- 类型 家庭,喜剧
- 主演 亚历克·鲍德温,托贝·马奎尔,亚历山大·波洛克
- 片长 87min
- 上映时间 2001年6月23日
- 出品公司 ArgentinaVideoHome

某一天,一位人类科学家―布洛迪博士(Prefessor Brody)成功研制了一种专门治疗所有犬类过敏症的疫苗,可以想象,如果这种疫苗投入使用,这对于那些喜爱小狗却苦于过敏的人们无疑是个好消息,但是对于猫们,哼哼……它们惟恐这个世界上的狗只过多,会影响它们统治地球的计划,所以,在一只诡计多端的叫“叮当”(Tinkle)的肥波斯猫策划下,猫族决定要不惜一切代价,摧毁疫苗;并逆反疫苗,使所有人类对狗过敏!为此,狗们派出特工来保护博士家不帝妒说首受猫侵犯。但阴差阳错,一只小比格猎犬“卢”(Lou the Beagle)反而被博士收养了。这时“卢”无意中得悉了这个精心准备的阴谋,于是在其他几只性格迥异的狗帮助下,一场针对疫苗的“破坏”和“反破坏”大战打响了,一时间,爪牙横飞,猫叫狗跳,究竟最后鹿死谁手?不用问也知道,要是猫们赢了,我们还能坐在电影院里看这部电影吗?



角色 | 演员 | 配音 |
Professor Brody | 杰夫·高布伦/Jeff Goldblum | ---- |
Mrs. Brody | 伊丽莎白·帕金斯/Elizabeth Perkins | ---- |
Scot投政程费ty Brody | 亚在房呢压右吸杀半社历山大·波洛克/Alexand编外激那比物女货晶er Pollock | ---- |
Sophie the Castle Maid | 米瑞安·玛格莱斯/Miriam Margolyes | ---- |
Mr. Mason | Myron Natwick | ---- |
Mrs. C云alvert | Dor核烟留is Chillcott | -与管烈对林若药元剧烧张--- |
Pie Mom | Kirsten Robek | ---- |
The Farm际er | Frank C. Turner | ---- |
Guard at Factory Gate | Mar Andersons | ---- |
Factory Receptionist | 吉莲·芭伯/Gillian Barber | ---- |
Sophie's Sister | 卡萝尔·安·苏希/Carol Ann Susi;Randi Kaplan;Mary Bogue | ---- |
Mason Employee | Alvin Sanders;Mark Schooley | ---- |
Worker | Lou Bollo;Scott Nicholson;Trish Schill | ---- |
Wife passenger | Babe Dolan | ---- |
Truck driver (as Reginald Glass) | Reg Glass | ---- |
Truck driver | Charles Andre | ---- |
Nurse | Peggy Logan | ---- |
Jogger on Sidewalk | Alicia Michelle | ---- |
Yorkie Dog Owner | Pamela Perry | ---- |
Lou the Beagle | ---- | ---- |
Butch | ---- | ---- |
Mr. Tinkles | ---- | ---- |
Ivy | ---- | ---- |
Peek | ---- | ---- |
Sam | ---- | ---- |
Calico | ---- | ---- |
Doberman Drill Sergeant | ---- | ---- |
Collie at HQ | ---- | ---- |
The Mastiff | ---- | ---- |
Russian Blue | ---- | ---- |
Ninja Cat (Devon Rex) | ---- | ---- |
Wolf Blitzer, CNN | ---- | ---- |
Fake Ticket Person at Stadium (uncredited) | James D. Bissell | ---- |
Ginger Kitten (uncredited) | John Higgins | ---- |
Puppy in barn (uncredited) | Richard Steven Horvitz | ---- |
German Shepherd at HQ (uncredited) | ---- | ---- |
Little Dog (voice: Spanish version) (uncredited) | ---- | ---- |
职员表 |
制作人:Chris Bender;Bruce Berman;Christopher DeFaria;格伦·费卡拉/Glenn Ficarra;Ed Jones;安德鲁·莱泽/Andrew Lazar;克雷格·佩里/Craig Perry;John Requa;J.C. Spink;沃伦·齐德/Warren Zide |
导演:劳伦斯·哥特曼/Lawrence Guterman |
副导演(助理):Misha Bukowski;查尔斯·吉布森/Charles Gibson;Catherine Kretz;Patrice Leung;Jeff Mosuk;Linda Pearce |
编剧:约翰·雷夸/John Requa;格伦·费卡拉/Glenn Ficarra |
摄影:朱利奥·马卡特/Julio Macat |
配乐:约翰·戴布尼/John Debney |
剪辑:Rick Finney;Michael A. Stevenson |
选角导演:Marci Liroff |
艺术指导:James D. Bissell |
美术设计:Sandi Tanaka;Nancy Ford |
服装设计:Tish Monaghan |
视觉特效:Craig Barron;Blair Clark;Ed Jones;Allan Magled;Scott Souter;Bill Westenhofer |
布景师:Lin MacDonald |

英文名:集明训Cats and Dogs
类型: 家庭 / 喜剧
上映日期: 2001年6月23日 美国
片长:87 min
对白语言: 英语
发行公司: Argentina Video Home (AVH) 关均斗...更多>>
官方网站: Warner Bros. [us] .
