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周炜星,华东理工大学商学院教授,博导,浙江诸暨人。2001年5月华东理工大后静支力十才序供学毕业,获工学博士学位。于2001年6月至2004年5月在美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校师从Sornette教授进行博士后研究。已在Journa来自l of Macroeconomics、Quantitati压远热袁级言得ve Finance、Physical Review E、Physica A、Proceedings of t360百科he Royal Society B等国际学术期刊上发表文章三十余篇,科研夜路段味而激成果在国际上有广泛影响,研究成果曾被国际著名学术性媒体初质New Scientists、Financial Times、Physics World、News@Nature、Science Now等报道,在《参考消息》上也曾转发报道。

  • 中文名称 周炜星
  • 出生地 浙江诸暨
  • 职业 教师
  • 毕业院校 华东理工大学
  • 主要成就 上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)奖


  1996年7月 华东理工大学化学工程学士学位。

  2001年5月 华东理工大学化学工艺博士学来自位。

  2001年6月 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校博士后。

  2004年7月 华东理工大学联合化学反应研究所。

 石便责继 2005年10月 华东理工大学商学院教授。












  95. W.-X. Zhou, Universal price impact functions 即几目of individual trades in an 绝香较调找历路order-driven market, Quantitative Finance, in press (2011).

  94. X.-Y. Qian, G.-F. Gu, and W.-X. Zhou, Modified detrended fluctuation analysis based on empirical mode decomposition for the cha进迅的从否有racterization of 换黄油受止培希阻耐木青anti-persistent processes, Physica A, in press (2011).

  93. W.-X. Zhou, G.-H. Mu, W. Chen and D. Sornette, Investment strategies used as spectroscopy of financial markets reveal new stylized facts, PLoS ONE6(9), in press (2011).

  92. K. Guo, W.-X. Zhou, S.-W. Cheng and D. 程或Sornette, The US stock market leads the Federal funds rate and Treasu宽朝适景ry bond yields, PLoS ONE6(8)积激任么, e22794 (201限么苗诗左未消1).

  91. D.-M. Song, M. Tumminello, W.-X. Z岁声hou and R. N. Mantegna, Evolution of worldwide stock markets, correlation structure, and c川振半双怀妈却若余orrelation based graphs, Physical Review E84受工成车战论(2), 026108 (2011).

  90. Z.-Q. Jiang and W.-X. Zhou, Mult课居讲解菜ifractal detrending moving average cross-correlation analysis, Physical Review E84(1), 016106 (2011).

  89. W.-J. Xie and W.-X. Zhou, Horizontal visibility graphs mapped from fractional Brownian motions: Topological properties versus Hurst index, Physica A390(20), 3592-3601 (2011).

  88. Y.-P. Ruan and W.-X. Zhou, Long-term correlations and multifractal nature in the intertrade durations of a liquid Chinese stock and its warrant, Physica A390(9), 1646-1654 (2011).


  87. G.-H. Mu and W.-X. Zhou, Tests of nonuniversality of the stock return distributions in an emerging market, Physical Review E82(6), 066103 (2010).

  86. C. Liu and W.-X. Zhou, Superfamily classification of nonstationary time series based on DFA scaling exponents, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical43(49), 495005 (2010).

  85. Z.-Q. Jiangand W.-X. Zhou, Complex stock trading network among investors, Physica A389(21), 4929-4941 (2010).

  84. W.-J. Xie, G.-F. Gu and W.-X. Zhou, On the growth of primary industry and population of China's counties, Physica A389(18), 3876-3882 (2010).

  83. F.-T. Song and W.-X. Zhou, Analyzing the prices of the most expensive sheet iron all over the world: Modeling, prediction and regime change, Physica A389(17), 3538-3545 (2010).

  82. G.-F. Gu and W.-X. Zhou, Detrending moving average algorithm for multifractals, Physical Review E82, 011136 (2010).

  81. M.-C. Qian, Z.-Q. Jiang and W.-X. Zhou, Universal and nonuniversal allometric scaling behaviors in the visibility graphs of world stock market indices, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical43(33), 335002 (2010).

  80. G.-H. Mu, W.-X. Zhou, W. Chen and J. Kertész, Order flow dynamics around extreme price changes on an emerging stock market, New Journal of Physics 12(7), 075037 (2010).

