(2-3): 1340-1346.
- Li Siyue, Cheng Xiaoli,Xu Zhifang, Han Hongyin, Zhang Quanfa, Spatial and temporal patterns of the water quality in the Danjiangkou Reservoir, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2009, 54(1): 124-134.
- Han Guilin,Xu Zhifang, Tang Yang, Zhang Guoping, Rare Earth Element Patterns in the Karst Terrains of Guizhou Province, China: Implication for Water/Particle Interaction. Aquatic Geochemistry, 2009, 15(4): 457-484.
- Li Siyue,Xu Zhifang, Cheng Xiaoli, Zhang Quanfa, Dissolved trace elements and heavy metals in the Danjiangkou Reservoir, China. Environmental Geology, 2008, 55(5): 977-983.
- Xu Zhifang, Liu Cong-Qiang, Chemical weathering in the upper reaches of Xijiang River draining the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Southwest China. Chemical Geology, 2007, 239(1-2): 83-95.
- Zhao Zhiqi, Liu CongqiangXu Zhifang, Water geochemistry and boron isotope in the Xijiang River, SW China, Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2007, 25(Suppl): 271-271.
- Xu Zhifang, Han Guilin, Tang Yang, Geochemistry of dissolved rare earth elements in the Xijiang River, China. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 2007, 71(15): A1134-A1134.
- 2007-刘丛强等,生物地球化学过程与地表物质循环-西南喀斯特流域侵蚀与生源要素循环,北京:科学出版社