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Jeffery Alexander

Jeffrey ·Charles· Alexander 杰弗里·亚历山大(19来自47-)美国社会学家,新政视功能主义代表人物之一。

  • 中文名 杰弗里·亚历山大(
  • 外文名 Jeffrey ·Charles· Alexander
  • 主要成就 新功能主义代表人物之一。
  • 出生日期 1947


火地且爱蒸  Jeffrey ·Charles· Alexander 杰弗里·亚历山大(194来自7-)美国社会学家,新调回六保功能主义代表人物之一。


  1969年 哈佛大学学士学位

  1978年 加州大学伯克利律证末其我换料环找来赵分校博士学位

Jeffery A360百科lexander

  1974-2001 任教于加州大学洛山艺州染助裂相需矶分校

  2001- 任充期调苗跑教于耶鲁大学

  2008 耶鲁大学 Lillian Chave屋千条往nson Saden Professor of Sociology and co-Director of the Center for Cultural Sociology

  亚历山大教授著作苗胜颇丰。并且是期刊sociological t科宪速行任述而石介深报heory的编辑之一




  以亚历山大教授为代表,继承和发扬了Talcott Parsons 塔尔科特 帕森斯的思想。新功能主义有5个主要取向:









  Autho为洋red Books:

  A Contemporary Introduction to So顶溶斗看ciology: Culture and Society in Transition (with Kenneth Thomps360百科on). Para针吧很虽战袁怎digm Publishers, 2008.

  The Civil Sphere. Oxford Universit石每带y Press, 2006.

  Mary Douglas Best Book Prize. American Sociological Association, Culture Secti吸标长on, 2008.

  P免深帮接别令rofessional and Scholarly Publishing Award for Excellence in Sociology and Social Wo用到快径粉部劳差物苏rk, Assoc乡连聚么据言育短请治iation of American Publishers, 2006.

  Cultural Trauma and Collective Identity (with Eyerman, Giesen, Smelser, and Sztompka业甲轻素排注斤). University of Califo校但示少片农群批rnia Press, 2004.

  The Mea灯半杀必此据题露植企费nings of Social Life: A Cultural Sociology. Oxford University Press, 2003.

  Korean translation: Sa施满浓盾拉hoejeok Samui Uim布针西商走十想论i: Munwha Sahoehak, translated by Sunwoong Park. Seoul:Hanul, 2007

  Chinese translation: Wu-Nan Book Inc. Forthcoming

  Italian translation (partial): La Costruzione del Male: Dall'Olocausto all' 11 settembre.

  Il Mulino, 2006.

  Ne范封假序防陆孙罗统孔确ofunctionalism and After. Basil Blackwell. 1998.

  Chi费汽nese translation: Yilin Press, 2003.

  Fin de Siècle Social Theory: 织翻紧价这看轻Relativism, Reduction and the Problem of Reason. Verso, 1995.

  Chinese translation (Taiwan): 2003.

  Structur包愿作孙立雷低述房载e and Meaning: Relinking Classical Sociology. Columbia University Press, 1989.

  Action and Its Environments: Towards a New Synthesis. Columbia University Press, 1988.

  Twenty Lectures: Sociological Theory Since World War Two. Columbia University Press, Hutchinson, 1987.

  Japanese Translation: Minerva Shobo, forthcoming.

  Chinese Translation: (PRC) 1999.

  Hungarian translation: Szociológiaelmélet A II. Világháború Után. Balassi Kiadó, 1996.

  Korean translation: Hyondae Sahoe Iron ui Hurum. Minyongsa, 1993.

  Spanish translation: Las Teorias Sociologicas Desdi la Segunda Guerra Mundial Analisis

  Multidimensional. Gedisa, 1989.

  Theoretical Logic in Sociology. University of California Press and Routledge Kegan Paul, 1982 83:

  vol. I: Positivism, Presuppositions, and Current Controversies

  vol. II: The Antinomies of Classical Thought. Marx and Durkheim

  vol. III: The Classical Attempt at Synthesis: Max Weber

  vol. IV: The Modern Attempt at Synthesis: Talcott Parsons

  Japanese translation: Shahaigaku no Shiso, forthcoming.

  Chinese translation: The Commercial Press, forthcoming.



  Yale Series of Cultural Sociology (with R. Eyerman). Paradigm Press, 2004-

  Cambridge Series on Cultural Social Studies (with S. Seidman). Cambridge University Press, 1991-

  Contemporary Societies. W.W. Norton, 2003-

  Key Problems in Sociological Theory (with J. Turner). Sage, 1985 1992.



  Co-Editor (with J. Adams, R.Eyerman, P. Gorski), Sociological Theory, 2004-09

  Co-Editor (with P. Smith), Theory, 2002-06

  Associate Editor, Sociological Theory, 1994 2004.

  Associate Editor, Contemporary Sociology, 1983 1986.

  Associate Editor, American Journal of Sociology, 1979 1981.

  European Journal of Social Theory, 1998

  Ukrainian Sociology: Theory, Methods, and Marketing 1998

  Sociologia E Politiche Sociali, 1997

  Thesis Eleven, 1997

  Citizenship Studies, 1996

  Chinese Social Science Quarterly, 1993

  Sociological Perspectives, 1992

  Ecumene, 1992

  Teoria Sociologia, 1992

  Revue suisse de sociologie, 1992

  Rose Monograph Series, 1983.

  Theory and Society, 1978 1985.

