李良超,男,1血了财958年7月出生 。湖北监利人教授。中国化学会永久会员。主要从事无机青三么含化学和固体无机与材料来自化学的教学与研究议经顾流参界工作。
- 中文名称 李良超
- 国籍 中国
- 民族 汉族
- 出生日期 1958年7月
- 主要成就 中国化学会永久会员
十五期间主持2项浙江省自然科学基金和1项浙江省科技来自计划重点项目;获2009年浙江省科学技术三等奖(排名第一),申请国家专利3项;已在《Synth. Met.》、《Europ. Polym. J.》、《Reactive and Function Polymer》、《Materials Chemistry and Physics》、《中国科学B.化学》和《化学学报》等较有影响的刊物上发360百科表被SCI、EI、ISTP收录论文40多篇。指导大学生蒸的科研项目和创业设计大赛多次获奖。
来自 中国化学会永久会员。
国际和国内多种化学和材料期刊(Meter.Lett., Synth.Met., Mater.chem.&phys., Polymer, J.Appl.Polymer.Sci.,化学学报(中、英文))审稿人。
(5)纳米稀土铁氧体-聚合物复合材料的死打皮道缩权独鲁电磁性和吸波性能研究。浙江省自然科学基金{Y405038},2006.1~2007. 12.主持,已结题.
(1)A Novel Ternary Com空球呼度posite: Fabrica微tion, Performa侵跟者坚奏音青nce and Application of Expanded Graphite/Polyaniline/CoFe2O4 Fer啊字张rite. J. M选迅运ater. Chem., 2012, 22, 6449. 通讯作者
(2)Preparation and antibacterial activities of polyaniline/Cu0.05Zn0.95 Onanocomposites. Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 2804 通讯作者
(3)Controlled fabrication and electrical-magne令此文tic properties o粮训的南居做居到雨坏f Poly(OT-co-一脚般南源顺AN)Ba0.8La0.2Al2Fe10O19 composites. Sci China Tech Sci, 2012,55 (1):6. 通讯作者
(4)Fabrication and absorbing property of microwave absorbers based on BaAl2Fe10O19 and poly(o-toluidine). Synthetic Metals. 2011, 161: 2192. 第一作者、通讯作者
(5)Expanded graphite/cobalt ferrite/polyaniline ternary composites: Fabrication, properties,and potential applications. J. Mater. Res., 2011, 26:2683. 第一作者、通讯作者
(6)Preparation and electromagnetic properties of poly(o-toluidine)-BaAl2Fe10O19 composites Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 295-297: 249-255. 通讯作者
(7)Controlled synthesisof the poly(N-methylaniline)/Zn0.6Mn0.2Ni0.2Fe2O4 composites and its electrical-magnetic property. J.Phys.Chem.C, 2010, 114, 6712. 第一作者、通讯作者
(8)Zn0.6Cu0.4Cr0.5Fe1.46Sm0.04O4 ferrite and its nanocomposites with polyaniline andpolypyrrole: Preparation and electromagnetic properties. Synthetic Metals, 2010, 160, 28.第一作者、通讯作者
(9)Polyacrylamide/Zn0.4Ni0.5Cu0.1Fe2O4 nanocomposites: synthesis, characterization and electromagnetic properties. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2010, 124, 1039. 通讯作者
(10)A Novel CoFe2O4/polyacrylate nanocomposite prepared via an in situ polymerization in emulsion system. Reactive and Function Polymer, 2009,69: 43. 通讯作者.
(11)Conductivity and magnetic properties of the PPY-Zn0.6Cu0.4Cr0.5La0.04Fe1.46O4 composites prepared by in situ inverse microemulsion polymerization. Reactive and Function Polymer, 2008,68:1587. 通讯作者.
(12)Magnetic properties of La-Substituted Ni-Zn-Cr ferrites via rheological phase synthesis. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2008, 112: 769. 通讯作者.
(13)Preparation and Magnetic Properties of Zn-Cu-Cr-La Ferrite and Its Nanocomposites with Polyaniline [J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2008, 321: 271. 通讯作者.
(14)Polyaniline/magnetic ferrite nanocompo-sites obtained by in-situ polymerization[J]. Reactive and Function Polymer, 2008, 68: 57. 通讯作者.
(15)Ultrasonic-assisted synthesis of core-shell structure Zn0.5Cr0.5Fe2O4/TiO2 nanocomposites in w/o microemulsion[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008, 456: 220. 通讯作者.
(16)Magnetic Properties and Microstructure of La-substituted Ba–ferrite composites.Materials Letters, Materials Letters, 2008, 62:2064. 通讯作者.
