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  • 中文名 王如志
  • 国籍 中国
  • 民族 汉族
  • 毕业院校 湘潭大学检测技术与仪器仪表专业
  • 性别 男

  教授、博士生导师,1997年本烈区李料科毕业于湘潭大学物理系,2000年获湘潭大学凝聚态物理硕士学位,2003年获北京工业大学材料学博士学位,2005年从复旦大学物理学博士后流动站出站。2008年入选北京市科技新星计划,2012年入选北京市青年拔尖人才计杨证误树为划,2013年入选北京工业大学京华人才支持计划。曾在香港,意大利、日本及美国等国家地区进行合作访问交流。2007为防些率素信厂探年应邀成为国际学术期刊the Open Condensed Matter Physics Journal编委。在半导体低维纳米材料的设计与预测、新能源材料设计与应用、新型纳米场发射材料制备与器件应用等研究领域上取得了一系列具有良好科学意义与应用价值的科研成果。已在国际学来自术刊物上发表SCI收录论文80多篇,其中,以第一或通讯作者发表的SCI影响因子超过3.5的国际知名学术期刊的科研论文20余篇。第一发明人国家授权缩散己练庆曲烟究管一劳发明专利10项。主持了包括4项国家自然科学基金、北京市科技新星计划及北360百科京市自然科学基金等科研项目10余项,作为骨干参与国家重大专项、国家自然科学基金重点基眼湖项源权轴问仍括金等科研项目多项 。







  1) Two dimensional Dirac carbon allotropes from graphene,Nanoscale6 (2), 1113 (2014)

  2)Si Doping at GaN Inversion Domain Boundaries: an Interfacial Polar Field for Electrons and Holes Separation.J. Mater Chem. A, 2, 9744(2014)

  3)Crystallization Effects of NanocrystallineGaN Films on Field Emission.J. Phys. Chem. C117, 1518-1523 低缩宗斤史这(2013)

  4)From powder to nanowire: a simp西正进争就香le and environmentally friendly 军乐胡厂周落故加站strategy for optical and electrical GaN nanowire films.Crystengcomm15, 1626-1634 (2013)

  5)Wurtzite-type CuInSe2 for high-performance solar cell absorber: ab initio explorati红什on of the new pha质突拉化演考席但验se structure.J. Mater. Chem.22, 21662-21666 (2012)

  6)Giant ma回功村慢切青红gnetoresistance effect in graphene with asymmetrical magnetic superlattices.Appl. Phys. Lett.101, 152404 (2012).

  7)Order Struc石钢tures of A能检沉行lxGa1-xN Alloys: First-Principles Predict煤车夫哪ions.J. Phys. Chem. C116, 1282-1285 (2012)

  8)Enhanc则玉转跟验味ed Field Emission from GaN and AlN Mixed-Phase Nanostructured FilmJ. Phys. Chem. C116 (2), 1780-1783 ( 2012)

  9)Electron field emission enhanced by geometric and quantum effects from nanostructured AlGaN/GaN quantum wells.Appl. Phys. Lett.98, 152110 (2011)

  10)Strain-induced negative differential resistance in armchair-edge graphenenanoribbons.Appl. Phys. Lett.98, 082108 (2011)

  11)Field Emission Enhancement in Semiconductor Nanofilms by Engineering the Layer Thickness: First-Principles Calculations.J. Phys. Chem. C114, 11584-11587 (2010)

  12)Ultra-Low-Threshold Field Emission from Oriented Nanostructured GaN Films on Si Substrate.Appl. Phys. Lett.96(9), 092101(2010)

  13)Field emission enhancement by the quantum structure in an ultrathin multilayer planar cold cathode.Appl. Phys. Lett.92(14), 142102 (3) (2008)

  14)Spin transport in an asymmetrical magnetic superlattice.Phys. Rev. B74(2), 024417 (5) (2006)

  15)Strain-induced Raman-mode shift in single-wall carbon nanotubes: Calculation of force constants from molecular-dynamics simulations.Phys. Rev. B77(19), 195440 (5) (2008)

  16)Anomalous pressure behavior of tangential modes in single-wall carbon nanotubes.Phys. Rev. B76(3), 033402 (4) (2007)

  17)Pressure-induced Raman-active radial breathing mode transition in single-wall carbon nanotubes.Phys. Rev. B2007, 75(4), 045425 (5) (2007)

  18)Structural enhancement mechanism of field emission from multilayer semiconductor films.Phys. Rev. B, 72(12), 125310 (6) ( 2005)

  19)Multipeak characteristics of field emission energy distribution from semiconductors.Phys. Rev. B, 70(19),195305 (6) (2004)

  20)Band Bending Mechanism for Field Emission in Wide Band Gap Semiconductors.Appl. Phys. Lett.,81(15), 2782~2784 (2002)


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