- 中文名 夏长荣
- 民族 中国
- 毕业院校 中国科学技术大学
- 性别 男
1996毕业于中国科学技术大学,1997年1月-1997年8月来自,瑞典Uppsala大学和法国Montpellier大学合作研究,2000年5月-2002年9月,在美国Georgia Institute of Technology访问研究。研究兴趣主要集中在无机非金属材料的合成科学,探索应用于洁净能源和环境工程的新材料,同时研究材料的结构和性能的关系。研究领域包括无机固体材料合成化学,固态离子学,固体电化学和能源化学。
1. YH Yin, 360百科W Zhu, CR Xia, and GY Meng, Gel-cast NiO-S出希斤还DC composites as a径么明那事夜铁nodes for solid oxide fuel cells, J. Power Sources, 132 (2004) 36-41
2. C.R. Xia, Y.L. Zhang, and M.L. Liu, LSM-GDC composite cathodes derived from a sol-gel process – Effect of microstructure on interfacial polarizat育免沿按握ion resista脸nce, Electrochemical and Solid State let套损均余除当说适该ters, 6(12) A290-A292 (2003)
3. C.R. Xia, Y.L. Zhang, and M.L. Liu, A composite cathode b迅责活重群士愿体帝ased on yt故的样龙察父武云tria stabilized bismuth oxide for l官可但车医么土ow-temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Applied Physics 防任秋费letters, Vol 药止被著儿贵牛太奏82, No.6, (200强规3) 901-903
4. C.R. Xia, W. Rauch, W. Wellborn, and M.L. Liu, Functional graded cathodes for honeycomb SOFCs, Electrochemical and Solid State letters, A217-A220 OCT 2002
压市期真自战顾差依 5. C.R. Xia an鲁等项类学阶自办d M.L. Liu, "N红ovel Electrode Materials for Low-Tem械杆支影展运perature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", Advanced Materials, 2002, 14, No. 7, 521-523
6. C.R. Xia, W. Rauch, F.L. 拿切宜车尔强刘Chen, and M.L. Liu, "Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3 cathodes for low-temperature SOFCs", Solid State Ionics, Volume 149, Issues 1-2, July 2002, Pages 11-19
7. Changrong Xia and Meilin Liu, "An Elegant and Cost-Effective Approach to Preparing Dense Ceramic Membranes on Porous Substrates", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 84[8] 1903-1905, (2001)
8. Changrong Xia, Fanglin Chen and Meilin Liu, R训茶educed-temperature solid oxide fuel cells fabricated by screen-printing, Electrochemical and Solid State letters, 4(5) A52-A54
9. Xia Changron首最南工例帮五g, Cao Huaqiang, Wang Hong, Yang Pinghua, Meng Guangyao and Peng Dingkun, Sol-gel synthesis of yttria stabilized zirconia membranes through controlled hydrolysis of zirconium alkoxides, J. Membrane Sci. 162(1999) 181-188.
10. Xia Changrong, Wu Feng, Meng zhaojing, Li Fangqing, Peng Dingkun and Meng Guangyao, Boehmite sol properties and preparation of two-layer aluina membrane by sol-gel process, J Membrane Sci. 116(1996) 9-16.