- 中文名称 曹先彬
- 国籍 中国
- 民族 汉族
- 职业 教师
- 性别 男
[1] Cao XB, Qiao H, and Keane J, "A low cost pedestri沉支海哪映站督只an detection system with a single optical camera," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 9(1):58-67, 2008.
[2] Yuan-ping Guo, Xian-Bin Cao, and 取没Hong-Zhang Yi饭务集证地n, "Co-evolutionary Optimization Algorithm with Dynamic Sub-Population Size际唱," International Journal of Innovative Computing, I来自nformation and Control, 3(2): 435360百科-448, 2007.
[3刑著啊攻决] Xian-Bin CAO, Hong Qiao and Yan-Wu Xu, "Negative Selection Based Immune Optimization, " Adv掌激发ances in Engineering Software, 38(10):649-656, 2007.
[4] Xian-Bin CAO, Yuan-Ping GUO, and Hong QIAO, "A New S逐引么永七准城菜晶续trategy of Dynamical征顶防头优员报管殖德刻ly Adjusting 草块亮Population Size for Co-evolutionary Algorithms," Internatio到液湖线运室浓nal Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, 10(3):251-257, 2孙沙顺艺步盟粒某脚酸天005.
[5] C.X. Wei, X. B. Cao, Y.W. Xu, H. Qiao and F.Y. Wang , "The Tre变层掉房易护呢议每elike Assembly Classifier for Pedestrian Detection," IEEE Pacific Asian Workshop on Intelligence and Security Inf和次七得里己础刚零武专ormatics, 232-237, 2007.
[6] Xu YW, X. B. Cao, Qiao H and 士情Wang FY, "Pedestrian Detection with Local Feature Assistant," The Sixth IEEE International Confe字百答位加演百曾rence on Control and Automation, 1542-1547, 2007.
[7] Y.P.Guo, X. B. Cao, Y.W. Xu and H. Qiao, "Co-Evolution based Feature Selection for Pedestrian Detection," The Sixth IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, 2797-2801, 2007.
[8] Ma Jing, Cao Xianbin, Guo Yuanping, Cheng Xueqi, "Modeling the Evolution of Web using Vertex Content Similarity", WI2007, pp. 108~111, 2007.
[9] Xueqi Cheng, Fuxin Ren, Xianbin Cao, J. Ma, "How Contents Influence Clustering Features in the Web", in Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2007), pp. 81~84, 2007.
[10] Xu YW, Cao XB, Qiao H, "A low cost pedestrian detection system with a single optical camera," Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Control and Automation, 8759-8763, 2006.
[11] Y.W. Xu, X.B. Cao, H. Qiao, F.Y. Wang, "A cascaded classifier for pedestrian detection," IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium 2006, 336 – 343, 2006.
[12] Chen D, XB Cao, Qiao H, and F. Y. Wang, "A SVM-based classifier with shape and motion features for pedestrian detection system," IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, 331-335, 2006.
[13] Y.W. Xu, X. B. Cao, H. Qiao, and F.Y. Wang, "Fast Pedestrian detection using color information", IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 3975:627-632, 2006.
[14] D. Chen, X. B. Cao, H. Qiao, and F.Y. Wang, "A multi-class classifier to detect pedestrians and acquire their moving Style", IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 758-759, 2006.
[15] Xu YW, X. B. Cao, Qiao H, "Optical Camera Based Pedestrian Detection in Rainy or Snowy Weather," ICNC -FSKD 06, 1182-1191, 2006.
[16] D. Chen, X. B. Cao, Y.W. Xu, H. Qiao, "An Evolutionary Support Vector Machines Classifier for Pedestrian Detection," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 4223-4227, 2006.