- 书名 现代英语词汇学教程
- 作者 丁建新
- ISBN 9787562432104
- 类别 语言类
- 定价 ¥17.00
1 Introduction. Word, Vocabulary and Lexicology
1.1 The notion of 'word'
1.1.1 Do words exist?
1.1.2 Bloomf批ield's definition of word
1.1.3 Characteristics of words
1.2 The organization of English vocabulary
1.2.1 The syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations
1.2.2 Word classes
1.2.3 Lexical fields
1.3 Lexicology and other levels of linguistic analysis
1.3.1 Lexicolo编西界此深练席严海gy and phonolog接岩技出环声南之y
1.3.2 Lexis and grammar:two forms of patterning
1.3.3 Lexicology and semantics
1.4 Summary
2 English Vocabulary:A Historical Perspective
2.1 The Indo-European langu坏音下age family
2.2 The English people and the Eng息杨固女行lish language
2.3 The de龙比抗赵视取界检节按望velopment of En短对占镇烈硫glish vocabulary
2.3.1 The Old 雨收English period
2.3.2 The Middle English period
2.3.3 Modern English period
2.4 Summary
3 Borrow宗ing as a Source of English Word-Stock
3.1 The size of English word-stock
3.2 The native words of the English language
3.3 Borrowing an overview
3.4 Major sources of borrowing
威离径普均行什第无外海3.4.1 Latin borrowings
3.4.2 Scandinavian influences
3.4.3 French loan words
3.4.4 Greek adoptions
3.5 Minor sources of borrowing
3.6 Influences of borrowings
3.7 Summary