  79. F. Ren and W.-X. Zhou, Recurrence interval analysis of high-frequency financial returns and its application to risk estimation, New Journal of Physics 12(7), 075030 (2010).

  78. F. Ren and W.-X. Zhou, Recurrence interval analysis of trading volumes, Physical Review E81(6), 066107 (2010).

  77. Z.-Q. Jiang, W.-X. Zhou, D. Sornette, R.Woodard, K. Bastiaensen and P. Cauwels, Bubble diagnosis and prediction of the 2005-2007 and 2008-2009 Chinese stock market bubbles, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 74 (3), 149-162 (2010).

  K. Bastiaensen, P. Cauwels, D. Sornette, R. Woodard and W.-X. Zhou, The Chinese equity bubble: Ready to burst, 10 July 2009.

  See also: D. Sornette, M. Fedorovsky, S. Riemann, H. Woodard, R. Woodard, and W.-X. Zhou, The Financial Bubble Experiment: advanced diagnostics and forecasts of bubble terminations, 14 May 2010.

  Reported by: Kentucky, Econophysicist predicts date of Chinese stock market collapse, MIT's Technology Review, July 14, 2009.

  Reported by: Kentucky, Econophysicist predicts date of Chinese stock market collapse – Part II, MIT's Technology Review, August 21, 2009.

  Reported by: Kentucky, Econophysicist predicts date of Chinese stock market collapse – Part III, MIT's Technology Review, September 9, 2009.

  Reported by: Kentucky, Forecasting financial crashes: The ultimate experiment begins, MIT's Technology Review, November 5, 2009.

  Reported by: Physicists successfully predict stock exchange plunge, New Scientist, Issue 2723, pp.17, 26 August 2009.

  76. X.-H. Ni, Z.-Q. Jiang, G.-F. Gu, F. Ren, W. Chen and W.-X. Zhou, Scaling and memory in the non-Poisson process of limit order cancelation, Physica A 389 (14), 2751-2761 (2010).

  75. C. Liu, W.-X. Zhou, and W.-K. Yuan, Statistical properties of visibility graph of energy dissipation rates in three-dimensional fully developed turbulence, Physica A 389 (13), 2675-2681 (2010).

  74. Z.-Q. Jiang, F. Ren, G.-F. Gu, Q.-Z. Tan and W.-X. Zhou, Statistical properties of online avatar numbers in a massive multiplayer online role-playing game, Physica A 389 (4), 807-814 (2010).

  73. G.-F. Gu, F. Ren, X.-H. Ni, W. Chen and W.-X. Zhou, Empirical regularities of opening call auction in Chinese stock market, Physica A389 (2), 278-286 (2010).


  72. Z.-Q. Jiang, W.-X. Zhou and Q.-Z. Tan, Online-offline activities and game-playing behaviors of avatars in a massive multiplayer online role-playing game, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 88 (4), 48007 (2009).

  71. W.-X. Zhou, The components of empirical multifractality in financial returns, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 88 (2), 28004 (2009).

  70. C. Liu, Z.-Q. Jiang, F. Ren and W.-X. Zhou, Scaling and memory in the return intervals of energy dissipation rate in three-dimensional fully developed turbulence, Physical Review E 80 (4), 046304 (2009).

  69. X.-H. Ni, Z.-Q. Jiang and W.-X. Zhou, Degree distributions of the visibility graphs mapped from fractional Brownian motions and multifractal random walks, Physics Letters A 373 (42), 3822-3826 (2009).

  68. F. Ren, G.-F. Gu and W.-X. Zhou, Scaling and memory in the return intervals of realized volatility, Physica A 388 (22), 4787-4796 (2009).

  67. L.-J. Ji,W.-X. Zhou, H.-F. Liu, X. Gong, F.-C.Wang and Z.-H. Yu, R/S method for unevenly sampled time series: Application to detecting long-term temporal dependence of droplets transiting through a fixed spatial point in gas-liquid two-phase turbulent jets, Physica A 388 (17), 3345-3354 (2009).

  66. G.-F. Gu and W.-X. Zhou, Emergence of long memory in stock volatility from a modified Mike-Farmer model, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 86, 48002 (2009).

  65. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Numerical investigations of discrete scale invariance in fractals and multifractal measures, Physica A 388 (13), 2623-2639 (2009).

  64. D.-M. Song, Z.-Q. Jiang and W.-X. Zhou, Statistical properties of world investment networks, Physica A 388 (12), 2450-2460 (2009).

