高志农(GAO Zhi-nong),男,于1961年12月出生,研究生学历,博士学位,武汉大学化学与参略分子科学学院高分子科学系教授(博士生导师)。
- 中文名称 高志农
- 国籍 中国
- 出生日期 1961年12月
- 毕业院校 武汉大学
- 职业 教师
1978.2-198来自2.1 武汉大学化学系本科生、理学学士
1984.9-1987.6 中国地质大学硕360百科士研究生、工学硕士
1995.9-2000.1 武汉大学博士研究丝生、理学博士
点品花意案括 主讲研究生课程:"应用高分子"、"高分子科学进展"(统钢海汽些精绝读给部分)、 "化学工程与技术进展"(深般投地线就久绍目部分)。
主讲本科生课程:"有机化学"、"高等有机化学导论"、"化学世界"、 "从分子水平看世界"。
1. 应用高分子材料
2. 新型空官缺花感凯态调班妈入表面活性剂合成与应用
3. 分子自组装材料与纳米材料合成
4. 油田化学/有机地球化学
2. 国防科来自工委军品配套研制项目(JPPT-115-536),研究经费150万。
3. 中国石化集团公司项目:新型高分子表面360百科活性剂的研制。
4. 中国电子科技集团项目:生物材料激光效应研究。
5. 国家十五科技攻关项目(2001DA210A02)子课题屋英创卷:光谱改进仪器的样品选用、制备及测试研究。
6. 湖北省自然科学基金项目(2000J023):新型聚合物驱油剂的研制及其驱油性能研究。
7. "构造与油气资气究虽源" 教育部重点实验室开放研究基金重点课题(TPR-2009-05):天然沥青中沥青质包裹体示踪分子的分析研究。
8. 横向科研协作项目数项。
1. 影响电子效应的空间因素。大学化学,2008,23(5):44-47。
2. 学习有机化学应注意掌握取代基效应。大学化学,2003,18(6):50-52,56及拉证剧精祖攻之协维压。
1. One-step green synthesis of silver nanobelts assisted by sodium carboxymethylc液多ellulose for catalytic reduct记皇研吧措孔ion of 4-nitrophenol. CrystEngComm, 2018, 20: 2135-2143.
2. One-step green synthesis of compositi提on-tunable Pt–Cu alloy nanowire networks with high catalytic activity for 4-nitrophenol reduction. Dalton Transactions, 2018, 47: 17461-17468.
3. A Tetr洋边洋大找aphenylethene Luminogen-Fun府蛋儿造稳服防验该副攻ctionalized Gemini Surfactant for Simple and Controllable Fabrication of Hollow Mesoporous Silica Nanorods with Enhanced 为矿吃Fluorescence. Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 57: 13653-13666.
4. Rapid synthesis of hierarchical, flower-like Ag microstructures with a Gemini surfactant directing agent for SERS 群也心换林写战州游层苗applications. CrystEngComm, 2017, 19, 65位47-6555.
5刚原亲力方销抗. Seed-mediated synthesis of acanthosphere-like gold microstru绝婷叶候口由石无决视销ctures with tunable LSPR in the NIR region using gemini surfactants as directing agents for SERS applications. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2017, 19: 290.
6. Influence of Three Anionic Gemin阿事钢i Surfactants with Different Chain Length on the Optical Properties of a Cationic Polyfluorene. Langmuir, 2014, 30: 3001–3009.
7. Synthesis and crystal structures of gold nanowires us厂自因等飞ing gemini surfactants as directing agents.ChemPhysChem, 2014 (DOI:10.1002/cphc.201402438).
8. Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of Novel Cationic Trimeric Ammonium Surfactants.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2014,457: 374-381.
9. Spectroscopic studies on the interactions of bovine serum albumin with alkyl sulfategemini surfactants.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2014, 441: 532-538.
10. Simple one-step synthesis of gold nanoparticles with controlled size using cationic Gemini surfactants as ligands: Effect of the variations in concentrations and tail lengths.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2013, 417: 201-210.
11. Surface Tension and Aggregation Properties of Novel Cationic Gemini Surfactants with Diethylammonium Headgroups and a Diamido Spacer.Langmuir, 2012, 28:11979−11987.
12. Synthesis of Three Novel Anionic Gemini Surfactants and Comparative Studies of Their Assemble Behavior in the Presence of Bovine Serum Albumin.Langmuir, 2012, 28:5913−5920.
13. Effect of hydrocarbon structure of the headgroup on the thermodynamic properties of micellization of cationic gemini surfactants:An electrical conductivity study.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2012, 371:73-81.
14. Synthesis and properties of novel alkyl sulfate Gemini surfactants.Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 2012, 114:1062–1069.
15. Adsorption and corrosion inhibitive properties of gemini surfactants in the series of hexanediyl-1,6-bis-(diethyl alkyl ammonium bromide) on aluminium in hydrochloric acid solution.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2011, 380: 191-200.
16. Synthesis and Complexation Studies of Calix[4]Crown-4 Telomers Intermolecularly Bridged with Calixarene Segments.Chinese Journal of Chemistry,2009, 27(1): 130-134.
17. A luminescent nanosensor for Hg (Ⅱ) based on functionalized CdSe/ZnS quantum dots.Microchimica Acta, 2008, 160: 119-123.
18. Synthesis of Calix[4]Crown-4 Oligomers Containing Hard and Soft Ion Binding Sites.Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2007, 104: 3201-3205.
19. Synthesis and surface-active property of bis-quaternary ammonium -sodium sulfate Gemini surfactant.Front. Chem. China, 2006, 1(4): 438-442.
20. Unusually physical and chemical characteristics of oil sand from Qaidam basin, NW China.Geochemical Journal, 2005, 39(2): 121-130.
21. Compressively matured solid bitumen and its geochemical significance.Geochemical Journal, 2001, 35(3): 155-168.
1. 国家地质矿产部科技成果二等奖(1991年)。
2. 湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文(2002年)。
3. 其它:曾获评石油学会及全国性学术会议优秀论文、武汉大学优秀教学研究论文,评为校优秀教师、优秀任课教师、统战系统先进个人,获得武汉大学"志愿军奖教金"等。