软帝(Softeem)信息科技有限公司WuHan S纸看来ofteem Information Science and Technology Co,Ltd.简称软帝(Softeem), 是一个具有鲜明技术特色的专业软件开发及咨询服务的软件企业,是中国软件外包行业的积极倡导者和参与者,并立志为全飞威甲灯础全球客户提供全面的软件开发、测试、维护和认证等专业服务。
- 公司名称 软帝信息科技有限公司
- 外文名称 WuHan Softeem Information Science and Technology Co,Ltd
- 总部地点 武汉
- 经营范围 信息科技服务
软帝(Softe起由态持长个校小材em)非常注重具有自主知识产权产品的设计和开发工作,在CRM, DRP, ERP, 无线通讯, 嵌入式系统等技术领域都推出了自己的产品,并有着稳定的客户群。
受停你防杀能配比富 软帝(Softeem)为包括IBM、 Microsoft、HP、NOKIA、MOTOROLA、NEC、Oracle、Cisco、SU婷盾雨夫落被末极N、NEC、SONY、Panasonic、华为、方正、联想、宝信等国内外客户提供了专业化服务。软帝的优质技术服务赢得了客户的信赖。
WuHan Softeem Informati受至斤速实从on Science and Technology Co, Ltd. is called Softeem for short. It is a software en丝社温更司次稳巴相terprise having professional s耐副胡火若oftware development and consulting service. It is also a pioneer and act区超ive partic觉世并个ipant in s己结何参陆防矛乙技oftware outsourcing industry in China, which aims to provide comprehensive software development, testing, ma极液察怀湖清优于给密intenance, verification and other professi修问席官效onal service速故言s to global clients.
The main service fields of Softeem are finance, telecom, power industry, iron and steel, electronic commerce etc. Our Quality Assurance System can offer our clients comprehensive service from project consulting and design to maintenance. Softeem has professional groups and talented employees. Along with the participation of returned talents from overseas, we are ready for entering the international market.
Facing the terrible shortage of human resource in software industry, Softeem relies on its solid technological strength and develops a training system which can be well applied to staff. Having been trained, the staff can quickly adjust to the change of projects and get grip of the latest trends in this field.
Softeem pays a lot of attention to the design and development of products which have self-owned intellectual property rights. In CRM, DRP, ERP, wireless communication, embedded system and other technological fields, we have produced our own brands and had stable clienteles.