  63. G.-H. Mu, W. Chen, J. Kertész and W.-X. Zhou, Preferred numbers and the distributions of trade sizes and trading volumes in the Chinese stock market, European Physical Journal B 68 (1), 145-152 (2009).

  62. G.-F. Gu and W.-X. Zhou, On the probability distribution of stock returns in the Mike-Farmer model, European Physical Journal B 67(4), 585-592 (2009).

  61. D. Sornette, R. Woodard and W.-X. Zhou, The 2006-2008 oil bubble: Evidence of speculation and prediction, Physica A 388, 1571-1576 (2009).

  Reported by:Jon Cartwright, Rising cost of oil 'due to speculation', Physics World, 24 June 2008.

  60. X.-H. Ni and W.-X. Zhou, Intraday pattern in bid-ask spreads and its power-law relaxation for Chinese A-share stocks,Journal of the Korean Physics Society 54 (2), 786-791 (2009).

  59. F. Ren, L. Guo and W.-X. Zhou, Statistical properties of volatility return intervals of Chinese stocks, Physica A 388 (6), 881-890 (2009).

  58. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, A case study of speculative financial bubbles in the South African stock market 2003-2006, Physica A388 (6), 869-880 (2009).

  57. C. Liu, X.-L. Jiang, T. Liu, L. Zhao, W.-X. Zhou, W.-K. Yuan, Multifractal analysis of the fracture surfaces of foamed polypropylene/polyethylene blends, Applied Surface Science 255 (7), 4239-4245 (2009).

  56. Z.-Q. Jiang and W.-X. Zhou, Direct evidence for inversion formula in multifractal financial volatility measure, Chinese Physics Letters26 (2), 028901 (2009).

  55. Z.-Q. Jiang, W. Chen and W.-X. Zhou, Detrended fluctuation analysis of intertrade durations, Physica A 388 (4), 433-440 (2009).


  54. F. Ren and W.-X. Zhou, Multiscaling behavior in the volatility return intervals of Chinese indices, EPL (Europhysics Letters)84 (6), 68001 (2008).

  53. M.-R. Niu, W.-X. Zhou, Z.-Y. Yan, Q.-H. Guo, Q.-F. Liang, F.-C. Wang and Z.-H. Yu, Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of combustion flames in four-burner impinging entrained-flow gasifier, Chemical Engineering Journal 143 (1-3), 230-235 (2008).

  52. Z.-Q. Jiang, W. Chen and W.-X. Zhou, Scaling in the distribution of intertrade durations of Chinese stocks, Physica A 387 (23), 5818-5825 (2008).

  51. G.-H. Mu and W.-X. Zhou, Relaxation dynamics of aftershocks after large volatility shocks in the SSEC index, Physica A 387 (21), 5211-5218 (2008).

  50. G.-F. Gu, W. Chen and W.-X. Zhou, Empirical shape function of limit-order books in the Chinese stock market, Physica A 387 (21), 5182-5188 (2008).

  49. W.-X. Zhou, Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis for two nonstationary signals, Physical Review E 77 (6), 066211 (2008).

  48. Z.-Q. Jiang and W.-X. Zhou, Multifractal analysis of Chinese stocks based on partition function approach, Physica A 387 (19-20), 4881-4888 (2008).

  47. Z.-Q. Jiang and W.-X. Zhou, Statistical significance of the rich-club phenomenon in complex networks, New Journal of Physics 10 (4), 043002 (2008).

  46. Z.-Q. Jiang and W.-X. Zhou, Multifractality in stock indexes: Fact or fiction? Physica A 387 (14), 3605-3614 (2008).

  45. G.-F. Gu, W. Chen and W.-X. Zhou, Empirical regularities of order placement in the Chinese stock market, Physica A 387 (13), 3173-3182 (2008).

  44. X.-Y. Qian, F.-T. Song and W.-X. Zhou, Nonlinear behaviour of the Chinese SSEC index with a unit root: Evidence from threshold unit root tests, Physica A 387 (2-3), 503-510 (2008).

  43. G.-F. Gu, W. Chen and W.-X. Zhou, Empirical distributions of Chinese stock returns at different microscopic timescales, Physica A387 (2-3), 495-502 (2008).

  42. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Analysis of the real estate market in Las Vegas: Bubble, seasonal patterns, and prediction of the CSW indexes, Physica A 387 (1), 243-260 (2008).


