- 中文名称 宁百齐
- 国籍 中国
- 毕业院校 武汉大学
- 信仰 共产主义
装形拿 全天空流星雷达相位校正方法研究,国家自然科学基金,2008-2010
Li G., B. Ning, B. Zhao, L. Liu, J.Y. Liu, K. Yumoto, Effects of geomagnetic storm on GPS ionospheric scintillations at Sanya, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Physics政味艺, 70(7), 1034-1045, 2008
Li G., B. Ning, L. Liu, B. Zhao, X. Yue, S.-Y. Su, and S. Venkatraman天承些鲁, Correlative study of plasma bubbles, evening equatorial ionization anomaly and equatorial pre-reversal E×B drifts at s概剧olar maximum, Radio Sci., 43, R任力显说缺类草S4005, doi:10.1029/2007RS003760, 2008
Zonghu员导未使态精城影征土岩a Ding, Baiqi N吃ing, Weixing Wan, and Libo Liu , Automatic scaling of F2 layer parameters from Ionogra营守头知样翻ms based on the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of 联ionospheric electron density, Eerth Planets Space, 59, 51-58, 2007
Zhengping Zhu, Baiqi Ning and Weixing Wan, Mea倍剂答的surement and analysis of ionospheric virtual height with high precision, Chinese J甲ournal of Space Scie负察吃位言哪案端拉比nce, 27(3), 204-210, 2007
Zhengping 所引践负审服Zhu and Baiqi Ning, Study of disturbance observation mode in ionospheric vertical sounding, Chinese Journal of Radio Science, 22(5), 760-766, 2007
Guozhu li, Baiqi Ning Weixing Wan and Bixiang Zhao, Observation of GPS ionospheric scintillation over Wuhan during geomagnetic storms, Ann. Geophysicae, 须24(7), 1581-1590, 2006
Libo Liu, Weixin政及清永g Wan, and Baiqi Ning, A study of the ionogra连事照师m derived effective scale height around the ionospheric hmF2, Ann. Geophysicae, 24(3), 851-860, 2006
Liu, L., W. Wan, B. Ning, O. M. Pirog, and V. I. Kurkin, Solar activity variations of the ionospheric peak electron density, J. Geophy. Res., 111, doi:10.1029/2006JA011598, 2006
Jinsong Chen and Baiqi Ning, Observation on meteor velocities of the Quadrantid meteor shower by using Wuhan meteor radar, Chinese Journal of Space Science, 26(2), 118-123, 2006
Guozhu Li, Baiqi Ning and Hong Yuan, Design and realization of a real-time GPS ionospheric scintillation monitoring system, Chinese Journal of Radio Science, 20(6), 758-764, 2005
G. Zhao, L. Liu, B. Ning, W. Wan, and J. Xiong, The turdiurnal tide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over Wuhan, Earth Planets Space, 57(5), 393-398, 2005
Jiangang Xiong, Weixin Wan, Baiqi Ning, Libo Liu, First Results of the Tidal Structure in the MLT Revealed by Wuhan Meteor Radar(3040'N, 11430'E), Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 66,675-682, 2004
Zhigang Yuan, Baiqi Ning, Weixing Wan, and Hong Yuan, Acquirement and analysis of Doppler ionograms with high accuracy in the ionogram mode from Digisonde 256, Radio Science, 39, RS2021, doi:10.1029/ 2002RS002779, 2004
Libo Liu, Weixing Wan, and Baiqi Ning, Statistical modeling of ionospheric foF2 over Wuhan, Radio Science, 39, RS2013, doi:10.1029/2003RS003005, 2004
J. Xiong, W. Wan, B. Ning, L. Liu, Meteor radar observation of circulation near mesopause over Wuhan, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 48(15), 1634-1638, 2003
Jiangang Xiong, Weixin Wan, Baiqi Ning, Libo Liu, Gravity Waves in the mesosphere observed with Wuhan Meteor Radar: A preliminary Result, Adv. Space Res., 32, 831-836, 2003
Z. Yuan, B. Ning, L. Liu, W. Wan, B. Zhao, A New method for determining the meridional wind velocity during an ionospheric storm, Geophys.Res.Letters, 30(6), 23-1-23-4, 2003
Zhigang Yuan, Baiqi Ning and Weixing Wan, Acquirement and analysis of high accurate Dopplionogram, Chinese Journal of Space Science, 22(3), 234-239, 2002
Baiqi Ning and Chen Lin, Application of software radio in ionospheric radio sounding, 17(3), 286-290, 2002
W. Wan, H. Yuan, L. Liu, B. Ning, The sudden increase in ionospheric total electron content caused by the very intense solar flare on July 14, 2000,Science in China(Series A), 45 Supp, 142-147, 2002
Zhigang Yuan and Baiqi Ning, Real-time sounding and analyzing of HF Doppler shift and angle of arrival, Chinese Journal of Radio Science, 16(4), 487-492, 2001
Baiqi Ning, Chen Lin and Bingkang Wang, Upgrading and networking of DGS-256 Digisonde, Chinese Journal of Radio Science, 15(1),90-96, 2000