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  • 中文名称 麻锦彪
  • 出生日期 1973年



  Using X-ray crystallo甲兵章真刻简巴名济graphy as a major method, in combination with various biophysical and biochemic360百科al methods,to study the 3-D structu先前丰队预改ral basis of protein-nucleic acid and protein-protein interactions and molecular m白清并echanisms of key components in the fields 门讨密交of RNA silencing and epigeneti儿织爱记旧识带续蒸酸cs.


  曾获V学者奖 (The V Scholar Award), Junior Faculty Development Gra丰合哥威nts (JFDG) 等。

  1怀验星况害待. Ma, J.B., Ye, K. and Patel, D.J.(2004). Stru械只属丝护牛ctural basis for overhang-specific sma含重七尽振ll interfereing RNA recognition by the PAZ domain. Nature.429:318-322.

  2. Phan, A.T., Kuryavyi, A., Ma, J.B., An秋木名医白轻dreola, M.L. and Patel, D.J.(2005). 两章见乡下植院错胞An interlocked dimmeric parallel-stranded DNA quadruplex: a potent inhibitor of HIV-1 integrase. Pr新石oc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102:634-639.

  3. Ma, J.B., 兴校超印Yuan, Y.R., Meister, G., Pei, Y., Tuschl, T. and Patel, D.J村送严电和确困.(2005). Structural basis for 5'-end-specific recognition of guide RNA by the A. fulgidus Piwi 冲取准氧爱训联齐振protein. Nature. 434:666-之地但670.

  4. Yuan, Y.R., Pei, Y., Ma, J.B., Kuryavyi, V., Zhadina, M., Meister, G., Chen, H.Y., Dauter, Z., Tuschl, T.and Patel, D.J. (2005). Crystal structure of A. aeolicus Argonaute, a site-specific DNA-guided RNA endonuclease, provides insights into RISC-mediated mRNA cleavage. Mol Cell. 19:405-419.

  5. Huang, Y., Ji, L., Huang, Q., Vassylyev, D.G., Chen, X., Ma, J.B.* (2009). Structural insights into mechanisms of the small RNA methyltransferase HEN1.Nature 461:823-827.

