- 中文名 干旱内陆河区水资源可持续利用和植被-水文-沙漠的相互作用国际学术研讨会论文集
- 作者 雷志栋,拉·本格森
- 出版社 清华大学出版社
- 出版时间 2005-12-1
书名:干旱内陆河区水资源可持续利用和植被-水文-来自沙漠的相互作用国际学术研讨会论文集 [平装]
丛 书: 国际学术研讨会论文集
作 者: 程国栋,雷志栋,拉·本格森
书 号: 9787302126点采河志战089
出 版 社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2005-12-1
定 价: 11360百科8.0 元
径歌完 水资源可持续利用与经济社会协调发展是人类面临的共同问题。2005年,"干旱内陆河区水资源可持续利用和植被-水文-沙漠的相互作用"国际学术研讨会在清华大学召开,本书精选了会议的30余篇论文,以干旱区水资源可持续利用为核心,讨论了干旱区植被-水文-沙漠的相互作用机理、水循环系统模型及其构建方法、中国西北内陆河区水资源开发利用影响评价、干境燃跑深利站旱区水文及生态环境变化、水资源规划与管理、数帮必呼字流域建设和现代节水技术及节水型社会建设等内容。这不仅对于西北地区的水资源可持续利用具有重要的促进作请仍田施算盐娘用,而且对中国其他地区水资源的研究乃至世儿亚内早伤会混伟例轴争界类似地区的水资源合理利用、科学管理和有效保护都有十分积极的意义。
Invited K360百科eynote Papers
Water Saving is the Only Way for the Sustainable Development of Northwest China 2
Guodong Cheng
Key Issues in the Sustainable Water Re还茶员没粉sources Development in Arid Oasis 9
Zhidong Lei, Guangheng Ni, Zhentao Cong and S查全教诗拉hixiu Yang
Assessment of Oasis Maturity and Ecological Security in Hexi Corridor 15
Duning Xiao, Xiaoyu Li and Yuanmei Jiao
统Groundwater Availability and Renewal i面李雷n Inner Mon功现将临直坚举别golia, Chin器生供细问a: the Minqin Basin and the Badain Jaran 25
W M Edmunds, Ji露十龙范宪消草职新百nzhu Ma
Some Strategic Countermeasures for the Susta耐并味inable Development of Water Resources in Northwest China 34
Xuetao Sun
Scenario Plann液ing for Irrigati波式on Futures of th也规副八探区e Goulburn Broken Region, Australia 42
QJ Wang, Leon Soste, David Robertson, Selina Handley and Robert Chaffe
Characteristics of the Water Cycle and Climate D婷么evelopment in the Arid Environments of the Shule River Basin 52
Anne孩毛棉河出基顺读那tte Oelert, Dan Rosbjerg
Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Droughts in the Wei 示念大叫River Basin 64
Zongxue Xu, Wa供nlin He
Oasis-hydrosphere-desert Interaction
RS-based Assessment on Ecosystem Rehabilitation of an E误协分换怕xtremely Drought Inland Oasis 76
Jingxuan Lu, Shaonan Zhong, Lin Li and Shibing Pan
Hydrological Modeling of the Surface Water in the Shule Riv承治而象于er Basin 85
Annette Oelert, Dan Rosbj义erg
Application of Three Parameter Estimation Methods of Hydrologic Model: Uncertainty in the Parameter Calibration 97
Shugong Wang, Xin Li and Xu Liang
Groundwater Influences on Hydrological Cycle in the Nebraska Sand Hills, USA 117
Xi Chen, Pei Wen and Zhicai Zhang
Sustainable Groundwater Use in Arid Regions 127
Zhentao Cong, Guangheng Ni, Zhidong Lei, Xinguang Dong and Yugang Huang
Water Cycle Systems Modeling
Defining Ecosystem Targets for Planning Environmental Sustainability and Assessing Water Development Impacts 138
Make Bain
Distributed Modeling of Water Cycle System and River Flow Forecast in the Heihe Basin 150
Yangwen Jia, Hao Wang and Zuhao Zhou
High Resolution Water & Energy Balance Modeling by Land Information System (LIS) in Hexi Region 160
Linus Zhang, Lijun Liao, Lars Bengtsson and Ping Dong
Water Balance of Forest and Grass Catchments and Sensitivity Analysis: A Case Study in Hilly Region of Red Soil 174
Junfeng Dai, Jiazhou Chen, Yuanlai Cui and Yuanqiu He
Economic Impacts Evaluation of Institutional and Technological Changes in Yellow River Basin Management 186
Jianshi Zhao, Zhongjing Wang, Daoxi Wang, Dangxian Wang
Numerical Simulation Methods for Modeling Stream and Aquifer Interaction 198
Litang Hu, Chongxi Chen and Zhongjing Wang