(17)Novel polyaniline-LiNi0.5La0.02Fe1.98O4 nanocomposites prepared via an in situ polymerization [J]. European Polymer Journal, 2006, 42 (10):2221. 通讯作者.
(18)Synthesis and ferrimagnetic properties of novel Sm-substituted LiNi ferrite-polyaniline nanocomposite [J]. Materials Letters, 2007, 61: 1091.第一作者、通讯作者.
(19)Preparation, characterization and magnetic properties of PANI/La-substituted LiNi ferrite nanocomposites [J]. Chinese Journal of Chemisty, 2006, 24:1804. 通讯作者.
(20)Preparation and magnetic properties of Zn-Cu-Cr-Sm ferrite via a rheological phase reaction method [J]. Materials Science and Engineering B, 2007,137:166. 通讯作者.
(21)Structural analysis and magnetic properties of Gd-doped Li-Ni ferrites prepared by the rheological phase method [J]. Journal of Rare Earths, 2007,25(1): 79. 通讯作者.
(22)Novel Gd-substituted LiNi ferrite/polyaniline composite prepared by in-situ polymerization[J]. Journal of Appiled Polymer Science, 2007,105: 944. 通讯作者.
(23)Polyaniline–LiNi ferrite core–shell composite:Preparation, characterization and properties[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2007, 456: 300. 通讯作者.
(24)Preparation and magnetic properties of La-substituted Zn-Cu-Cr ferrites via a rheological phase reaction method[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2007, 314: 7. 通讯作者.
(25)In situ synthesis and characterization of LiNi0.5La0.08Fe1.92O4-polyaniline core-shell nanocomposites[J],Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2007, 68:1656. 通讯作者.
(26)Synthesis and magnetic properties of lanthanum-substituted lithium–nickel ferrites via a soft chemistry route[J]. Physica.B, 2007, 399:105. 通讯作者.
(27)Synthesis of sphere-like Co3O4 nanocrystals via a simple polyol route[J]. Materials Letters,2007, 61: 4894. 通讯作者.
(28)陈柯宇, 许青青, 李良超* 等. (邻甲基苯胺-苯胺)共聚物/Ba0.8La0.2Al2Fe10O19 复合物的可控制备及电磁性能[J]. 中国科学: 技术科学, 2012. 42: 22 -31(第一作者为研究生)
(30)聚吡咯/Ba0.9Nd0.1Fe11.5Cr0.5O19复合物的可控合成及电磁性能[J]. 中国科学B·化学,2010,40,1515. 第一作者、通讯作者.
(31)新颖电磁波吸收材料:Ba1-xLaxFe10Al2O19铁氧体的制备和性能[J]. 中国科学B·化学,2010,40,1584. 通讯作者.
(32)聚苯胺-LiNi铁氧体复合纳米微粒的原位合成及其键合机制[J]. 化学学报, 2007, 65 (1): 53. 通讯作者.
(33)Zn0.4Ni0.6Cr0.5LaxFe1.5-xO4铁氧体纳米粉晶的制备及磁性[J]. 化学学报,2007,65(9): 8. 通讯作者.
(34)聚丙烯酸酯-LiNi铁氧体纳米复合物的制备和磁性研究[J]. 化学学报,2008, 66( 2): 251. 通讯作者.
(35)镧掺杂锶铁氧体-聚吡咯复合物的制备及磁研究[J]. 化学学报, 2008, 66: 1559. 通讯作者.
(36)聚苯胺/聚丙烯酰胺/镍锌铜铁氧体复合物的制备及电磁能[J]. 化学学报, 2009, 67: 1395. 通讯作者.
(1)李良超、徐 烽、吴春芳 等. 一组高饱和磁化强度软磁铁氧体及其制备方法. 发明专利(专利号: ZL 2008 1 0061524.6).
(2)李良超、徐 烽、刘徽 等. 镍锌铜铁氧体吸波材料及其制备方法. 发明专利(专利号: ZL 2008 1 00665254.0).
(3)李良超、童国秀、刘徽等. 高效宽频吸波涂层材料及使用方法。发明专利(申请号: 200910154722.1; 公开号:101712837A).
(4)李良超、陈柯宇、向晨等. 膨胀石墨/聚苯胺/铁氧体吸波材料及其应用.发明专利(申请号: 20121005404.0).
铁氧体及其聚苯胺(聚吡咯)复合物的制备及电磁性能研究. 浙江省科学技术奖三等奖,
浙江省人民政府,2009年. 排名第一.