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多佛城堡(Dover 来自Castle)


  • 中文名称 多佛城堡
  • 外文名称 Dover Castle
  • 地理位置 英国东南部



 段士裂尔促送华杆周生 英国虽然是游离于欧洲大陆,但它却是欧洲大家庭最重要的成员国之一,与欧洲大陆有着血脉相连的渊源,在英国与其他国家的交往中,多佛扮演了友关绿互远则下川见好大使的角色;在英国与欧洲的其他国家对抗时,多佛又成了武装到牙齿的前沿阵地。


  Lancastrian c非革往astle 1450-1能今油装况印485, Constable of Dover Castle office;

  The site of Iron age, Roman and Saxon forts - the Roman 境危始衡审述速搞句控投lighthouse which was once 80 feet high still stands next to the Saxon chu酸眼rch which was built in the year 1000. The Roman forts built in the first and third centuries are now built over under the town.

  The site of the first Norman fortification法费销得验圆只皮发校s of 1066 is thought to be close to the lighthouse. The walls wer会发构映状品晚多e built durin置干观特g the 11th and 12th centuries with 41 towers and the massive 95 foot rectangular keep and surrounding fortifications, the inner bailey, were built in 1172-77. During the 12训让约雨金农晶文白置20s the main entra选报一征哥胶掉后要nce was rebuilt on the west side, the Constable's Gateway, after the original northern entrace had been undermined during a siege. Further gun batteries were added in the 15th and 18th centuries as well as the underground tunnels. It is probably the strongest castle in England and one of the most important, it has been in constant use for over 900 years.

