- 中文名称 江仁望
- 出生日期 1973年7月15日
- 毕业院校 湖北中医学院中药系
- 性别 男
个人简介 (Brief introduction)
199行肉许基简局他6年获湖北中医学院中药学学士学位,1999年获中国协和医科大学理学硕士(药物化程制停轴由兵外学), 2002年获香港中文大学拉至阶理学博士学位(化学)。博士毕业后,先后在香港中文大学中医中药研究所,美国佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Techn来自ology)和哈缺关米古因却且乐求制见佛医学院 (Harvard 360百科Medical School) 从事博士后研究。200西程质他屋王类8年3月回国,现任暨南大学药形级担县定诗感差矛重附学院中药及天然药物研究所教授。长期从事活性天然产物的研究,在天然产物的分离,鉴定及其生物活性等方面有丰富研究经验。在香港及海外学习和工作期间,衣当大扬凯先后参与了香港研离丝新助守验零用究资助局、香港创新科技署及美国NIH等项目8项。回国后,迅速获得国家基金、广东省基金、广东省高层次人才项目及教育部新世纪川强富结哥础他起画置优秀人才的资助。在Journal of Natural Products, Phytochemistry, Tetrahedron, Tetrahedr品微被状相on Letters, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry等本学科主流的SCI期刊发表论文60余篇, 博士毕业论论苗见距起精文"Antiviral compo-nents against respi板列复满案常极息数ratory vir夫置uses from medi-cinal plants" 获香港中文大学2002年度优秀毕业论文奖。研究方向为具有抗癌活性的天然产物(大小分子)的发现、三维结构及其作用靶点研究。
学习经历 (Study experiences)
2002年8月 香港中文大学化学系 博士 (导师:麦松威 院士)
1999年7月 中国医学科学操分南则院药物研究所 硕士(导师:郑启泰 研究员)
1996年哪需7月 湖北中医学院中药系 本科
工作经历 (Professional experiences)
2008年3月-今, 暨南大学药学院中药及天然药物研究所教授.
2007年10月-2008年3月, 美国哈佛大学医学院高级研究专员(Harvard Medical School, Research fellow).
2006年10月-2007年10月, 美国佐治亚理工大学生物学(G复eorgia Institute 议赶of Technology,Postdoctoral fellow).
2003年12月-2006年10月, 香港中文大学中医中药研究所项目经理(The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Project manager)。
2002年12月-2003年12月, 香港中文大学中医中药研究所博士后(The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 需歌资Postdoctoral fellow)。
研究方向(Research Area)
具有抗癌活性的天然甾体类化合物的发现、三维结构及其作用靶点研究(Discovery, three dimensional structures and molecular targets of natural steroids with anticancer properties)
1. 从植物、动物样本中提取分离甾体类化合物,并比较不同物种中甾体类化合物的异同(Isolation of natural steroids from plants and animals, and comparison of the steoids profiles among different species).
2. 甾体类化合物的结构修饰以增加结构多样性(Structural modification of natural steroids so as to increase the chemical diversity)
3. 采用波谱学方法及单晶衍射分析法获得甾体类化合物的三维结构(Determination of the three dim-ensional structures of natural steroids by spectroscopic methods and single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyis).
4. 研究甾体类化合物的抗癌活性及作用靶标(Investigate the anticancer activities and molecular targets of steroids).
科研项目 (Research projects)
8.广东省高层次人才项目 (50634005):基于岭南中草药精细组分库的抗前列腺癌活性成分的发现研究,江仁望主持人。
2010 暨南大学考核优秀工作者
2009 暨南大学优秀科研工作者
2006 研究论文 J. Nat. Prod. 2006, 69, 749-754, 被美国生药学会 (American Society of Pharmacognosy) 选为浏览次数最多, 引用频次最高论文之一。
2002 香港中文大学优秀毕业生
2002 香港中文大学优秀毕业论文
1996 湖北中医学院优秀毕业生
1996 湖北省大学生优秀科研成果二等奖
1.Zhang, RR; Tian, HY; Tan, YF; Chung, TY; Sun, XH; Xia, X; Ye, WC; Middleton, DA; Fedosova, N; Esmann, M*; Tzen, JTC*; Jiang, RW*. Structures, chemotaxonomic significance, cytotoxic and Na(+),K(+)-ATPase inhibitory activities of new cardenolides from Asclepias curassavica. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2014, 12(44):8919-8929.
2.Zhang Z-R, Li J-H, Li S, Liu A-L, Hoi P-M, Tian HY, Lee, SMY*, Jiang, RW*. In Vivo Angiogenesis Screening and Mechanism of Action of Novel Tanshinone Derivatives Produced by One-Pot Combinatorial Modification of Natural Tanshinone Mixture from Salvia Miltiorrhiza. 2014, PLoS ONE 9(7): e100416.