* 来自Cats & Dogs
* F360百科elines and Canines.....(USA) (working title)
* Fighting Like Cats and Dogs.....(USA) (working title)
* Like Cats & Dogs.....(USA) (working title)
影片类型*家庭 / 喜剧
族笑金 片长: 87 min
混音:杜比数饭为女血叶小剧点地修码环绕声 / 数字化影院系统 / SDDS
MPAA评级:Ra海装剧误四示ted PG for anima京丝圆哥采商l action and humor.
级别:Australia:PG / Singapore:PG / Argentin础销身和甲封值花a:Atp / Peru:PT / UK:PG /USA:PG / France:U / Iceland:L / Hong Kong:I / Spain:T / Sweden:7 /Brazil:Livre / Italy:T / Germany丰星原害下:6 / Netherlands:AL / Switzerland:7 /Malaysia:U / Finland:K-7
制作成本:$60,000,000 (estimated)
摄制格式:35 mm
洗印格式:35 m书m、Digital (Texas Instruments DLP 1280 x 1024, 1.5 : 1 anamorphic)
胶现垂杆片长度:2440 m (Spa评项承边伯践八束益谓in)
在这部轻喜剧中,杰夫-高布伦(Jeff Goldblum)饰演布罗迪教授(Professor Brody),他的工作是找到一种治疗犬类过敏症的疫苗,这使试得丁哥先生将布罗迪教授的家当作其全球大战计划的起点。伊丽莎白-珀金斯(Elizabeth Perkins)在剧中饰演布罗迪教授的夫人,亚历山大-波洛克(Alexander Pollock)饰演他们武北顾的儿子斯科特(Sc输封增ott)。
著名演员托和增欢危顾甲六害治贝-马奎尔(Tobey Maguire)片中为忠诚英勇的小猎犬“洛”配音;亚历克-鲍德温(Alec Baldwin)为忠诚的牧羊犬布彻(Butch)配音;肖恩-海斯(Sean Hayes)为“叮当”先生配音;苏珊-萨兰登(Susan Sarandon)为监视“洛”的一条聪明而神秘的猎犬艾维(Ivy)配音;乔-帕托利亚诺(Joe Pantoliano)为一条无毛的中国狗,也是一位电子专家皮克(Peek)配音;迈克尔-克拉克-邓肯(Michael Clarke Duncan)为友好的牧羊犬萨姆(Sam)配音;乔恩-洛维茨(Jon Lovitz)为“叮当”先生的中尉卡里科(Calico)配音;查尔顿-赫斯顿(CharlTon Heston)为狗司令部(the Dog Command)中的一名高级官员马斯蒂夫狗(Mastiff)配音。
1. Mad Chance [美国]
2. NPV Entertainment
3. Village Roadshow Pictures [美国]
4. 华纳兄弟公司 [美国]
5. Zide-Perry Productions [美国]
1. Argentina Video Home (AVH) [阿根廷] (Argentina) (video)
2. Warner Bros. GmbH [德国] (Germany)
3. 华纳兄弟公司 [阿根廷] (Argentina)
4. 华纳兄弟公司 [法国] (France)
5. 华纳兄弟公司 [意大利] (France)
6. 华纳兄弟公司 [荷兰] (France)
7. Warner Home Vídeo [巴西] (Brazil) (DVD)
8. Warner Sogefilms A.I.E. [西班牙] (Spain)
1. Gray Matter FX [美国]
2. Jim Henson's Creature Shop [美国]
3. Matte World Digital [美国]
4. Mill Films Ltd. (I) [英国]
5. Rhythm & Hues [美国]
6. Tippett Studio [美国]
其他公司: Flashframe [美国] title design: main titles
Lou: I'm on to you, kitty, and you're in big trouble! (小卢:我盯上你了,你麻烦大了!)