  41. G.-F. Gu and W.-X. Zhou, Statistical properties of daily ensemble variables in the Chinese stock markets, Physica A 383, 497-506 (2007).

  40. Z.-Q. Jiang, L. Guo and W.-X. Zhou, Endogenous and exogenous dynamics in the fluctuations of capital fluxes: An empirical analysis of the Chinese stock market, European Physical Journal B 57, 347-355 (2007).

  39. G.-F. Gu, W. Chen and W.-X. Zhou, Quantifying bid-ask spreads in the Chinese stock market using limit-order book data: Intraday pattern, probability distribution, long memory, and multifractal nature, European Physical Journal B 57, 81-87 (2007).

  38. Z.-Q. Jiang and W.-X. Zhou, Scale invariant distribution and multifractality of volatility multiplier in stock markets, Physica A 381, 343-350 (2007).

  37. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Lead-lag cross-sectional structure and detection of correlated-anticorrelated regime shifts: Application to the volatilities of inflation and economic growth rates, Physica A 380, 287-296 (2007).

  36. Z.-Q. Jiang, W.-X. Zhou, B. Xu and W.-K. Yuan, Process flow diagram of an ammonia plant as a complex network, AIChE Journal 53, 423-428 (2007).

  35. W.-X. Zhou, Z.-Q. Jiang and D. Sornette, Exploring self-similarity of complex cellular networks: The edge-covering method with simulated annealing and log-periodic sampling, Physica A 375, 741-752 (2007).

  34. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Self-organizing Ising model of financial markets, European Physical Journal B 55, 175-181 (2007).


  33. G.-F. Gu and W.-X. Zhou, Detrended fluctuation analysis for fractals and multifractals in higher dimensions, Physical Review E 74, 061104 (2006).

  32. D. Sornette andW.-X. Zhou, Importance of positive feedbacks and over-confidence in a selffulfilling Ising model of financial markets, Physica A 370, 704-726 (2006).

  31. J.-L. Xu, W.-X. Zhou, H.-F. Liu, X. Gong, F.-C. Wang and Z.-H. Yu, Inversion formula of multifractal energy dissipation in three-dimensional fully developed turbulence, Physical Review E 73, 056308 (2006).

  30. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Non-parametric determination of real-time lag structure between two time series: The "optimal thermal causal path" method with applications to economic data, Journal of Macroeconomics 28, 195-224 (2006).

  29. D. Sornette and W.-X. Zhou, Predictability of large future changes in major financial indices, International Journal of Forecasting 22, 153-168 (2006).

  28. W.-X. Zhou, D. Sornette, and W.-K. Yuan, Inverse statistics and multifractality of exit distances in 3D fully developed turbulence, Physica D 214, 55-62 (2006).

  27. W.-X. Zhou, B. Li, T. Liu, G.-P. Cao, L. Zhao, and W.-K. Yuan, Shape complexity and fractality of fracture surfaces of swelled isotactic polypropylene with supercritical carbon dioxide, Physical Review E 73, 011801 (2006).

  26. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Is there a real-estate bubble in the US?, Physica A 361, 297-308 (2006).

  Reported by: Belle Dume, USbubble set to burst, PhysicsWeb, June 7, 2005.

  Reported by:Mark Buchanan, Science reinvents the economy, New Scientist, issue 2711, 05 June 2009.

  25. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Fundamental factors versus herding in the 2000-2005 US stock market and prediction, Physica A 360, 459-482 (2006).


  24. D. Sornette and W.-X. Zhou, Non-parametric determination of real-time lag structure between two time series: The "optimal thermal causal path" method, Quantitative Finance 5, 577-591 (2005). See also Journal of Macroeconomics 28, 195-224 (2006) for more details on the methodology.

  23. W.-X. Zhou and W.-K. Yuan, Inverse statistics in stock markets: Universality and idiosyncracy, Physica A 353, 433-444 (2005).

  22. W.-X. Zhou, D. Sornette, R.A. Hill and R.I.M. Dunbar, Discrete hierarchical organization of social group sizes, Proceedings of the Royal Society B 272, 439-444 (2005).

  Reported by:J. Bohannon, Too Many Friends? Science Now, 05/02/17.

  Reported by:Sueddeutsche Zeitung, one of Germany's main newspapers.

