鲁多维科艾奥迪 (Ludovico Einaudi),1955年11月23日出生于意大利都灵的鲁多维科艾奥迪,是著名的交响乐作曲家和钢琴演奏家。
- 中文名 鲁多维科艾奥迪
- 外文名 Ludovico Einaudi
- 国籍 意大利
- 出生地 意大利都灵的鲁多维科艾奥迪
- 出生日期 1955年11月23日
Ludovico Einaudi 鲁多维科·艾奥迪是右脱营州云浓花死欢苦也一位意大利的钢琴家和非传统古典音乐家。他1955年出生在意大利都灵由于她的母亲来自也是一位钢琴家从小就受到了钢琴音乐的熏陶。在米兰音乐学院学习时获得了意大利著名作曲家、指挥家和音乐教育家Luciano Berio的指导并获得了作曲学位。

97年BMG出版了他的电子竖琴作品《Stanze》一年后他击广入香的一组钢琴独奏小品《Le Onde》问世。02年3月《Eden Roc》进入英静印兵方息掉益河响国古典音乐排行榜前十而作品《I Giorni》自发行至今一直居于排行榜前二十。
In A Time Lapse
专辑英文名: Nightbook

艺术家: Lu料味茶城攻认倒dovico Einaudi
专辑风格:当代古典 Moder跑策药n Classical
唱片公司:Decca Records
发行时间: 2013年01月21日
地区: 英国,意大利
专辑介绍:"In a Time Lapse" was composed over a period o方束f two years and recorded in October 2012 in a Monastery near Verona, Italy. The 14 pieces that compose the album range between piano, strings, percussion and electronics. 叶顾北准列吧凯自间As with previous albums, "In A Time Lapse" develops as a suite with a concept that recalls the form of a novel divided in dif360百科ferent chapters. Epic and emotional, experimental and adv质enturous, "In A Time Lapse" moves even further exploring new textures and arrangements that blends dif林汽ferent musical worlds in on首e.
Within Ludovico's classical style, you can hear echoes of baroque and Italian folk music, late romantic strings textures, and a wide var送创双树船并操良记iety of colors between percussions and electronics, appearing throughout a jour王充沿证实丰通此远ney that transport the listener through a deep reflection on the 机concept of time.
曲目 | 排行 | 歌曲名称 | 歌曲长度 | 播放 | 歌词 | 分享歌曲 |
1 | 21 | Corale | 02:05 | - | ||
2 | 6 | Time Lap本第吧整绿se | 05:31 | - | ||
3 | 1 | Life | 阳银班造 04:22 | - | ||
4 | 9 | Walk | 矛 03:27 | - | ||
5 | 5 | Discovery At Night | 04:25 | - | ||
6 | 1车宽放球完3 | Run | 05:32 | - | ||
7 | 20 | Brothers | 04:51 | - | ||
8 | 8 | Orbits | 02:57 | - | ||
9 | 3 | Two Trees | 06:25 | - | ||
10 | 16 | Newton's Cradle | 07:52 | - | ||
乐七斗杆 11 | 11 | Waterways | 04:17 | - | ||
12 | 4 | Experience | 05:15 | - | ||
13 | 12 | Underwood | 04:13 | - | ||
14 | 19 | Burning | 05:08 | - | ||
15 | 7 | Circles (based on Ludovico Einaudi "Experience") | 03:57 | - | ||
16 | 14 | Time Lapse | 05:50 | - | ||
17 | 18 | Experience | 05:42 | - | ||
18 | 15 | Walk | 03:57 | - | ||
19 | 17 | Time Lapse | 05:26 | - | ||
20 | 10 | Discovery At Night | 06:18 | - | ||
21 | 2 | Walk | 05:08 | - |
Le onde
专辑英文名: Le Onde
艺术家: Ludovico Einaudi
专辑风格:当代古典 Modern Classical
发行时间: 1996年
地区: 英国,意大利
曲目 | 排行 | 歌曲名称 | 歌曲长度 | 播放 | 歌词 | 分享歌曲 |
1 | 12 | Canzone Popolare (Francia, 1500 ca.) | 00:55 | - | ||
2 | 9 | Le Onde | 05:00 | - | ||
3 | 2 | Lontano | 04:52 | - | ||
4 | 5 | Ombre | 05:25 | - | ||
5 | 1 | La Linea Scura | 04:54 | - | ||
6 | 10 | Tracce | 03:59 | - | ||
7 | 7 | Questa Notte | 05:16 | - | ||
8 | 11 | Sotto Vento | 07:04 | - | ||
9 | 3 | Dietro L'Incanto | 04:47 | - | ||
10 | 4 | Onde Corte | 03:28 | - | ||
11 | 8 | La Profondita Del Buio | 03:53 | - | ||
12 | 6 | Passaggio | 04:50 | - | ||
13 | 13 | L'Ultima Volta | 04:27 | - |
专辑英文名: Nightbook
艺术家: Ludovico Einaudi
发行时间: 2009年09月18日

地区: 英国,意大利
意大利作曲家、钢琴家Ludovico Einaudi(鲁多维可‧恩奥迪)09年强势回归推出了个人的最新纯音乐专辑<Nightbook>!
这张专辑于09年9月18日最先发行于意大利随后于10月5日在英国发行。Ludovico Einaudi承袭了以往阴郁的曲风并探寻着新的音乐方向就如他为乐迷们打开了一扇通往创造的大门。该辑体现了"已知"和"未知"的对比并让聆听者跟随他踏上黑暗忧郁的音乐旅程。在"Nightbook"、"Lady Labyrinth"等新作中我们可以听到不同于Ludovico Einaudi以往的音乐元素打击乐器细腻地与钢琴声盘绕在一起给整个弦乐部分赋予了更多张力值得细细聆听品味!
Nightbook is the latest album created by Italian composer Ludovico Einaudi. Released in 2009, the album sees Einaudi take a new direction with his music as he opens up a new door of creativity to the audience. The album contrasts between the unknown and known, and encourages the listener to take this dark journey that the album posseses.
A new approach can be clearly seen with notable tracks such as, "Nightbook", and "Lady Labyrinth" where the introduced element of percussion is carefully intwined with the piano and acts as a driving force throughout the song.
曲目 | 排行 | 歌曲名称 | 歌曲长度 | 播放 | 歌词 | 分享歌曲 |
1 | 9 | In principio | 02:51 | - | ||
2 | 4 | Lady Labyrinth | 05:30 | - | ||
3 | 11 | Nightbook | 05:50 | - | ||
4 | 1 | Indaco | 05:21 | - | ||
5 | 8 | The Snow Prelude No. 15 | 04:29 | - | ||
6 | 10 | Eros | 05:37 | - | ||
7 | 5 | The Crane Dance | 03:04 | - | ||
8 | 7 | The Snow Prelude No. 2 | 04:09 | - | ||
9 | 3 | The Tower | 04:41 | - | ||
10 | 12 | Reverie | 04:40 | - | ||
11 | 6 | Bye Bye mon amour | 07:37 | - | ||
12 | 2 | The Planets | 07:07 | - |