3.Wu, Zhen-Long; Zhao, Bing-Xin; Huang, Xiao-Jun; Tang, Gen-Yun; Shi, Lei; Jiang, Ren-Wang; Liu, Xin; Wang, Ying; Ye, Wen-Cai*. Suffrutines A and B: a pair of Z?/E isomeric indolizidine alkaloids from the roots of Flueggea suffruticosa Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 2014, 53(23), 5796-5799.
4.Li, Xiao-Long; Zhao, Bing-Xin; Huang, Xiao-Jun; Zhang, Dong-Mei; Jiang, Ren-Wang; Li, Ying-Jie; Jian, Yu-Qing; Wang, Ying; Li, Yao-Lan; Ye, Wen-Cai. (+)?- and (-?)?-?Cajanusine, a Pair of New Enantiomeric Stilbene Dimers with a New Skeleton from the Leaves of Cajanus cajan. Organic Letters 2014, 16(1), 224-227.
5. Zhang, J. L.; Tian, H. Y.; Chen, N. H.; Bai, X. Y.; Li, J.; Zhang, R. R.; Wu, R. B.; Jiang, R. W.* Caesalpinimin A, a novel rearranged furanoditerpene with an unprecedented carbon skeleton from the seeds of Caesalpinia minax Hance. RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 7440-7443.
6. Tian, H. Y.; Yuan, X. F.; Jin L.; Li, J.; Luo, C.; Ye, W. C., Jiang, R.W.* A bufadienolide derived androgen receptor antagonist with inhibitory activities against prostate cancer cells. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2014, 207, 16–22.
7. Yuan X.F.; Tian H.Y.; Li J.; Jin L.; Jiang S.T.; Liu K.W.; Luo C.; Middleton D.A.; Esmann M.; Ye W.C.; Jiang R.W.* Synthesis of bufalin derivatives with inhibitory activity against prostate cancer cells. Nat Prod Res. 2014, 28, 843-847.
8. Tian, H.Y., Luo, S. L., Liu, J. S., Wang, L., Wang, Y., Zhang, D. M., Zhang, X.Q., Jiang R.W.*; Ye W.C.*. C23 Steroids from the Venom of Bufo bufo gargarizans. J. Nat. Prod. 2013, 76 (10),1842–1847.
9. Li J., Sun H., Jin L., Cao W., Zhang J., Guo C.Y., Ding K., Luo, C., Ye W.C., Jiang R.W.*. Alleviation of podophyllotoxin toxicity using coexisting flavonoids from Dysosma versipellis. PLoS One 2013, 8(8): e72099.
10. Li, J.; Dai, C. X.; Sun, H.; Jin, L.; Guo, C. Y.; Cao, W.; Wu, J.; Tian, H. Y.; Luo, C.; Ye, W. C.; Jiang, R. W.*. Protective effects and mechanisms of curcumin on podophyllotoxin toxicity in vitro and in vivo. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2012, 265, 190–199..
11. Wu, P., Su, M. X., Wang, Y. Wang, G. C.; Ye, W.C.; Chung, H.Y.; Li, J.; Jiang, R.W.*; Li, Y. L.* Supercritical fluid extraction assisted isolation of sesquiterpene lactones with antiproliferative effects from Centipeda minima. Phytochemistry 2012, 76, 133-140.
12. Zhang, J.L.; Tian, H.Y.; Li, J.; Jin, L.; Luo, C.; Ye, W.C; Jiang, R. W.*. Steroids with inhibitory activity against the prostate cancer cells and chemical diversity of marine alga Tydemania expeditionis. Fitoterapia 2012, 83(5), 973-978.
13. Zhang, J.L.; Kubanek, J.; Hay, M. E.; Aalbersberg, W.; Ye, W.C. Jiang, R. W.*. Rapid identification of triterpenoid sulfates and hydroxy fatty acids including two new constituents from Tydemania expeditionis by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Mass Spectrometry 2011, 46, 908-916.
14. Li, S. G.; Tian, H. Y.; Ye, W. C.; Jiang, R. W.*. Benzopyrans and furoquinoline alkaloids from Melicope pteleifolia. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 2011, 39(1), 64-67.
15. Zhao, B. X.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, D. M.; Jiang, R. W.; Wang, G.C.; Shi, J. M.; Huang, X.J.; Chen, W.M.; Che, C. T.; Ye, W.C.*. Flueggines A and B, Two New Dimeric Indolizidine Alkaloids from Flueggea virosa. Organic Letters 2011, 13, 3888-3891.
