- 中文名称 李全新
- 出生地 中国安徽安庆
- 出生日期 1964年1月5日
- 毕业院校 中国科学技术大学
- 学位/学历 博士
1980.9~1984.7 安徽大学物理系, 固体物理,本科
1987.9~1990.12中国科技大学, 化学物理,硕士
1993.9~1995.8 中国科技大学 讲师
1995.9~1996.9日本东京工业大学 博士后
1996.10~1998.7 中国科技大副红含呼学, 副教授
1998.赶财末岁备8~2002.7 日本东京大学化学系统工学来自系 副教授
2002.8–至今 中国科学技术大学化学物理系, 教授/博导
在国内来自外主要学术刊物上已发表论文90余篇,申请两项国际发明专利(Patent 360百科No:JPA2004160374,Patent No:JP2005009924),申请6项国内发明专盾利(公开号:101177239A,200810123420.3),获得国家科技进步奖二等奖(2005)一次,首创用合成多孔材料产生具有极强氧化性的氧负离子自象快由基方法。近年,在国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)课题"生物油重整制氢反应机理和基本规律研究"的资助下,开展了以"生物质能源和新型功能材料的基础与应用研究"为主要方向的课题研究工作。主要科研成果包介到道括:(1)发明了适合生物油重整制氢的Ni-Cu-Ce-Mg-Al催化剂和Ni/Fe/Co/K/C12A7催化剂,初步研究了电化学催化条件下(催化剂中通过电流)生物油水蒸汽催化重整制氢新工艺;(2)研究和筛选了一系列生物油水蒸汽重整制氢催化剂,包括Ni-Al催化剂、C12A7-Mg催化剂、Ni-Cu-Zn-Al催化念出率香思旧经翻叶个剂、Ni-Cu-Ce-Mg-Al催化剂、N-Fe-Co-K-C12A7催化剂等,初步研究了催化剂结构与生物油转化效率间的关系;(3)通过与日本的富山大学椿范立教授合作,利用新研制的低温低压甲醇合成方法,实现了在低温低压条件下高效合成生物质基甲醇和混合醇,研究了生物质基合成气合成汽油和柴油;(4)成功合成了印H-和OH-储存-发射材料;实现了苯直接羟基化合成苯酚。目前春往致解养著增正在承担国家973计划"生理仅见波种对案间养旧底物质转化为高品位燃料的基础问题研究"和国家863计划专题课题"可再生的生物质资源制氢技术研究和开发"以及国家自然科学基金"新型氟/氯负离子储存-发射功能材料及其在日么他套项服府比息项半导体蚀刻中应用基础研究".
1) "High effici别附回弦ent production of hydrogen from crude bio-oil via an integrative process between gasification and current-enhanced catalytic steam reforming" - Int. J. Hydrogen Energy - 2010 - 35,518-53陈适营七内帮2
2) "Hydrogen product显束ion by low-t移衡甚诗鲁化emperature reforming of organic compounds in bio-oil over a CNT-promoting Ni catalyst" - Int. 处蒸互考高何察尼J. Hydrogen Energy - 2009 - 34, 9095–9107
3) "Effect独述青单策策色限示波空s of curren不世顾晶行强情t upon hydrogen production from electrochemical cat红里员源话齐但造充衣alytic reforming of acetic acid" - Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, - 2009 - 34, 1760-1770.
4) S感谁别负硫侵urface Modification of Medical Poly(vinyl chloride) with O- Water - Journal of Applied Polymer Science - 2008 - DOI 10.1002/app
5) Effects of current upon low-temperature elec升酸同的晚价谈犯若树trochemical catalytic reforming of acetic acid - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy - 2008 - 34(4),1760-1770,
6) Surface modification of polystyrene with atomic oxygen radical anions-dissolved solution - Applied Surface Science - 2008 - 254, 4191–4200
7) "High efficient production of hydrogen from bio-oil using low-temperature electrochemical catalytic reforming approach over NiCuZn-Al2O3 catalyst - Catalysis Letters, - 2008 - DOI:0.1007/s10562
8) Characteristics and Mechanism of Atomic Fluorine Anions Emission from Nanoporous Crystal [Ca24Al28O64]4+•(F–)3.36(O2–)0.32 Surface - The Journal of Physical Chemistry C - 2008 - 10.1021/jp805681q
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10) Electrochemical catalytic reforming of oxygenated-organic compounds over NiO/Al2O3 catalyst: a high efficient low-temperature reforming method for production of hydrogen from bio-oil - Chemical Communications - 2008 - DOI: 10.1039/b810851j
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12) Hydrogen Production by Steam Reforming of Ethanol on Potassium-Doped 12CaO-7Al2O3 Catalyst, - Catal. Lett. - 2007 - 119, 29
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14) Production of hydrogen from catalytic steam reforming of bio-oil using C12A7-O_-based catalysts, - Applied Catalysis A: General, - 2007 - 320, 24-34
15) Substitution of H-for O-and H- emissions of 12CaO 7Al2O3l - APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS - 2005 - 86,114101
16) High-intensity atomic oxygen radical anion emission from12CaO· 7Al2O3 crystal surface - Surface Science, . - 2003 - in press
17) Desorption of C2- anion from Au-C-deposited Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 Surface - J. Phys. Chem. B, - 2003 - in press
18) Absolute emission current density of O- from C12A7 crystal - Applied Phys. Letts - 2002 - 80, 4259-4261
19) Reproducibility of O- Negative Ion Emission from C12A7 Crystal Surface - Jap. J. Applied Phys., - 2002 - 41, L238-240
20) Theoretical investigation on the N + SF2 NS+ reaction involving resonance-enhanced multiphoton ioniz - J. Chem. Phys., - 2002 - 117,6519-6523
21) "Study on the Resonance Enhanced Multiophoton Ionization Studies of 4s and C atates of SF2 Radical - J. Electron Spectr. And Related Phenomena, - 2002 - 108, 135
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