泽维校预民常仁志玛 ,女,藏族,研究员,空间地球物理专业,博士生导师,先后获得中国地震局地震预测研究所硕士学位,北京来自航空航天大学博士学位。
- 中文名称 泽仁志玛
- 民族 藏族
主要从事电磁卫星数据处理及定标技术研究,2019年起担任中欧统装息航天合作联委会电提屋亚随奏伟绝困色磁卫星联合工作组磁场与等离子体数据定标技术组组长。长期致力于地震电磁异常现象的天地综合对比观测,地震电磁异常在不同高度的传播特征研究,研究获得了近地空间地明修震及非震源引起的空间电磁场的扰动特征, ELF/VLF频段不同类石境示见获握画行型典型电磁波动的传播特征和产生机制,重要研究结果在地球物理学界顶级期刊GRL上发表论文7篇,其中第一作者2篇,第三作者3篇。
1) 国家自然科学首渐式沿段基金委-国际(地区)合作与交流项目,4201101274, 空间天气与地震作用关系研究,2021/01-2022/12,15万元,项目负责人
2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41来自874174,顶部电离层ELF/VLF电磁波动产生机理及传播特征研究,2019/01-2022/360百科12,63万元,项目引轻引散未读责负责人
3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41574菜院简139、地震及非震源引起的电离层ELF嘶声波动研究、2016/01-2019/12、83万元、在研、项目负责人
4) 国家科学青基金年项目,41204136、近地空间非震电磁波动全球分布及动态变化前够五关适具规律研究、2013/12-2015/12、25万元、结题、项目负责人
5) 亚太空间合作组织(APSCO)项目, In裂tegrating Satellite and Ground Observations for Earthquake Signatures and Precursors,2019.4-2022.4,1基初思型43.5万美金,新获批,项目负责人
6) 国家国际科技合作项目,SQS2014RR113、地震空间电磁异常及传播模型合作研究、2014/04-201常7/08、176万元、结题、项目负责人
7) 民用航天科研项目:电磁卫星有效载荷在轨测试与交叉女著师卷里盟轻检验方法,2015/01-20浓端尽18/12,390 万元,结题,项目负责人
8) 国家科学青基金年项目,41延呢种204136、地球近地空金定铁配变金矿牛航向间非震电磁波动全球分布及动态变化规律研究、20的始括谓住安扬13/12-2015/12、25万元、结题、项目负责人。
9) 国家数字地震观测网络"十五项目":地震预测研究所前兆台网及台站信息节点建设,2005-2007,经费222.89万元,结题,项目负责人。
10) 973 项目,汶川地震相关信息分析与陆区大震预测途径探索,2008CB42570502,2008-2011、结题、专题负责人。
1.2009年 中国地震局防震减灾优秀成果奖-"地震前兆观测系统集中监控技术及其应用" 三等奖 排名第2(共5人)
2.2015年 磁声波研究成果获得美国地球物理协会的研究亮点,美国宇航局THEMIS卫星探测计划的重要发现,排名第3(共10人)
3.2015年 中国地震局防震减灾优秀成果奖-"电磁卫星数据处理关键技术" 三等奖排名第5(共5人
1. Zhima, Z.; Zhou, B.; Zhao, S.; Wang, Q.; Huang, J.; Zeng, L.; Chen, J.L.Y.; Li, C.; Yang, D.; Sun, X.; et al. Cross-calibration on the electromagnetic field detection payloads of the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences 2022, 18.
2. Yan, R.; Guan, Y.; Miao, Y.; Zhima*, Z.; Xiong, C.; Zhu, X.; Liu, C.; Shen, X.; Yuan, S.; Liu, D. The regular features recorded by the Langmuir probe onboard the low earth polar orbit satellite CSES. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 2022, e2021JA029289.
3. Zhima, Z.; Hu, Y.; Shen, X.; Chu, W.; Piersanti, M.; Parmentier, A.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, Q.; Huang, J.; Zhao, S.; et al. Storm-Time Features of the Ionospheric ELF/VLF Waves and Energetic Electron Fluxes Revealed by the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite. Applied Sciences 2021, 11, 2617, doi:10.3390/app11062617.