16. Shao, M.; Wang, Y.; Liu, Z.; Zhang, D.M.; Cao, H.H.; Jiang, R. W.; Fan, C.L.; Zhang, X.Q.; Chen, H.R.; Yao, X.S.; Ye, W.C.* Psiguadials A and B, Two Novel Meroterpenoids with Unusual Skeletons from the Leaves of Psidium guajava. Organic Letters 2010, 12, 5040-5043.
17. Tian, H.Y.; Wang, L.; Zhang, X.Q.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, D.M.; Jiang, R. W.; Liu, Z.; Liu, J.S.; Li, Y.L.; Ye, W.C.* Bufogargarizins A and B, two Novel 19-norbufadienolides with unprecedented skeletons from the venom of Bufo bufo gargarizans. Chemistry-A European Journal, 2010, 10989-10993.
18. Li, M.; Jiang, R. W.; Hon, P. M.; Cheng, L.; Li, L. L.; Zhou, J. R.; Shaw, P. C.; But, P. P. H. Authentication of the anti-tumor herb Baihuasheshecao with bioactive marker compounds and molecular sequences. Food Chemistry 2010, 119(3), 1239-1245.
19. Zhou, G. X.; Mo, S. Y.; He, H. X.; Shi, J. G.; Ye, W. C.; Liu, Z.; Jiang, R. W.*, Molecular structure and tautomerization of the 1:1 complex of luteoskyrin and rugulosin, J. Mol. Struct. 2010, 979, 86-91.
20. Jiang, R. W.*; Ye, W.C.; Shaw, P. C.; But, P. P. H.; Mak, T. C. W. Absolute configuration of neostenine. J. Mol. Struct. 2010, 966, 18-22.
21. But, P. P. H.; He, Z.D.; Ma, S.C.; Chan, Y.M.; Shaw, P.C.; Ye, W.C.; Jiang, R. W.* Antiviral constituents against respiratory viruses from Mikania micrantha. J. Nat. Prod. 2009, 72, 925-928.
22. Jiang, R. W.; Wang, Y.; Gao, H.; Zhang, D.M.; Ye, W.C. Molecular structures and pi-pi interactions of quercitrin and morusin hydroperoxide. J. Mol. Struct. 2009, 920, 383-386.
23. Jiang, R. W.; Hay, M. E.; Fairchild, C. R.; Prudhomme, J.; Roch, K. L. Aalbersberg, W.; Kubanek, J. Antineoplastic unsaturated fatty acids from Fijian macroalgae, Phytochemistry, 2008, 69, 2495-2500.
24. Jiang, R. W.; Lane, A. L.; Mylacraine, L.; Hardcastle, K. I.; Fairchild, C. R.; Aalbersberg, W.; Hay, M. E.; Kubanek, J. Structures and Absolute Configurations of Sulfate-Conjugated Triterpenoids Including an Antifungal Chemical Defense of the Green Macroalga Tydemania expeditionis. J. Nat. Prod. 2008, 71(9), 1616-1619.
25. Jiang, R. W.; Zhou , J. R.; Hon, P. M.; Li, S. L.; Zhou, Y.; Li, L. L.; Ye, W. C.; Xu, H. X.; Shaw, P. C.; But, P. P. H. Anti-prostate Cancer Lignans from Dysosma versipellis for J. Nat. Prod. 2007, 70, 283-286.
26. Jiang, R. W.; Hon, P. M.; Zhou, Y.; Xu, Y. T.; Chan, Y. M.; Xu, Y. T.; Xu, H. X.; Shaw, P. C.; But, P. P. H., Alkaloids and Chemical Diversity of Stemona tuberosa, J. Nat. Prod. 2006, 69, 749-754.
27. Jiang, R. W.; Hon, P. M.; Xu, Y. T.; Chan, Y. M.; Xu, H. X. But, P. P. H.; Shaw, P. C. Isolation and chemotaxonomic significance of tuberostemospironine-type alkaloids from Stemona tuberosa, Phytochemistry, 2006, 67, 52-57.
28. Jiang, R. W.; Lau, K. M.; Hon, P. M.; Mak, T. C. W.; Woo, K. S.; Fung, K. P. Chemistry and biological activities of caffeic acid derivatives from Salvia miltiorrhiza. Current Med. Chem. 2005, 12, 237-246.
29. Jiang, R. W.; Wong, K. L.; Chan, Y. M.; Xu, H. X.; But, P. P. H.; Shaw, P. C. Isolation of iridoid and secoiridoid glycosides and comparative study on Radix Gentianae and related adulterants by HPLC analysis. Phytochemistry, 2005, 66, 2674-2680.
