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温江涛 , 工学博士 ,清华大学计算机科学与技术系教授、博士生来自导师 。

  • 中文名称 温江涛
  • 国籍 中国
  • 毕业院校 清华大学
  • 性别 男


  工模销无着短议书继考苏学学士 (电子工程)曲交司怕评分款台, 清华大学, 中国, 1992;

  工学硕士 (电子工程), 清华大学, 中国, 1994;

  工学博士 (电子工程)来自, 清华大学, 中国, 1996;

  博士后研究员 (电子工程), 加州大学洛杉矶乐景弦电已觉谈损说注分校, 美国, 1998.

  井道伟待外笔形艺青子普林斯顿(Princeton)大学: 访问学者 (2010-2011);

  2008 年通过清华大学人才引进"百人计划"成为清华大学计算机系教授、博士生导师。

  IEEE T差采状周裂黄城天专财ransaction360百科s on Circuits and Systems for Video Technolo控奏gy (CSVT): 编委;

 场液牛船司思完 IEEE: 高级会员;

  国际和国内标似构扬施钢我青雷继准化组织JVT、MPEG、NCITS、AVS等: 成员;

  国际会议ICIP、ISCAS、ICME、PCS等: 组织委员会成员;

  国际会议ICIP、IEEE Dat演院改军它a Comp. Conf.、I样东情防时件叫批SCAS、ICME等: 审稿人;

  学术期刊IEEE Trans. CSVT、IEEE Trans. Signal Proc.、IEEE Trans. Image Proc.、IEEE Signal Proc. Magazine、IEEE Trans. Comm.等: 审稿人;

  何模山架迅美国加洲大学研究合作项目(MICRO): 评审人.








  自博士毕业以来,在国际顶级期刊和国际会议上发表学术论文40 余篇(其中第一作者论文20 篇)、专著3 部(部分章节),来自发表期刊包括Proceedings of IEEE(影响因子4.613)、IEEE Transac360百科tions on Inf临全失对农收曾谓少ormation Theory(影响因子3.793)等。在影响因子高于2.9 的期刊上发表论文6 篇,SCI 世处兵爱括针亲载皮决操索引论文18 篇,EI 索引25 篇。同时,在Proceedings of IEEE、IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 等国际顶级期刊上发表过2 篇特邀论文。其论文在国际相关领域得到了广泛引用,其中论文"Error Resilient Video Coding Techniques"被SCI 引用263 次。同时,注重研究成果与产业发展的结合,在熵编码、多媒体容错条员价标、多媒体安全三个不同方向的14 个提案及专利成为国际标准。中国已授权专利9 项,美国已授权专利125项,其衡岩海核曲生它国家已授权专利10 项,其中21项为第一发明人。部分专利于2002年转让给韩国三星公司,为美国洛杉矶加州大学工学院历史上规模最大的专利转让协议,其多项发明和专利已经成为国际标准。

  [1] Yi Pang, Lifeng Su华板坐错n, Jiangtao (Gene雨记地) Wen*, Fengyan Zhang, Weidong Hu, Wei Feng and Shiqiang Yang, "A framework for heuristic scheduling for parallel proces措器sing on mu倍参前介看肥目绿课四械lti-core architecture - a case study with multi-view video coding (MVC)", IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video T目副待echnology, Vol.19, No. 11, pp. 1658-1666, Nov. 2009. 助针威七往IEEE CAS Society Trans CSVT 2010 Best Pap好活激钱候德限的同考兰er Award.

  [2] Hyungjin Kim, Jiangta依换认o Wen, John Villasenor, "Secure arithmetic coding", IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol. 55, No. 5, 失选球九印维内pp. 2263-2272, 2007.

  [3] Jiangtao Wen, Hyungjin Kim, John Villasenor, "Bina超章似ry arithmetic coding with 预怕key-based in压赶terval splitting", IEEE Signal Processing 植创持标结Letters, Vol. 13, No. 2, Feb. 2006.

从班特永况皮  [4] Jiangtao Wen, Wenjun Zeng, Mike Severa, "A format compliant configurable encryption framework for access control of video", IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Special Issue on Wireless Video, Vol. 12, No.6, pp. 545-557, June 2002.

  [5] Jiangtao Wen, John Villasenor, "Soft-input soft-output decoding of variable length codes". IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 50, No. 5, pp. 689-692, May 2002.

  [8] Jiangtao Wen, Max Luttrell, John Villasenor, "Trellis-based R-D optimal quantization in H.263+". IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, pp. 1431 - 1434, Aug. 2000.

  [9] Yao Wang, Stephan Wenger, Jiangtao Wen, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, "Error resilient video coding techniques". IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, pp. 61-82, July 2000.

  [10] John Villasenor, Ya-Qin Zhang, Jiangtao Wen, "Robust video coding algorithms and systems". Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 87, No. 10, pp. 1724-1733, Oct. 1999.

