- 中文名称 葛振鸣
- 外文名称 Ge Zhenming
- 国籍 中国
- 毕业院校 华东师范大学
- 职称 副研究员,研究专长
2来自012- 副研究员, 华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室
2010-2011 Senior Researcher, 东芬兰大学止听血美烟(University of Eastern Finland), 芬兰科学院优秀中心
2008-2010 博士后慢科, 东芬兰大学
2007-2008 讲师, 华东师范大学
2011 博士, 东芬兰大学
2007 博士,华东360百科师范大学
称滑短 承担项目
2013.1-2015向长括钱只.12 国家自然科亮雨宽振学基金"基于植物生理住盾验染差白助烧突委生态过程-遥感耦合模型的长江口湿地植被生产力动态研究"(41201考加波091), 项目负责人
2010.1-2014.12. 国家科技部973项目"我雨较利厚防换故国典型海岸带系统对气候变化的响应机制及脆弱性评估研究"(2010CB95风客一景地重略孙变京1204), 参研
2009.1-2012.12 芬兰杰出教授计划(FiDiPro)"气候变化与森林济述讨大加由清同简显议/湿地碳源-汇动态及其管理", 芬兰科学院(127299-A5060-06), 工作组组长
2009.1-2010.12 东芬兰大学博士后基金"气候变化对森林生态系统碳源/汇动态的影响与适应性管理", 项目负责人
2009.6-2011.6 MOTIVE-"林业应对气候变化管理模型", 欧盟-第7框架计划(2265功生临绝频硫材述集量罗44), 参研
2007.加今曾千士零卷块12-2008.10 协黄上海市绿化和市容画弱列新二做死逐管理局"水源湿地生态修复"重点课题"淀山湖湿地修复与重建关键技术研究与规划", 项目负责人
2007.5预查希希调齐汽甚八因乱-2008.7 上海市交通运输与港口管理局"生态型"港口建设重点课题"上海'生态港'建设与评估体系建立", 项目负责人
2006.1-2010.12 国家'十一五'科技支撑重大项目"崇明生态系统修复关键技术开发和应用研究"(2006BAC01A14), 子课题负责人
2010.7-2012.7 上海市科委"崇明科技"重大专项"崇明岛湿地碳通量监测和管理平台算部陈静油也厚必关键技术集成"(10dz1200602), 子课题负责人
2007.1-2009.6 上海市科委"崇明生态建设"重大专项"崇明岛数字生态建设决策支持系统的开发与利用"(07DZ12037), 子课题负责人
2006.6-2008.6 上海市科委 "登山计划"重大项目"城镇绿地系统构建和植被功能优化技术研究和示范"(06DZ12303), 子课题负责人
2007.10-2009.9 上海科委"专业技术平台建设"重大项目"上海野生动物疫源疫病监控技术平台建设"(07DZ22940), 子课题负责人
(1) 代表性论文
1. Ge, Z.M., Kellomäki, S., Peltola, H., Zhou, X., Väisänen, H. 2012. Imp来自acts of climate change on primary production and carbon sequestration of boreal Norway spruce forests: Finland as a model.Climatic Change(Accepte360百科d, in press)
2. Ge, Z.M., Kell开宗扩万步omäki, S., Zhou, X., Wang, K.Y., Peltola, H. 2011. Evaluation of carbon exchange in a 弦班作护写请世历怀系言boreal coni液介众ferous stand over a 10-year period: an integrated analysis based on ecosystem model simulations and eddy covariance measurements.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology151, 191–203.
教牛请接烈料玉三类杆 3. Ge, Z.M., Zhou, X., Biasi, C., Kellomäki, S., Peltola, H., Martikainen, P.J. 2012. Carbon assimilation and a品律室llocation (13C labeling) in a boreal p脸找实波款境erennial grass (Phalaris arundinacea) su答娘实字黑掉压货烈写bjected to elevated temperature and CO2 thro望序叫哥帮做效矿ugh a growing season.Environmental and Exper数写快马击imental Botany75挥燃求钟材既, 150–158.
4. Ge, Z.M., Zhou, X., Kellomäki, S., Peltola, H., Wang, K.Y. 2012. Measured and modeled biomass growth in relation to photosynthesis acclim即杆根上ation of Reed c刑anary grass under elevated temperature, CO2enrichment and differen庆杀速灯t water regimes.Biomass & Bioenergy. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombio还款e.2012.08.谓接建商继期足将019
5. Ge, Z.M., Kellomäki, S., Peltola, H., Zhou, X., Wang, K.Y. 2011. 了三Impacts of changing climate on the productivity of Norwa只款沉草改世y spruce domi印运步的校nant mix-stands with Scots pine and birch in relation to the water availability in southern and northern Finland.Tree Physiology31, 323–338.(Cover story)
6. Ge, Z.M., Zhou, X., Kellomäki, S., Peltola, H., Wang, K.Y. 2011. Climate, canopy conductance and leaf area development controls on evapotranspiration and its components in a boreal coniferous stand over a 10 year period: a united assessment based on hydrological model with forest growth model.Ecological Modelling222, 1626–1638.