  21. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Testing the stability of the 2000 US stock market "antibubble", Physica A 348, 428-452 (2005).

  20. G. Broekstra, D. Sornette and W.-X. Zhou, Bubble, critical zone and the crash of Royal Ahold, Physica A 346, 529-560 (2005).


  19. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Causal slaving of the U.S.treasury bond yield antibubble by the stock market antibubble of August 2000, Physica A 337, 586-608 (2004).

  18. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Antibubble and prediction of China's stock market and realestate, Physica A 337, 243-268 (2004).

  17. D. Sornette andW.-X. Zhou, Evidence of fueling of the 2000 new economy bubble by foreign capital inflow: Implications for the future of the USeconomy and its stock market, Physica A 332, 412-440 (2004).


  16. D. Sornette andW.-X. Zhou, The US 2000-2003 market descent: Clarifications, Quantitative Finance 3, C39-C41 (2003).

  15. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Renormalization group analysis of the 2000-2002 anti-bubble in the US S&P 500 index: Explanation of the hierarchy of five crashes and prediction, Physica A 330, 584-604 (2003).

  14. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Evidence of a worldwide stock market log-periodic anti-bubble since mid-2000, Physica A 330, 543-583 (2003).

  13. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, 2000-2003 real estate bubble in the UKbut not in the USA, Physica A 329, 249-263 (2003).

  12. D. Sornette, H. Takayasu andW.-X. Zhou, Finite-time singularity signature of hyperinflation, Physica A 325, 492-506 (2003).

  11. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Non-parametric analyses of log-periodic precursors to financial crashes, International Journal of Modern Physics C 14, 1107-1125 (2003).

  10. W.-X. Zhou, D. Sornette and V. Pisarenko, New evidence of discrete scale invariance in the energy dissipation of three-dimensional turbulence: Correlation approach and direct spectral detection, International Journal of Modern Physics C 14, 459-470 (2003).


  9. D. Sornette and W.-X. Zhou, The US 2000-2002 market descent: How much longer and deeper?Quantitative Finance 2, 468-481 (2002). Cited 34 times.

  Reported by:J. Hogan, Statistical physics predicts stock market gloom, New Scientist, 12/02/2002.

  Reported by: E. Cartlidge, Learning from the master of complexity, Physics World 16(7), 8-9-2003.

  Reported by:Belle Dumé, Anti-bubbles hint at fragile economic prospects, Physics Web, 4 December 2002.

  Reported by:UCLA Press release: Stock market crashes are predictable, Dec. 14, 2002.

  Reported by:Financial Times, Institute of Physics, et al.

  8. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Generalized q-analysis of log-periodicity: Applications to critical rupture, Physical Review E 66, 046111 (2002).

  7. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Evidence of intermittent cascades from discrete hierarchical dissipation in turbulence,Physica D165, 94-125 (2002).

  6. W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Statistical significance of periodicity and log-periodicity with heavy-tailed correlated noise,International Journal of Modern Physics C 13, 137-170 (2002).

  5. H.-F. Liu,W.-X. Zhou, F.-C.Wang, X. Gong and Z.-H. Yu, The wavelet transform of periodic function and nonstationary periodic function, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 23 1062-1070 (2002).


  4. W.-X. Zhou, H.-F. Liu and Z.-H. Yu, Anomalous features arising from random multifractals, Fractals 9, 317-328 (2001).

  3. W.-X. Zhou and Z.-H. Yu, On the properties of randomly multiplicative measures with the multipliers exponentially distributed, Physica A 294, 273-282 (2001).

  2. W.-X. Zhou and Z.-H. Yu, Multifractality of drop breakup in the air-blast nozzle atomization process, Physical Review E 63, 016302 (2001).


  1. W.-X. Zhou, T.-J. Zhao, T. Wu and Z.-H. Yu, Application of fractal geometry to atomization process, Chemical Engineering Journal 78, 193-198 (2000).


  3. 郭梁,周炜星,"基于高频数据的中国股市量价关系研究",管理学报 7 (8),1242-1247(2010).

  2. 周炜星,"上证指数高频数据的多重分形错觉",管理科学学报13(3),81-86 (2010).

  周炜星,"金融市场的宏观建模和微观建模--从金融海啸与市场风险谈起",物理 39 (1),22-27 (2010).











  第八届 "东华杯"中学生化学竞赛浙江赛区个人第一名、团体第一名,1992。