4. 胡云鹏, 泽仁志玛*., 黄建平, 等. 张衡一号卫星记录的空间电磁波传播特征分析方法及算法实现. 地球物理学报 2020, 63(5), 1751-1765, doi:doi: 10.6038/cjg2020N0405.
5. Zhima, Z.; Huang, J.; Shen, X.; Xia, Z.; Chen, L.; Piersanti, M.; Yang, Y.; Wang, Q.; Zeng, L.; Lei, J.; et al. Simultaneous Observations of ELF/VLF Rising-Tone Quasiperiodic Waves and Energetic Electron Precipitations in the High-Latitude Upper Ionosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 2020, 125, e2019JA027574, doi:10.1029/2019ja027574.
6. Zhima, Z.; Hu, Y.; Pierstanti, M.; Shen, X.; De Santis, A.; Yan, R.; Yang, Y.; Zhao, S.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, Q. The seismic electromagnetic emissions during the 2010 Mw 7.8 Northern Sumatra Earthquake revealed by DEMETER satellite. Frontiers in Earth Science 2020, 8, 459.
7. Zhima, Z., L. Chen, Y. Xiong, J. Cao, and H. Fu (2017), On the Origin of Ionospheric Hiss: A Conjugate Observation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 122(11), 11,784-711,793, SCI, Q1区期刊
8. Zhima, Zeren., L. Chen, H. Fu, J. Cao, R. B. Horne, and G. Reeves (2015), Observations of discrete magnetosonic waves off the magnetic equator, Geophysical Research Letters, 42(22), 9694-9701, doi:10.1002/2015GL066255.SCI,Q1区期刊
9. Zhima, Zeren, J. Cao, W. Liu et al., (2013), DEMETER observations of high-latitude chorus waves penetrating the plasmasphere during a geomagnetic storm, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 5827–5832. SCI, Q1区期刊
10. Zhima Zeren, Jinbin Cao, Huishan Fu et al., (2015), Whistler mode wave generation at the edges of a magnetic dip, Journal of Geophysical Research, 120(4), 2469-2476. SCI, Q1区期刊
11. Zhima Zeren, JinBin Cao, WenLong Liu et al.,(2014), Storm time evolution of ELF/VLF waves observed by DEMETER satellite. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, 2612–2622. SCI, Q1区期刊
12. 泽仁志玛, 申旭辉, 曹晋滨等(2012), 强震前 ELF/VLF 磁场的扰动特征统计研究, 地球物理学报. 55(11), 3699-3708,SCI
13. Zhima, Zeren. S. Xuhui, Z. Xuemin et al., (2012), Possible Ionospheric Electromagnetic Perturbations Induced by the Ms7. 1 Yushu Earthquake, Earth, Moon, and Planets,108, 234-241. SCI
14. Zhima, Zeren, X.M. Zhang,Xuhui,Shen et al., (2014),VLF Radio Signal Anomalies Associated with Strong Earthquakes. The XXXIth URSI 2014 GASS. EI
15. Shen, X., Z. Zhima, S. Zhao, G. Qian, Q. Ye, and Y. Ruzhin (2017), VLF radio wave anomalies associated with the 2010 Ms 7.1 Yushu earthquake, Advances in Space Research. SCI
16. Yang, Y.; Hulot, G.; Vigneron, P.; Shen, X.; Zhima, Z.; Zhou, B.; Magnes, W.; Olsen, N.; Tøffner-Clausen, L.; Huang, J.; et al. The CSES global geomagnetic field model (CGGM): an IGRF-type global geomagnetic field model based on data from the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite. Earth, Planets and Space 2021, 73, doi:10.1186/s40623-020-01316-w.
17. Liu, D.; Zeren, Z.; Shen, X.; Zhao, S.; Yan, R.; Wang, X.; Liu, C.; Guan, Y.; Zhu, X.; Miao, Y.; et al. Typical ionospheric disturbances revealed by the plasma analyzer package onboard the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite. Advances in Space Research 2021, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2021.08.009.
