- 中文名 吴雪松
- 国籍 中国
- 职业 教师
- 性别 男
- 职称 教授
1985.10-1988.7 在天津大学力学系攻读硕士学位。
1988.10-1991.12 在英国帝国理工学院数学系攻读博士学位。
1992.3-1993.9 在英国帝国理工学院数学系从事博士后研究。
1来自993.10-1999.9 在英国帝国理工学院数学系任讲师。
1999.9-至今 在英国帝国理工学院数学系任高级讲师。
2001.10-至今 在天津大学力学系任特聘教授。
高雷诺数流动及边界层理论 。
1. 发展了次谐共振的数学描述。推导的幅值方程可以同时适用两类不同不稳定波所形成的三波共振问题。
2. 提出"锁相位模态相来自互作用"和"混合模态三波共振"的模型。证明了三维扰动波的瞬态增长,并最终使
3. 提出由360百科斜波直接引起转捩的理论。统一两种现有的理论,系统地研究了一对三维波从线性首欢仅胡需采督斗记反兰,经过一系
4. 在边界层的'接受性'机理方面提出了来流中的声波和漩涡涨落直接激发不稳定波的声县所甚机理 。
1994年,课题"Nonlinear Interaction of Inst叶升外神尔ability Modes in Stratified Shear Flows: Vortex Roll-u圆易食载p and Pairing"获Nuffield Foundation资助。项目经费:3,000英磅。
1997年,课题"Nonlinear Modal Interactions in Transitional Flows"获英国EPSRC资助。项目经费:42,218英磅。
1998年,课题"Randomization of Transitiona质染报损支套亚l flows"获英国皇家学会 (The Royal Society) 资助。项目经费:7,042英磅。
1. Wu, X & Zhou, H. Linea城放英编结医编担分江r instability of turbulent boundary layer as a mechanism for the
gener国跳岁光送责ation of large scale coherent s殖巴想互tructures. Chinese Science Bul药弦球化letin Eng矿lish Edition接动直略技马,
34(20): 1部半针个下乡两685-1688, 1989
2. Wu, X. The nonlinear evolution of high-frequency resonant-triad wav粉粮井持企es in Stokes-Layers
at high Reynolds numbers. J. Fluid Mech. 245: 553-59传灯致女7, 1992
3. Wu, X., Lee, S.S. & Cowley, S.J. On the weakly non图显激吃linear instability of shear flows to
pairs of oblique wave始矿甚六军s: the Stokes layer as a paradigm. J. Fluid Mech. 253: 681-720, 1993
Also published 讲它用粉菜车香原奏as NASA Technical Memorandum: NASA TM-105918: 92-20, 1992
4. Wu, X. On critical-layer and diffusion-layer nonlin爱件查乱液缩美似earity in the three-dimensional stage of
boundary-layer transition. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon. A443: 95-106, 1993
5. Mankbadi, R.R., Wu, X. & Lee, S.S. A critical-layer analysis of resonant triad in Blasius
boundary layer transition: nonlinear interactions. J. Fluid Mech. 256: 85-106, 1993
6. Wu, X. Nonlinear temporal-spatial modulation of near-planar Rayleigh waves in shear
flows: formation of streamwise vortices. J. Fluid Mech. 256 : 685-719, 1993
7. Wu, X. & Cowley, S.J. On the nonlinear evolution of instability modes in unsteady shear
layers: the Stokes layer as a paradigm. Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 48: 159-188, 1995
8. Wu, X. 1995 Viscous effects on fully coupled resonant-triad interactions: an analytical
approach. J. Fluid Mech. 292: 377-407, 1995
9. Wu, X. On an active resonant triad of mixed modes in symmetric shear flows: a plane
wake as a paradigm. J. Fluid Mech. 317: 337-368, 1996
10. Wu, X. & Stewart, P.A. Interaction of phase-locked modes: a new mechanism for the
rapid growth of three-dimensional disturbances. J. Fluid Mech. 316: 335-372, 1996
11. Wu, X., Stewart, P.A. & Cowley, S.J. On the weakly nonlinear development of Tollmien-
Schlichting wavetrains in boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech. 323: 133-171, 1996
12. Elgin, J.N. & Wu, X. Stability of cellular states of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation.
SIAM J. Appl. Maths. 56: 1621-1638, 1996
13. Wu, X., Leib, S.J. & Goldstein, M.E. On the nonlinear evolution of a pair of oblique
Tollmien-Schlichting waves in boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech. 340: 361-394, 1997
14. Wu, X. Generation of Tollmien-Schlichting waves by convecting gusts interacting with
sound. J. Fluid Mech. 397: 285-316, 1999
15. Wu, X. Receptivity of boundary layers with distributed roughness to vortical and
acoustic disturbances: a second-order asymptotic theory and comparison with
experiments. J. Fluid Mech. 431: 91-133, 2001
16. Wu, X. On local boundary-layer receptivity to vortical disturbances in the free
stream. J. Fluid Mech. 449: 373-393, 2001
17. Wu, X. Generation of sound and instability waves due to unsteady suction and
injection. J. Fluid Mech., 453: 289-313, 2002
18. Floryan, J.M., Szumbarski, J. & Wu, X. Stability of flow in a channel with vibrating
walls. Phys. Fluids 14: 3927-2936, 2002
19. Wu, X. & Luo, J.S. Linear and nonlinear instability of a Blasius boundary layer perturbed
by streamwise vortices. Part I: Steady streaks. J. Fluid Mechanics, 2002
20. Wu, X. & Choudhari, M. Linear and nonlinear instability of a Blasius boundary layer
perturbed by streamwise vortices. Part II: Intermittent instability induced by long-wavelength
Klebanoff modes. J. Fluid Mechanics, 2002
21. Wu, X., Wang, M., Moin, P., et al, Combustion instability due to nonlinear
acoustic-flame interaction. J. Fluid Mechanics, 2002
22. Wu, X., Stewart, P.A. & Jennings, M.J. On the role of phase-locked interaction of
Tollmien-Schlichting waves in boundary-layer transition. J. Fluid Mechanics, 2002