Hydrological Process and Characteristics in the Arid Plain Oases 206
Yugang Huang,Zhidong Lei,Shixiu Yang and Hanbo Yang
A Continuous Simulation of Runoff in a Small Watershed of the Loess Plateau with a Distributed Model 217
Zhuoying Liu, Guangheng Ni, Zhidong Lei and Ling Wang
Field Experiment and Analysis of the Energy-Water Balances for the Winter Wheat in the Weishan Irrigation District along the Downstream of the Yellow River 229
Huimin Lei, Dawen Yang, Fubao Sun, Yanli Shen, Yanjun Shen, Miyazaki Shin, Shinjino Kanae, Baoqing Feng and Xinbing Liu
Eco-gate Flood Model of Tarim River Basin and Its application: a case study of Canmulik 241
Yue Huang, Xi Chen, Jing Qian, Weisheng Wang and Anming Bao
Dynamic modeling of groundwater spatial distribution in the lower reaches of Tarim River, China 248
Ying Liu, Anming Bao and Xi Chen
Development of Water Resources in the China North-West Inland Rivers and Impact Assessment
Discussions on Water Resources Development and Ecological Environment Protection in Heihe River Basin 260
Shibing Pan, Jingxuan Lu, Jianli Zhang and Zhiguo Pang
Water Resources Utilization and the Ecological Environment Protection in the Arid Inland Shiyang River Basin, Northwest China 266
Wenjun Hu
Analyzing Dynamic Change of Vegetation Cover of Desert Oasis Based on Remote Sensing Data in Hexi Region 279
Lijun Liao, Linus Zhang and Lars Bengtsson
Study on Evolvement and Movement of Oasis in Arid In Land River Basins 296
Haifeng Wang, Zhongjing Wang and Xuefeng Wang
Study on ecological water requirement of Shiyang River basin 309
Xiaoling Su,Shaozhong Kang
Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Water Resources Engineering Risk 318
Tao Liu, Dongguo Shao
Study on Water Rights Transfer Stage 327
Xuefeng Wang, Zhongjing Wang and Jianshi Zhao
Development of Water-Saving Technologies and Society
Multi-scheme Research on Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources in Minqin Basin in China 340
Wenlai Jiang, Qu Tang, Tao Tao and Qiyou Luo
Impact of Water Saving on the Desertification and Pauperization in the Minqin Basin, Gansu Province 349
Jinzhu Ma, Ding Li, Yaowen Xie and Fahu Chen
Groundwater Recharge Rate and Recharge history during the Last 1200 Years in the Badain Jaran Desert 359
Jinzhu Ma, Gang Wang, Tianming Huang, Zhenyu Ding, W.M. Edmunds
Discussion on High Efficient and Sound Utilization of Agriculture Water Resources 370
Dongguo Shao, Tao Dai and Xinchun He
Obstacle Factors and Countermeasures of Water-saving Agriculture Extension 380
Huixiao Wang, Changming Liu, and Jingjie Yu
Research on the Regional Optimal Operation of Water Quantity and Quality Based on the Decision Drainage 393
Tao Dai, Dongguo Shao, Hong Li
Abstracts of Other Papers
Improving Water Resource Management through Better Understanding of the Water Cycle-Challenges by GEOSS 406
Toshio Koike
The Impacts of Water-related Human Activities on the Water-land Environment of Shiyang River Basin, an Arid Region in Northwest China 407
Shaozhong Kang, Xiaoling Su and Ling Tong
Glacier Runoff Changes and their Contribution to River Discharge in Northwest China 408
Baisheng Ye, Yongjan Ding and Shiyin Liu
Study on Hydrological Modeling in Runoff-evaporation Dominating River Basins 409
