- 中文名 袁良杰
- 国籍 中国
- 出生日期 1967 年 09 月 26
- 职业 教授
- 学位 理学博士
学科专业:化学、无机化学 应用化学
研究方向: ① 固体化学 ② 材料化学 ③ 电子360百科封装材料化学
3. 参编教材
无机合成化学, 武汉大学出版社, 2004。
1.Prepa360百科ration of sph鸡动教底末纪表erical silica for Semiconductor (Hubei Province 1995).
2.Preparation of high pure amorphous spherical silica for LSI (Hub能ei Province 1997)
3.Preparation of high pure amorphous spherical silica for ULSI (863 project, the ministry of science and technology of China 2002- 2003).
4.Preparation of spherical silica for advanced sealing materials used for ULSI (863 project, the ministry o已景四销大跳f science and tec起齐要所清自法广得步hnology of Chin决讨a 2004- 2005).
1. Liangjie Yu践补去表展载山全an, Keli Zhang, Qingye Wan元变衣游才清g, Jutang Sun投议满常哪走系固续块任, Luminescence properties of Tb刚境3+ doped monosalicylates, J. 统局破主在死扩虽杆们台the Chinese Rare Earth Society, 1微和着呀关999, 17, 738-740. (in Chinese)
2. Jutang Sun, Liang煤肥兰神航jie Yuan, Keli Zhang, The thermal decomposition mechanism of zinc Phthalate, Thermochimica Acta. 2000, 343, 105-109.
3. Keli Zhang, Liangjie Yuan, Jutang Sun, Mechanism of thermal decomposition of barium 装benzoate, J. Therm. Anal. Cal., 1效轮皮照存要赵999, 58, 287-292.
4. Jutang S探的准香树劳留土找回un, Liangjie Yuan, Keli Zhang, 翻The thermal decomposition of zinc monos怕殖易alicylates, Thermoc室担候himica Acta 1999, 333, 141.
5. Jin Li, Liangjie Yuan, Jutang Sun, Eu3+ doped Strontium Aluminate Phosphor with Red Luminescence, J. the Chinese Rare Earth Society, 1998, 16, 1093. (in Chinese)
6. Yuan Liangjie, Sun Jutang, Luminescence Properties of Salicylate Doped Zinc Benzoate, Spectroscopy Letters, 1998, 31(8):1733-6.
7. Liangjie Yuan, Jutang Sun, Keli Zhang, Luminescence properties of Tb3+-doped strontium pyromellitate, Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 1999, 55: 1193.
8. Jutang Sun, Wei Xie, Liangjie Yuan, Keli Zhang, Qingye Wang, Preparation and Luminescence properties of Tb3+-doped zinc salicylates, Mater. Sci. Eng. B, 1999, 64(3): 157-160.
9. Yuan Liangjie, Sun Jutang, Qingye Wang, Zhang Keli, Luminescence properties of Tb3+-doped strontium quinolinate, Spectroscopy Letters. 1999, 32(5):867-873.
10. Liangjie Yuan, Keli Zhang, Jutang Sun, Luminescence of Zinc and Europium composite a -thiophene carboxylate, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2000, 20(6), 878-879. (in Chinese)
11. Liangjie Yuan, Jutang Sun, Keli Zhang,Luminescence of Tb3+ and Eu3+ doped amorphous zinc benzoates,Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 2003, 59(4):729.
12. Liangjie Yuan, Jutang Sun, et. al, Synthesis and luminescence of zinc and europium a -thiophene carboxylate polymer, Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 2003,59 (13): 2949-2953.
13. Liangjie Yuan, Zicheng Li, Jutang Sun, Keli Zhang,Yunhong Zhou,Synthesis and characterization of activated MnO2, Materials Letters, 2003,57/13~14:1945..
14. Liangjie Yuan, Mingcai Yin, Eting Yuan, Jutang Sun and Keli Zhang, Syntheses, Structures and Luminescence of Europium a-Thiophene Carboxylates Coordination Polymer and Supramolecular Compound, Inorganic Chimica Acta,2004,357 (1): 89-94.
15. Yin MC, Yuan LJ, Ai CC, et al. Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of europium and zinc ionic complexes,Polyhedron, 2004,23 (4): 529-536.
1. Preparation of high pure amorphous spherical silica for ULSI. (awarded in 2002)
2. Preparation of activated MnO2. (awarded in 2004)