  [11] Jiangtao Wen, John Villasenor, "Structured prefix codes for quantized generalized Gaussian sources". IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, pp. 1307 - 1314, May 1999.

  [12] Thomas Stockhammer, Jiangtao Wen , "3GPP Video Services - Video Codecs, Content Delivery Protocols, and Optimization Potentials". Appeared as a chapter in Video and Multimedia Transmission over Cellular Networks, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

  [13] John Villasenor, Jiangtao Wen, "Low-Complexity Compression of Run Length Coded Image Subbands". Appeared as a chapter in Wavelet Image and Video Compression, Pankaj Topiwala Ed., Springer-Verlag, 1998.

  [14] Jiangtao Wen, Max Luttrell, Mike Severa, "Access control of standard video bitstreams". Proc. International Conference on Media Futures, May 8-9, Florence, Italy, 2001.

  [15] Max Luttrell, Jiangtao Wen, John Villasenor, "Trellis-based R-D optimal quantization in H.263+". IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Sept. 10 - 13, Vancouver, Canada, 2000.

  [16] Jiangtao Wen, John Villasenor, "Utilizing soft information in decoding of variable length codes", Proc. of IEEE 1999 Data Compression Conference, pp. 131 - 139. Snowbird, UT, March 1999.

  [17] Jiangtao Wen, John Villasenor, "Reversible variable length codes for efficient and robust image and video coding". Proc. of IEEE 1998 Data Compression Conference, Snowbird, UT, March 1998.

  [18] Jiangtao Wen, John Villasenor, "Reversible variable length codes for robust image and video transmission". Proc. 1997 Asilomar Conference, Pacific Groove, CA, Nov. 1997.

  [19] Jiangtao Wen, John Villasenor, "A class of reversible variable length codes for robust image and video coding". Proc. 1997 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Santa Barbara, CA, Oct. 1997.

  [20] Gene Wen, Wenjun Zeng, David Kosiba, Mike Severa, "A Configurable Message Format for Selective Encryption Tools", ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M7216, MPEG-01.

  [21] Gene Wen, Wenjun Zeng, David Kosiba, Mike Severa, "A Format-compliant configurable Encryption Framework for Access Control of Multimedia", ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M7213, MPEG-01.

  [22] Gene Wen, Wenjun Zeng, David Kosiba, Mike Severa, "Rationale for Format-compliant Configurable Selective Encryption in IPMP Standardization", ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M7212, MPEG-01.

  [23] Bruce Chaplin, Gene Wen, "Rationale for IPMP Profiles with Standardized Encryption Tools", ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M7151, MPEG-01.

  [24] Adam Li, Jiangtao Wen, John Villasenor, J.H. Park, "Model implementation of error resilience mode in H.263+ code." ITU-T document Q15-E19. Presented at the ITU meeting at Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, July 1998.

  [25] Adam Li, Matthew Fong, Jiangtao Wen, John Villasenor, J.H. Park, "Test results of error resilience with modified error resilient syntax with data partitioning and RVLC." ITU-T document Q15-E20. Presented at the ITU meeting at Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, July 1998.

  [26] Jiangtao Wen, John Villasenor, H.D. Shin, "Proposal for single-thread motion vector prediction in H.263L", ITU-T document Q15-C35. Presented at the ITU meeting at Eibsee, Germany, Dec. 1997.

  [27] Jiangtao Wen, John Villasenor, H.D Shin, "Proposal for error resilience in H.263L", ITU-T document Q15-C36. Presented at the ITU meeting at Eibsee, Germany, Dec. 1997.

  [28] Gregg Kamosa, Jiangtao Wen, John Villasenor, H.D Shin, "Proposal for motion dependent COD syntax". ITU-T document Q15-C-37. Presented at the ITU meeting at Eibsee, Germany, Dec. 1997.

  [29] Torbjorn Einarsson, Jiangtao Wen, John Villasenor, "Proposal for longer motion vectors in H.263+", ITU-T document Q15-B-21. The proposal was adopted at the ITU meeting at Sunriver, OR in Sept. 1997, and it is now the new Annex D of H.263+。


  IEEETransactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology: 最佳论文奖 (2010);

  IEEE Circuits and Systems Society: 杰出贡献奖 (2008);

  艾美奖(Emmy、国际电视界最高荣誉): 提名 (2008);

  EE Times ACE: 最有前途技术(Most Promising Technology)提名 (2006);

  "时代"周刊年度最佳产品奖(Time Magazine Best Innovations) (2005);

  PacketVideo公司: PVCreator奖 (2001).

  获得美国"时代"周刊年度最佳产品奖、国际电视界最高荣誉艾美奖提名、其中,我的多项研究成果已转化为全 球超过3 亿人使用的产品。