30. Jiang, R. W.; Lau, K. M.; Lam, H. M.; Yam, W. S.; Leung, L. K.; Choi, K. L.; Waye, M. W. M.; Thomas, C. W. Mak; Woo, K. S.; Fung, K. P. A Comparative Study on Aqueous Extracts of Commercial Pueraria thomsonii and Pueraria lobata by Biological Assay and HPLC Fingerprint Analysis. J. Ethnopharmacol. 2005, 96, 133-138.
31. Jiang, R. W.; Lu Y.; Min, Z. D.; Zheng, Q. T. Molecular structure and pseudopolymorphism of squamtin A from Annona squamosa, J. Mol. Strut. 2003, 655, 157-162.
32. Jiang, R. W.; Mak, T. C. W; Fung, K. P. Molecular structures of two bicyclo-(3.2.1)-octanoid neolignans from Piper kadsura, J. Mol. Strut. 2003, 654, 177-182.
33. Jiang, R. W.; But, P. P. H.; Ma, S. C.; Ye, W. C.; Chan, S. P.; Mak, T. C. W. Structure and antiviral properties of macrocaesalmin, a novel cassane furanoditerpenoid lactone from the seeds of Caesalpinia minax Hance, Tetrahedron Lett. 2002, 43, 2415-2418.
34. Jiang, R. W.; Hon, P. M.; But, P. P. H.; Chung, H. S.; Lin, G.; Ye, W. C.; Mak, T. C. W. Isolation and stereochemistry of two new alkaloids from Stemona tuberosa Lour. Tetrahedron 2002, 58, 6705-6712.
35. Jiang, R. W.; Ma, S. C.; He, Z. D.; Huang, X. S.; But, P. P. H.; Wang, H.; Chan, S. Pang; Ooi, V. E. C.; Xu, H. X.; Mak, T. C. W. Molecular structures and antiviral activities of naturally occurring and modified cassane furanoditerpenoids and friedelane triterpenoids from Caesalpinia minax. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2002, 10, 2161-2170.
36. Jiang, R. W.; Ye, W. C.; Woo, K. Y.; Du, J.; Che, C. T.; But, P. P. H.; Mak, T. C. W. Molecular structures and pi-pi interactions of some flavonoids and biflavonoids. J. Mol. Struct. 2002, 642, 77-84.
37. Jiang, R. W.; Ma, S. C.; But, P. P. H.; Mak, T. C. W. Isolation and characterization of spirocaesalmin, a novel rearranged vouacapane diterpenoid from Caesalpinia minax Hance. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1 2001, 2920-2923.
39. Jiang, R. W.; Ma, S. C.; But, P. P. H.; Mak, T. C. W. New Antiviral Cassane Furanoditerpenes from Caesalpinia minax. J. Nat. Prod. 2001, 64, 1266-1272.
39. Jiang, R. W.; But, P. P. H.; Ma, S. C.; Mak, T. C. W. Furanoditerpenoid lactones from the seeds of Caesalpinia minax Hance. Phytochemistry 2001, 57, 517-521.
40. Jiang, R. W.; He, Z. D.; But, P. P. H.; Chan, Y. M.; Ma, S. C.; Mak, T. C. W. A novel 1:1 complex of potassium mikanin-3-O-sulfate with methanol. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2001, 49, 1166-1169.
专利(Patents)1. 江仁望; 张建龙; 陈填烽. 预防和治疗前列腺癌的含羟基酸提取物及提取方法与应用, 中国发明专利,ZL201010163267.4(已授权)
2. 江仁望, 李娟, 姜飞, 田海妍. 一种抗肿瘤的鬼臼类中药提取物及其制备方法与应用. 中国发明专利,201110054142.2(已授权)
3. 江仁望,袁小风,田海妍,李娟,叶文才. 蟾蜍内酰胺类化合物及其制备方法与应用. 中国发明专利,201110281597.8(已授权)
4. 江仁望,余通,田海妍,李娟,叶文才 专利: 一种总不饱和蟾蜍内酯及其制备方法和用途, 中国发明专利,201210376689.9(已授权)
5. 江仁望,唐红进,田海妍,曹威,叶文才, 蟾毒灵糖基化衍生物及其制法和在制备抗肿瘤药物中的用途, 中国发明专利201310217520.3
6. But, P. P. H.; Shaw, P.C.; Jiang, R.W.; Chan, Y. M. Method of herbal authentication based on 5S rRNA gene spacer sequences. U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. 2007, US 2007015192.
7. But, P. P. H.; Xu, Y.T.; Shaw, P.C.; Jiang, R.W.; Hon, P.M. Method of making antitussive medicine and relieving cough. U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. 2007, US 2007060564 (已授权)