7. Ge, Z.M., Zhou, X., Kellomäki, S., Wang, K.Y., Peltola, H. 2010. Effects of changing climate on water and nitrogen availability with implications on the productivity of Norway spruce stands in southern Finland.Ecological Modelling221, 1731–1743.
8. Ge, Z.M., Kellomäki, S., Peltola, H., Zhou, X., Wang, K.Y. 2011. Effects of varying thinning regimes on carbon uptake, total stem wood growth, and timber production in Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands in southern Finland under the changing climate.Annals of Forest Science68, 371–383.
9. Ge, Z.M., Kellomäki, S., Peltola, H., Zhou, X., Wang, K.Y. 2012. Effects of climate change on the evapotranspiration and water availability in the boreal forests located in Southern Finland: an ecosystem model based approach.EcohydrologyDOI: 10.1002/eco.276.
10. Ge, Z.M., Zhou, X., Kellomäki, S., Wang, K.Y., Peltola, H., Martikainen, P.J. 2012. Seasonal physiological responses and biomass growth in a bioenergy crop (Phalaris arundinaceaL.) under elevated temperature and CO2, subjected to different water regimes in boreal conditions.BioEnergy Research5, 637–648.
11. Ge, Z.M., Zhou, X., Kellomäki, S., Peltola, H., Martikainen, P.J. 2012. Acclimation of photosynthesis in a boreal grass (Phalaris arundinaceaL.) under different temperature, CO2and soil water regimes.Photosynthetica50,141–151.
12. Ge, Z.M., Zhou, X., Kellomäki, S., Wang, K.Y., Peltola, H., Martikainen, P.J. 2011. Responses of leaf photosynthesis, pigments and chlorophyll fluorescence within canopy position in a boreal grass (Phalaris arundinaceaL.) to elevated temperature and CO2under varying water regimes.Photosynthetica49, 172–184.
13. Zhou, X., Ge, Z.M.(co-first-author), Kellomäki, S., Wang, K.Y., Peltola, H., Shurpali, N., Martikainen, P.J. 2011. Effects of elevated CO2and temperature on leaf characteristics, photosynthesis and carbon storage in aboveground biomass of a boreal bioenergy crop (Phalaris arundinaceaL.) under varying water regimes.Global Change Biology Bioenergy3, 223–234.
14. Zhou, X., Ge, Z.M.(co-first-author), Kellomäki, S., Wang, K.Y., Peltola, H., Martikainen, P.J. 2012. Multi-objective environment chamber system for studying plant responses to climate change.Photosynthetica50,24–34.
15. Ge, Z.M., Zhou, X., et al. 2009. The effects of changes in vegetation cover on the migratory shorebird carrying capacity of a newly-formed wetland, Yangtze River Estuary, China.Zoological studies48, 769–779.
16. Ge, Z.M., Wang, T., et al. 2007. Changes in the spatial distribution of migratory shorebirds along the Shanghai shoreline‚ China‚ between 1984 and 2004.Emu107, 19–27.
17. Ge, Z.M., Wang, T., et al. 2006. Use of wetlands at the mouth of the Yangtze River by shorebirds during spring and fall migration.Journal of Field Ornithology77, 347–356.
18. 葛振鸣, 周晓, 王开运, Seppo Kellomäki. 2010.长江河口典型湿地碳库动态研究方法.生态学报, 30(4): 1097–1108.
19. 葛振鸣, 周晓等. 2006. 基于GIS的上海世博会游人分布和流动预测分析.城市环境与城市生态, 19(6): 26–28.
20. 葛振鸣, 周晓等. 2009. 受损湖泊湿地生态修复规划与效益分析-以上海西郊湿地为例.生态经济, 4: 30–36.
21. 葛振鸣, 周晓等. 2008. 生态型港口综合评价指标体系初探-以上海港为例.长江流域资源与环境, 3: 339–345.
22. 葛振鸣, 王天厚等. 2005. 崇明东滩围垦堤内植被快速次生演替特征.应用生态学报, 16(9): 1677–1681.
(2) 专著与编著
主编: 2008.《长江口滨海湿地生态系统特征及关键群落的保育》, 科学出版社(ISBN 978-7-03-023124-6)
副主编: 2007.《上海西郊湖泊湿地修复的理论和实践》, 科学出版社(ISBN 978-7-03-019854-9)
2011.《基于生态承载力的空间决策支持系统开发与应用-上海市崇明岛案例》, 科学出版社(ISBN: 978-7-03-030984-6)
2008.《上海世博区域生态功能区规划研究》, 科学出版社(ISBN: 978-7-03-021800-1)
2008.《城市区域生态要素的研究和信息数据库的构建-以上海世博区域为例》, 科学出版社(ISBN: 978-7-03-022349-4)