Russian Blue: I think not, baby puppy. It is you who is in trouble!(俄国蓝猫:才怪!小笨狗,有麻烦的是你!)
Mr. Tinkles: I want you to stay here. (丁哥:你留下来)
Calico: Why? (斑纹猫:为什么?)
Mr. Tinkles: Because I hate you. (丁哥:因为我讨厌你!)
Butch: Son of my mom!
Mr. Tinkles: Evil does not wear a bonnet! (丁哥:坏蛋猫不戴花边小帽!)
Mr. Tinkles: Hold still, I'm trying to crush you!
Mr. Tinkles: Hello, Mr. Sinister Serum... (丁哥:邪恶血清先生)
Mr. Tinkles: As a reward you will each receive sixteen pounds of Monterrey Jack cheese... (一块16磅重的高级乳酪)
Mr. Tinkles: ... and the continent of Australia. (还有澳洲大陆!)
Prof. Dad Brody: Bad talking cat!
Scotty: Loser.
Lou: Cat person.
Mr. Tinkles: Cats rule! (猫就能征服全世界!)
Lou: I think that if I'm going to be a secret agent, I should have a better name. I was thinking, "Toto Annihilation".
Peek: Nah, he's a pro wrestler. Sorry, that name's taken.
Lou: Alright then, "Doom Machine" it is!
Lou: I changed my mind... call me the Claw of Ling Chou!
Lou: I've never met a stray.
Ivy: Actually, I prefer "domestically challenged".
Prof. Dad Brody: Our team is red hot, your team ain't doodley squat!
Mr. Tinkles: The ninjas failed, and failure is unacceptable! If they ever show their faces again, you know what to do.
Calico: Yes. Tell them to wash with a loofah sponge.
Mr. Tinkles: Ah, putting a happy face on things, I see. What an interesting philosophy. At what point did you forget that
Mr. Tinkles: we're trying to take over the world?
Russian Blue: This Tinkles, he is jerk. He talk too much and shed all over.
Russian Blue: What do they know? I work hard, bring home the Meow Mix...
[Lou and the Russian cat are rolling on the floor fighting.]
Lou: Get off me, you furball!
Russian Blue: You fight like a poodle.
Mrs. Mom Brody: I have a bat.
Prof. Dad Brody: I have a mitt, and I'm not afraid to use it.
[Whilst driving like an imbecile]
Calico: [shouting] Get out of the road you lunatic!
Prof. Dad Brody: Who do you think kidnapped us, Uraguay or Chad?
Mr. Tinkles: Like a powerful, dark storm, I will make my presence known to the world. Like a seeping mist, I will creep into the dogs' center of power, and make them quake in fear at the very mention of my name!
Sophie the Maid: [Opens the doors and enters] Oh, Mr. Tinkles?!
Sophie the Maid: [sniffing Tinkles] Ah, you're a stinky kitty. First you have to have a bath.
Lou: Well, Miss Challenged, I'm sorry, but I think you gotta leave. My orders are clear. I---
Ivy, the Female Alley Dog: Orders?
Lou: That's right. I'm a secret agent.
Lou: I don't have time for fun.
[Sophie the Maid has made a matching outfit to hers, for Tinkles, and she is pointing it out to him.]
Sophie the Maid: Mr. Tinkles? Guess what I made for you. Now you can look just like me. (苏菲太太:丁哥!猜猜我替你做了什么?我们可以穿情侣装了!)
Mr. Tinkles: [finally speaking] No, I think not, Sophie.(丁哥:我看不必了,苏菲。)
距离上一次猫咪和狗狗的大战已经过去了数年之久,来之不易的和平再一次受到威胁。这次的敌人可不是上一部中的笨蛋,它可是原猫咪间谍组织Mousers Enforcing Our World's Safety(MEOWS)的顶级特工,名为Kitty Galore。它顺利地窃取到了狗狗组织的核心机密,并且为了报复狗狗组织和人类,它设计了一个恐怖而毒辣的计划意图控制全世界!