18. Piersanti, M.; Pezzopane, M.; Zhima, Z.; Diego, P.; Xiong, C.; Tozzi, R.; Pignalberi, A.; D'Angelo, G.; Battiston, R.; Huang, J.; et al. Can an impulsive variation of the solar wind plasma pressure trigger a plasma bubble? A case study based on CSES, Swarm and THEMIS data. Advances in Space Research 2021, 67, 35-45, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2020.07.046.
19. Diego, P.; Huang, J.; Piersanti, M.; Badoni, D.; Zeren, Z.; Yan, R.; Rebustini, G.; Ammendola, R.; Candidi, M.; Guan, Y.-B.; et al. The Electric Field Detector on Board the China Seismo Electromagnetic Satellite-In-Orbit Results and Validation. Instruments 2021, 5, 1.
20. Xia, Z.; Chen, L.; Zhima, Z.; Parrot, M. Spectral Broadening of NWC Transmitter Signals in the ionosphere. Geophysical Research Letters 2020, 47, e2020GL088103.
21. Yan, R.; Zhima, Z.; Xiong, C.; Shen, X.; Huang, J.; Guan, Y.; Zhu, X.; Liu, C. Comparison of electron density and temperature from the CSES satellite with other space‐borne and ground‐based observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 2020, e2019JA027747.
22. Yang, Y.-Y.; Zhima, Z.-R.; Shen, X.-H.; Chu, W.; Huang, J.-P.; Wang, Q.; Yan, R.; Xu, S.; Lu, H.-X.; Liu, D.-P. The First Intense Geomagnetic Storm Event Recorded by the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite. Space Weather 2020, 18, e2019SW002243, doi:10.1029/2019sw002243.
23. Zhang, Z.; Chen, L.; Liu, S.; Xiong, Y.; Li, X.; Wang, Y.; Chu, W.; Zeren, Z.; Shen, X. Chorus Acceleration of Relativistic Electrons in Extremely Low L-Shell During Geomagnetic Storm of August 2018. Geophysical Research Letters 2020, 47, e2019GL086226, doi:https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL086226.
24. Zhao, S.; Shen, X.; Zhou, C.; Liao, L.; Zhima, Z.; Wang, F. The influence of the ionospheric disturbance on the ground based VLF transmitter signal recorded by LEO satellite–Insight from full wave simulation. Results in Physics 2020, 19, 103391.
25. Zhao, S.; Shen, X.; Zhima, Z.; Zhou, C. The VLF transmitters' radio wave anomalies related to 2010 Ms 7.1 Yushu earthquake observed by DEMETER satellite and the possible mechanism. Annales Geophysicae Discussions 2020, 1-22.
26. Zhao, S.; Shen, X.; Liao, L.; Zhima, Z.; Zhou, C.; Wang, Z.; Cui, J.; Lu, H. Investigation of Precursors in VLF Subionospheric Signals Related to Strong Earthquakes (M> 7) in Western China and Possible Explanations. Remote Sensing 2020, 12, 3563.
27. 黄建平; 余伟豪;泽仁志玛;李忠; 楚伟. NOAA 系列卫星高能粒子数据一致性统计分析. 地球物理学报 2020, 63, 1249-1261.
28. Xuhui, S.; Zhima, Z.; Jianping, H.; Yanyan, Y.; Shufan, Z.; Rui, Y.; Zhenxia, Z.; Dapeng, L.; Qiao, W.; Wei, C. Current Status and Main Scientific Results of In-flight CSES Mission. 空间科学学报 2020, 40, 662-678.
29. Xuhui, S.; Zhima, Z.; Shigeng, Y.; Jianping, D.; Jianping, H.; Xinghong, Z.; Yanyan, Y.; Rui, Y.; Shufan, Z.; Dapeng, L. The CSES Mission and Its Preliminary Results. 中国航天 (英文版) 2020, 21, 5-18.
30. Xia, Z.; Chen, L.; Zhima, Z.; Santolík, O.; Horne, R.B.; Parrot, M. Statistical Characteristics of Ionospheric Hiss Waves. Geophysical Research Letters 2019, 46, 7147-7156, doi:10.1029/2019GL083275.
31. Fu, H. S., J. B. Cao, Z. Zhima et al.(2014),First observation of rising-tone magnetosonic waves, Geophysical Research Letters, 41(21), 2014GL061867. SCI, Q1