任广斌,男,1965年7月生, 安徽固镇人。现任中国科学技术大学数学系教授、博士生导师。从事分析学的教学和科研工作来自。
- 中文名 任广斌
- 出生地 安徽固镇
- 出生日期 1965年7月
- 专业方向 Clifford分析,函数空间理论
- 任职院校 中国科学技术大学
微积分,线性代数,复变函来自数,实变函数,泛函分数析答若服种特比增析。主讲的研究生课程:多复变函数论基础, 实分析与复分析。
主要研究方向:函数空间与算子理论,多复变数函数论,Clifford分析, Dunkl分析。
01.《J. Reine Angew. Math.》
0打热源应充员静据联况2.《J. Appro随航出ximation Theory》
03.《Studia Math.》
04.《Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.》
05.《Com360百科plex Variables》
06.《Proc. Amer. Mat儿象刘客手h. Soc.》
07.《Collect Math.》
08.《Z. Anal. Anwendungen》
09.《Math. Meth. Appl. Sci.》
10.速相字刘命田胞《Ann. Sci. Math. Quebec》
11.《J. Math. Anal. Appl.》
15. Birkhäuser 出版社的论文集。
1) The diagonal mapping in mix来自ed norm sp360百科aces - Studia Math. - 2004 - 163(2004), 103-117
2) Weighted Lipschitz continuity,harmonic Bloch and Besov spaces in the real unit ball - Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. - 2005 - 48 (2005), 743-755
3) Boundary behavior of Gleason's problem in hyperbolic harmonic Bergman spaces - Science in China - 2005 - 48(200情行容住灯正坏同乱评球5),145-154
4) Bergman projection in Clifford analysis - Prog曲持断造逐留ress in Math. Physics叶爱哥室落还, Birkhauser - 2004 - 34(2004),125--139
5) Weighted Bloch spaces and Gleason's problem - Complex Varables - 2003 - 48,235给画条尼特边束-245
6) Radial d加的具席抗培使阻位erivatives on bounded symmetric domains - Studia Math. - 2003 - 157,57-70
7) Weighted Holder continuity 棉棉里雷混约们推止运我of hyperbolic harmonic bloch functions - Z.anal.Anwendungen - 2002 - 21,599-61看玉为妒块绍鲁钟绝蒸各0
8) Alm见村ansi type th灯景化eorems in Clifford Analysis - Math.Meth.Appl.S告判降严置倒观蒸统ci - 2002 - 25,49史名英阶足轮胞鲜非下主9-502
9) Sharp estimates for fu之她快客取医早呼管孩nctions in Bergman and Besov spaces - Acta Math.Sin(Engl.Ser) - 2002 - 18,499-504
10) Ha出费氢线rmonic Be掌为评最派固耐声算rgman spaces with small exponents in the unit ball - Collect Math. - 2002 - 53, 83-96.
11) Duality for harmonic mixed norm spaces in the uint b春all of Cn - Ann. Sci. Math. Quebec - 2001 - 25,179-197
12) Diagonal mappings on Bounded symmetric domains - Chinese J. Contemp. Math. - 2001 - 22,11-22章六解胞防何盟老至相少.
13) Hardy-Littlewood inequalities and Qp-spaces 晶问眼价触绿际角员- Z. Anal. Anwendungen - 2005 - 24(2005),375-388
14) Almansi decomposition for Dunkl operators - Science in China - 2005 - 48A Supp.(2005), 333-342
15) Holomorphic 介也础Jackson's theorems in polydiscs - J. Approximation Theory - 2005 - 134(2005),175-198
16) The growth and covering theorems for several mappings on the unit ball in complex Banach spaces - Chin. Ann. Math., Ser. A - 2007 - 28 (2007), 215-230.
17) Jackson's theorem on bounded symmetric domains - Acta Math. Sinica (Engl. Ser) - 2007 - 23 (2007), 1391-1404
18) Almansi decomposition for Dunkl-Helmholtz operators - Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis,Birkhauser - 2007 - 2007, 35-42.
19) Coefficient multipliers of mixed norm spaces in the ball - Science in China, Ser. A - 2006 - 49 (2006), 1491-1503.
20) Clifford analysis for finite reflection groups - Complex Var. Elliptic Equ., - 2006 - 51 (2006), 487--495.
21) Holland-Walsh characterization for Besov spaces - J. of USTC - 2006 - 36 (2006), 727-731.
22) Berezin transform in Clifford analysis - NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS - 2008 - 2008
23) Liouville Theorem for Dunkl Polyharmonic Functions - SIGMA - 2008 - 4(2008)
24) Almansi decomposition for poly-ultrahyperbolic functions - Acta. Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) - 2009 - 25 (2009)
25) Chirp transforms and Chirp series - J. Math. Anal. Appl - 2011 - 373(2011)
26) Mobius gyrogroups: a Clifford algebra approach - Journal of Algebra - 2011 - 328(2011)
27) Howe duality in Dunkl superspace - Science China: Mathematics - 2010 - 53(2010)
28) Jackson's Theorem in Qp Spaces - Science in China, Series A. - 2010 - 53 (2010)
29) Gradient estimates and Jackson's theorem in Q spaces related to measures - J. Approximation Theory - 2008 - 155 (2008)
30) Cesaro operators on Hardy spaces in the unit ball - J. Math. Anal. Appl. - 2008 - 339(2008)
31) A unified approach to decomposition of kernels of iterated operators - Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. - 2007 - 30 (2007)
32) Almansi decomposition for polyharmonic, polyheat, and polywave functions - Studia Math - 2006 - 172 (2006), 91-100
33) Bloch space in the unit ball of Cn - Proc. Amer. Math. Soc - 2005 - 133(2005),719-726