英文名 Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (2010)
又名: 猫狗斗多番 / 猫狗大战:珍珠猫大反扑 / Cats & Dogs 2 猫怪的复仇
主演:克里斯·奥唐纳、贝特·米德勒、杰克·麦克布瑞尔 影片类型:喜剧
色彩: 彩色
演员 Actor:
背景音乐 Get The Party Started 克里斯·奥唐纳 Chris O'Donnell ....Shane
贝特·米德勒 Bette Midler ....Kitty Galore (voice)
杰克·麦克布瑞尔 Jack McBrayer ....Chuck
琪兰·席普卡 Kiernan Shipka ....Little Girl
Carlos Alazraqui ....Cool Cat
Paul Rodriguez ....Crazy Carlito
马尔科姆·斯图尔特 Malcolm Stewart ....Captain Flemming
Geoff Redknap ....Puppeteer
马尔科姆·古德温 Malcolm Goodwin ....Officer Mike
Kristina Barr ....Woman Who Screams
David Milchard ....Carney
Rondel Reynoldson ....Tourist
Ian Thompson ....Cablecar Driver
Chris Parson ....Hep-Cat
Nicholas Everett ....Game Boy
Nathaniel Tenenbaum ....Ice Cream Kid
Eve Casha ....Twin girl in amusement park
Lara Casha ....Twin girl in amusement park
Robert Hewko ....Old Man Sleeping
Solomon Kennedy ....Man on ferry
Paul Hooson ....Various Creatures (uncredited)
Tom MacNeill ....Crowd member (uncredited)
Eduardo Noda ....Fair goer (uncredited)
Jim Van Dijk ....Security agent (uncredited)
亚历克·鲍德温 Alec Baldwin ....Butch (voice)
迈克·克拉克·邓肯Michael Clarke Duncan ....Sam (voice)
乔·潘托里亚诺 Joe Pantoliano ....Peek (voice)
罗杰·摩尔Roger Moore
Adam Behr ....Puppeteer (uncredited)
James Arnold Taylor ....Various cats and dogs (uncredited)
布拉德·佩顿 Brad Peyton
编剧 Writer:
Ron J. Friedman ....(written by) &
Steve Bencich ....(written by)
约翰·雷夸 John Requa ....(characters) &
格伦·费卡拉Glenn Ficarra ....(characters)
CD2 Films Village Roadshow Pictures [美国]
制作人 Produced by:
Debbi Bossi ....associate producer
Polly Cohen ....producer
安德鲁·莱泽 Andrew Lazar ....producer
Brent O'Connor ....executive producer
Miri Yoon ....co-producer
原创音乐 Original Music:
Christopher Lennertz
摄影 Cinematography:
斯蒂芬·B·波斯特 Steven B. Poster
剪辑 Film Editing:
Julie Rogers
选角导演 Casting:
Kristy Carlson
艺术指导 Production Designer:
Rusty Smith
美术设计 Art Direction by:
Sandi Tanaka
布景师 Set Decoration by:
Carol Lavallee
服装设计 Costume Design by:
Tish Monaghan
视觉特效 Visual Effects Supervisor:
Joe BauerAllan Magled ....Soho VFX David Casey ....The EmbassyBlair ClarkScott Liedtka
副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director:
Josy Capkun ....assistant director: second unit/second assistant director 克雷格·汉德森 Greg Michael ....second unit director Tammy Nielsen ....trainee assistant director
华纳兄弟公司 [英国] (2010) (worldwide) (theatrical) 20th Century Fox (2010) (Malaysia) (theatrical) Village Films [希腊] (2010) (Greece) (theatrical) 华纳兄弟公司 [荷兰] (2010) (Netherlands) (theatrical)
Tippett Studio [美国] Proof [美国] (previsualization) Realscan 3D [美国] (digital doubles) Soho VFX [加拿大] (visual effects) Svengali Visual Effects (additional visual effects)
Chapman and Leonard Studio Equipment camera cranes/camera dollies Executive Assurance [美国] security Spacecam Systems Inc. [美国] aerial cameras provided by
《猫狗大战2》的上映/发行日期国家/地区 上映/发行日期(细节)

以色列Israel 2010年7月29日
新加坡Singapore 2010年7月30日
美国 USA 2010年7月30日
英国 UK 2010年8月4日
比利时Belgium 2010年8月4日
俄罗斯Russia 2010年8月5日
荷兰 Netherlands 2010年8月5日
挪威Norway 2010年8月6日
德国 Germany 2010年8月12日
芬兰Finland 2010年8月13日
法国 France 2010年8月18日
阿根廷 Argentina 2010年8月19日
西班牙 Spain 2010年8月20日
日本Japan 2010年8月21日
葡萄牙Portugal 2010年8月26日
冰岛Iceland 2010年8月27日
巴西 Brazil 2010年9月3日
澳大利亚Australia 2010年10月16日
台湾Taiwan 2010年8月20日