Heping Hu, Fuqiang Tian and Qiuhong Tang
Arid Region Water Researches in the Heihe River Basin of Northwest China 410
Xin Li, Guodong Cheng, Ersi Kang, Zhongmin Xu, Zhuotong Nan, Lizong Wu, Shugong Wang and Honglang Xiao
Optimization of Water-saving Irrigation Pattern at Hongya Mountain Area of Shiyang River Basin 411
Xinmin Zhang, Jiali Liu, Yibin Wang, Jianwei Dun and Sanlin Luo
Simulating the Water Balance of the Wuding River Basin in the Loess Plateau with a Distributed Eco-hydrological Model and the Effect of Spatial Resolution on Modeling 412
Xingguo Mo, Zhonghui Lin, Dan Chen and Suxia Liu
Estimating Minimum Ecological Instream Flow Requirements for the Areas in Western Route South-to-North Water Transfer Project in China 413
Suxia Liu ,Jun Xia ,Xingguo Mo, Zhonghui Lin, Baohui Men, Lina Ji and Changming Liu
The Effects of Implementing Shule River Comprehensive Agricultural Exploitation on the Ecological Environment 414
Yu Zhang, Chengjian Zhang and Shengming Shi
Ecological water use of forest-meadow land in a river valley in Xinjiang 415
Songhao Shang, Qingfang Hu, Zhidong Lei and Shixiu Yang
Calculation and Evaluation of Irrigation Water Consumption in Arid Area 416
Yuanhong Li, Xinmin Zhang, Xiangquan Hu, Yanzhao Jing and Jianwei Deng
Development and Utilization of Water Resources in Xinjiang Land Cultivation Program and its Impact 417
Yinghua Wang, Xuming Tan
Water Resources and its Utilization in Shiyang River Basin 418
Xiaokun Shi
Application of Geostatistics to Analysis of Groundwater Characteristics in Inland River Basin 419
Xiaoyu Li, Duning Xiao
Hydrological Impact of a Desert Reservoir on Micro-environment: Case Study in Hexi Region 420
Lijun Liao, Linus Zhang and Lars Bengtsson
Development of a Scenario-driven Spatial Decision Support System for the Heihe River Basin 421
Zhuotong Nan, Xin Li and Shugong Wang
Study on the Connotation and Evaluation Index System of Water Saving and Conservation City 423
Hao Li, Jun Xia and Tao Liu
An optimal pattern for water-saving irrigation in Huangyang irrigation area 424
Jianwei Deng, Xinmin Zhang, Xiangquan Hu, Yibing Wang and Jiali Liu
Use the Aerodynamics to Analyze the Convert Coefficient of Evaporation Pan Under Different Conditions 425
Hang Yin, Zhongjing Wang
Water Cycle Simulation of Human Disturbance in Arid Regions: Case Study in Taolai River Basin 426
Wei Tian, Zhongjing Wang
Knowledge Management: a Efficient Way for Sustainable Water Resources Development 427
Zhenglei Cui, Zhongjing Wang
An Optimum Analysis of Groundwater Yield in the Arid Inland River Basin 428
Zongli Li, Qi Fen and Xianyuan Yang
Study on Ecological Water Consumption in Minqin Oasis: the Planning of Ecological Improvement 430
Zongli Li, Qinglin Shen, Qi Feng, Renzhi Zhang, Xiaodong Li
Study on ecological water consumption in Minqin Oasis: the estimation and analysis of ecological water consumption 431
Zongli Li, Qi Feng, Qinglin Shen, Xiaodong Li, Xiaoyou Zhang
Full Chinese Papers
石羊河红崖山灌区节水灌溉模式优化 434
疏勒河农业综合开发项目的实施对生态环境的影响 444
新疆典型河谷林草生态用水实例分析 452
黄羊灌区农业灌溉耗水计算评价 457
新疆屯垦中水资源的开发利用及其影响 464
黄羊灌区节水灌溉模式优化 471
利用空气动力学方法浅析不同环境下蒸发皿的折算系数问题 479
干旱区人工干扰下的水循环模拟--以讨赖河流域为例 487
干旱内陆河流域地下水开采量优化分析--以石羊河流域下游民勤绿洲为例 493