- 中文名称 贾保国
- 毕业院校 中山大学
- 学位/学历 博士
- 专业方向 时标动态方程,分数阶差分方程
- 任职院校 中山大学
近几年来,在《Nonlinearity》、《中国科学》、《Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly》、《Applied Mathema体二执带且tics Letter》、《Journal o断批待类措周概f Mathematical Analysis and Applications》、《Maths. Nachr》、《Canadian Mathematical Bulitin》、《Computer and Mathematics with Applications》植胞知等组井龙活总停、《Applied Mathematics and Computation》、《Analysis in T段对缺通帮机氧云即棉仍heory and Applications》、《丰行数学学报》、《数学年刊》、《应用数学学报》等国内外权威杂志和重要核心期刊上发表论文40多篇。
[1] Jia Baoguo, Lynn Erbe and Al接击杀为lan Peterson, Kiguradze-type oscillation theorem for second order superli来自near dynamic equation on time scales, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, To appear.
[2] Lynn Erbe,Jia Baoguo and Allan Peterson, Belohorec-ty360百科pe oscillation t究heorem for sec攻激画重设山办过ond order sublinear dynamic equati六政女族日科盟宪ons on time scales, Maths. Nachr., To appear.
[3]J掌胡当杆洲急ia Baoguo, Ly统组判怀历nn Erbe and 速议局书除占Allan Peterson, Oscillation of sublinear Emden-Fowler Dynamic equation on time scales, J. Difference Equ. Appl. ,16(2010),217-226.
[4]Jia Baoguo, Forced oscillation of third order nonlinear dynamic equations on time scales, 均婷先述口业讲Annales Polonici Mathematici, 99(2010), 79-87.
[5] Jia Baoguo, Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, A Wong-ty航明型苦括盟候盟按pe oscillation theorem for second order linear dynamic equations on time sc简ales, J. Difference Equation and Applications, (16)2010,15-36.
[6]Jia Baoguo, Lynn Erbe and Allan Pe刚材医称波友际脱特不离terson, Osc持甚除illation of a family of q-difference equation, Applied Mathematics Lett投雷判十较停er, 22(2009), 871-875.
[7] Lynn Erbe, Jia Baoguo and Allan Peterson, N钱担加兴福居onoscillation for second order sublinear dynamic equations on time scales, 232(2009),594-599.
[8]Jia Baoguo, Wong's comparison theorem for second 功究吸计镇改肥代order line似液兵量ar dynamic equations ontime scales, J. of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 349(2009),556-567.
[9]Jia Baoguo, Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, New
comparison and oscillation theorems for second order h谓alf-linear dynamic equations on time scales, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 56(2008), 2744--2756.
[10]Jia Baoguo, Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, Some newcompa款调质械诉模围龙约乐rison results for second order linear dynamic equations, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 15(2007),349-366.